Advances in educational technologies and instructional design book series, 2012
The major intent of this content analysis of 126 articles published in six leading journals from ... more The major intent of this content analysis of 126 articles published in six leading journals from three distinctive fields in education is to evaluate current trends in distance science education. The specific objectives of this attempt are to explore the major research themes studied, the popular teaching and learning approaches, and research methods employed in distance science education research from 2000 -2010. Major findings revealed that the number of articles published on distance science education displayed a lesser degree of publication than that of all distance related articles published in the journals examined during this period of time. Collaborative research efforts in distance science education have been more popular than solo papers and only a few studies were conducted in international contexts within these years. Distance science education research has been noticeably focused on upper grade levels, referring to high schools and colleges. Studies in this field also put more emphasis on evaluation and trends, instructional and communicational technology, learner attributes, and teaching and learning issues. Most studies employed survey and case study methodologies. Finally, three pedagogical approaches: science as inquiry-based teaching, collaborative learning, and problem-based teaching, have been widely investigated throughout this period.
Even though there have been many studies focused on different points of transactional distance (T... more Even though there have been many studies focused on different points of transactional distance (TD) and it has been measured in different ways, it needs to be further assessed using different distance learning contexts to understand the interaction of the constructs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of association among dialogue, structure, and learner autonomy components and TD and to examine the effects of these components on satisfaction and perceived learning of distance learners in Turkey. The results of this study indicated a negative significant correlation between dialogue and TD and a positive significant correlation between TD and course delivery, which is one of the sub-components of the structure. Results of the study indicated TD was negatively related with satisfaction and perceived learning as expected. The current study intended to contribute to the operational definition of TD and to contribute to the field of distance education by providing a unique experience from a national context.
Universities are pressed to update their educational processes in face of the changing students’ ... more Universities are pressed to update their educational processes in face of the changing students’ needs, the companies and industries requirements and the surrounding society evolving context. Never has this challenge been so dramatic and so immediate as it is now, in this COVID-19 pandemic! Much of the burden to adapt the teaching processes and the learning methodologies has fallen onto teachers that were required to improve their pedagogical and technical competences to be able to handle the present societal needs. Teachers must now be able to blend online activities with face-to-face teaching and to reuse existing open contents into their teaching practices to adapt efficiently to this new reality. This paper analyses and discusses the needs of teachers in such contexts, namely when Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are blended with other forms of learning. This study was conceived and designed before the current pandemic but it has been rendered even more relevant by this situa...
Son yillarda yuksekogrenimde aciklik uzerine yapilan calismalarda daha cok uzaktan egitimde acikl... more Son yillarda yuksekogrenimde aciklik uzerine yapilan calismalarda daha cok uzaktan egitimde acikligin onemine vurgu yapilmaktadir. Arastirmalarda ozellikle acik erisim, acik egitsel kaynaklar, kitlesel acