Papers by Adekola Kamil Lasisi

Effects of Emotional-Focused Therapy on the Management of Emotional Health Problems of Teachers in Ilorin Metropolis, 2023
The level of the emotional health of teacher has been noticed to be on the high side and this aff... more The level of the emotional health of teacher has been noticed to be on the high side and this affects their performances. This study investigated the effects of emotionally focused therapy on the management of emotional health problems of teachers in Ilorin metropolis. The research design used was quasi-experimental. An experimental design of 2 by 2 factorial matrix which adopts pre-test and post-test treatment was employed in this study. All secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis constituted the population for the study while selected secondary school teachers experiencing emotional health problems were the target population for this study. 30 secondary school teachers experiencing mental health problems were sampled for this study. An Emotional Health Problems Scale (EHPS) designed by Warwick-Edinburgh was adopted for this study. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was the major statistical tool that was employed to test seven hypotheses generated at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings revealed that emotional-focused therapy is effective in managing the emotional health problems of teachers in Ilorin metropolis. There were no significant main effects of age or gender on the emotional health of secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis. It was also revealed that there were no significant interactive effects of age or gender on the emotional health of secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis but significant interactive effects were found on treatment, age and gender on the emotional health of secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis. It was recommended that mental health professionals should consider EFT as a valuable therapeutic option for teachers experiencing emotional difficulties. Therapists should consider these demographic factors when implementing EFT and be prepared to adapt their approach accordingly.

This study investigated learning assessment competence among secondary school teachers within Iba... more This study investigated learning assessment competence among secondary school teachers within Ibadan Metropolis. Three hundred and thirty teachers (330) were randomly selected from thirty-three secondary schools in eleven Local Government Areas of the metropolis. The ages of the respondents ranged from 25 years to 59 years with mean age and standard deviation of ages of the participants as 33.57 years and 12.34 respectively. A self-constructed School Learning Assessment Competence Scale (r = 0.82) was used to collect the data. Simple Percentage and t. test statistical procedure were adopted for the study. It was found that teachers' school learning assessment competence was low (Average score of 32.36%). There was no significant difference between school learning' assessment competence of male and female teachers (t. cal. = 1.07, df = 328 and P > 0.05). It was also found that there was no significant difference in the school learning assessment competence of teachers based on their years of experience (t. cal. = 1.13, df = 328 and P > 0.05). The results showed that there was no significant difference in the school learning assessment competence of teachers based on their levels of educational qualifications (t. cal. = 1.47, df = 328 and P > 0.05). The results were discussed and necessary recommendations were put-forward. Part of the recommendations was the necessity to formulate policies that will make it possible for teachers to be better prepared in the act of assessment of school learning and retention.

This study was conducted to examine the predictive ability of psycho-social factors on the work-s... more This study was conducted to examine the predictive ability of psycho-social factors on the work-stress of Nigeria Police in Southwestern Nigeria. Previous studies examined relative influence of some bio-genetic factors on work-stress independently rather than the joint effect of psycho-social factors on work-stress of the Nigeria police. Therefore, this study investigated the combined and relative contributions of age, gender, years of experience, level of education, self-efficacy, work-motivation, emotional labour and psychological well-being (psycho-demographic factors) on work-stress of men and officers of the Nigeria police in southwestern Nigeria. Descriptive research design of ex-post facto type was adopted. Participants were 1327 men and women, and 401 officers of Nigeria Police randomly drawn from police formations in SouthWest , Nigeria. They consisted of 714 female and 1014 males with ages ranging from 25 to 52 years (Mean = 36.13, SD = 6.86). The following instruments were used: Police Stress Scale (r = 0.76); Police Perceived Organisational Commitment Scale (r = 0.81); Police Self-Efficacy Scale (r = 0.69); Police Work Motivation Scale (r = 0.85); Police Psychological Well-being Scale (r = 0.74); and Police Emotional Labour Scale (r = 0.87). three research questions were raised and answered. Data were subjected to Multiple regression analysis. It was observed that there were significant relationships between seven of the eight psycho-social factors and work-stress (r. calculated range from 0.71 to 0.13, df 3454 and P < 0.05). It was also observed that psycho-socical factors made significant composite contribution to the prediction of work-stress (F (8, 1719) = 94.12, p < 0.05). Seven out of the eight psycho-social factors relatively made significant contribution to the prediction of work-stress of Nigeria Police in Southwestern Nigeria. The findings were discussed and the necessary recommendations were put-forward.
Conference Presentations by Adekola Kamil Lasisi

Portharcourts Journal of Education, 2020
This study explored the situational factors influencing secondary school teachers’ occupational s... more This study explored the situational factors influencing secondary school teachers’ occupational stress within Ibadan Metropolis. Simple random and convenient sampling techniques were used to select the sample of the study, which consisted of one hundred and seventy-four male and one hundred and twenty-six female teachers selected from 15 secondary schools within the Metropolis. The ages of the participants range from 27 to 54 years with the mean age of 36.48 years and standard deviation of 14.26. Osipow’s (1998) Occupation Stress Inventory(r = 0.88) was used to collect the data. Four research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Student t. test statistical procedure was used to analyse the generated data. The findings of this study include: there was significant age difference in the occupational stress of teachers within Ibadan Metropolis (t. cal =2.36, df = 298 and P < 0.05); there was significant gender difference in the occupational stress of teachers within Ibadan Metropolis (t. cal =2.86, df = 298 and P < 0.05); there was significant difference in the occupation stress of teachers within Ibadan Metropolis based on qualification (t. cal =2.21, df = 298 and P < 0.05)and there was significant difference in the occupation stress of teachers within Ibadan Metropolis based on experience (t. cal =2.33, df = 298 and P < 0.05). The findings were discussed and necessary suggestions were put forward. This includes organising stress management seminar for teachers so that they will be exposed to means of managing their stress.

World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR), 2019
Sexual violence occurs commonly worldwide and is particularly pervasive in the developing world. ... more Sexual violence occurs commonly worldwide and is particularly pervasive in the developing world. The dimension of this anomaly is not only worrisome but pervasive in West Africa especially, Nigeria. This study was carried out to explore the prevalence, pattern, determinants and perpetrators of sexual violence on Nigerian adolescents in North Central State of Kwara. A multi-stage purposive sampling technique was used to select 456 adolescents from nine local government areas across the three senatorial zones of Kwara State. They consisted of 378 female (82.9) and 78 male (17.1). The ages of the participants range from 11 to 19 years with mean age and standard deviation of the ages as 14.62 years and 12.25 respectively. Majority of the participants were single (80.9%), in-school (86.%), and Christian (51.3%). A structured interview and self-developed but well validated scale was used to collect the data. The generated data was analysed using simple percentage for demographic data and research question, and student t. test to for the generated hypotheses. The prevalence of sexual violence among the participants is 27.63, the virginal sexual violence accounted for 96%. Among perpetrators of this act, 98.41% of them were boyfriends, 63.49% were classmates and 62.7% were teachers. 22.2% of the cases were disclosed by the victims of this gruesome act. It was discovered that there was significant difference in the prevalence of sexual violence among male and female adolescent (t. calculated = 3.45, df = 454 and P > 0.05); there was significant difference in the prevalence of sexual violence among younger and older adolescents (t. calculated = 3.15, df = 454 and P > 0.05). The findings were discussed and necessary suggestions based on the outcome of the study were highlighted. This includes appropriate use of public enlightenment and sex education to reduce the prevalence of this horrible act.

Al-Hikmah Journal of Educational Management and Counselling, 2019
This study investigated contextual factors as predictors of Nigeria Police’s Organisational commi... more This study investigated contextual factors as predictors of Nigeria Police’s Organisational commitment in Kwara State. One hundred and fifty police personnel were used. The data for this study was collected using Ryff’s (1999) Psychological Wellbeing Scale (r = 0.73), Lasisi’s (2014) Police Motivation Scale (r = 0.69) and Aremu’s (2009) Police Perceived Organisation Commitment Scale (r = 0.72). The finding showed that psychological wellbeing and motivation were significantly related and had joint contribution to the prediction of the organisational commitment of Nigeria Police in Kwara State. The findings were discussed and necessary recommendations were highlighted, Significantly joint contribution of the psychological wellbeing and motivation was observed on the prediction of organisational commitment of Nigeria Police in Kwara State; and that motivation was observed to have significant relative contributions to the prediction of organisational commitment of the participants while psychological wellbeing’s relative contribution was not significant. These findings were discussed and necessary recommendations, including the fact the police organisation in Nigeria should improve on means of motivating their employees, were also highlighted.

ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal
A connection between peer-influence and adolescent delinquence among auxiliary school young
peopl... more A connection between peer-influence and adolescent delinquence among auxiliary school young
people in Ibadan Metropolis was investigated. Multi-stage purposive sampling was used to select
120 participants. They consisted of 68 male and 42 female respondents with ages ranged between
11 and 18 years. The mean age and standard deviation of the ages respectively as 14.62 years and
13.37. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 critical region. Two instruments were used to
collect the data: Juvenile Delinquency Scale (r= 0.83) and Negative Peer Influence Scale (r = 0.95). The data collected were exposed to P. P. M. C. The findings showed that there was
significant association between peer -influence and adolescent delinquency of the participants in
Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.54; df = 238; P < 0.05). It was observed that there was
significant association between peer influence and delinquency of male secondary school
adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.35; df = 134; P < 0.05); and that there was
significant association between peer-influence and juvenile delinquency among female secondary
school adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.27; df = 80; P < 0.05). The findings
were discussed and necessary recommendations were put forward.

This study investigated the psycho-social correlates of stress among internally displaced people.... more This study investigated the psycho-social correlates of stress among internally displaced people. One hundred and thirty-four purposively selected internally displaced people IDP in Area One camp, Abuja were considered for this study. They consisted of 60 male and 74 female respondents. The ages of the respondents range from 24 to 56 years with the mean age and standard deviation of ages respectively as 28.57 years and 13.36. Lovibond and Lovibond's (1995) Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale was instrument used for the study. The instrument consists of Depression Scale (r = 0.84); Anxiety Scale (r. 0.82); and Stress Scale (r = 0.87). Two research questions were raised. Multiple Regression Analysis was employed to analyse the generated data. It was found that there was a significant composite contribution of the psycho-social factors on the prediction of stress among IDP (F (4, 133) = 477.72, p < 0.05). It was also found that anxiety is the greatest relative contributor to the prediction of stress among IDP (β = 0.95). This is followed by depression (β = 0.6); gender (β = 0.36); and age (β = 0.3). It was concluded that the psycho-social factors had significant composite and relative contribution on the prediction of stress among IDP. Recommendations based on of the findings of this study include the necessity for making available in IDP camps, the professionally trained counselling psychologist to address mal-adjustmental problems of the people.
Papers by Adekola Kamil Lasisi
Conference Presentations by Adekola Kamil Lasisi
people in Ibadan Metropolis was investigated. Multi-stage purposive sampling was used to select
120 participants. They consisted of 68 male and 42 female respondents with ages ranged between
11 and 18 years. The mean age and standard deviation of the ages respectively as 14.62 years and
13.37. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 critical region. Two instruments were used to
collect the data: Juvenile Delinquency Scale (r= 0.83) and Negative Peer Influence Scale (r = 0.95). The data collected were exposed to P. P. M. C. The findings showed that there was
significant association between peer -influence and adolescent delinquency of the participants in
Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.54; df = 238; P < 0.05). It was observed that there was
significant association between peer influence and delinquency of male secondary school
adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.35; df = 134; P < 0.05); and that there was
significant association between peer-influence and juvenile delinquency among female secondary
school adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.27; df = 80; P < 0.05). The findings
were discussed and necessary recommendations were put forward.
people in Ibadan Metropolis was investigated. Multi-stage purposive sampling was used to select
120 participants. They consisted of 68 male and 42 female respondents with ages ranged between
11 and 18 years. The mean age and standard deviation of the ages respectively as 14.62 years and
13.37. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 critical region. Two instruments were used to
collect the data: Juvenile Delinquency Scale (r= 0.83) and Negative Peer Influence Scale (r = 0.95). The data collected were exposed to P. P. M. C. The findings showed that there was
significant association between peer -influence and adolescent delinquency of the participants in
Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.54; df = 238; P < 0.05). It was observed that there was
significant association between peer influence and delinquency of male secondary school
adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.35; df = 134; P < 0.05); and that there was
significant association between peer-influence and juvenile delinquency among female secondary
school adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis (r. calculated = 0.27; df = 80; P < 0.05). The findings
were discussed and necessary recommendations were put forward.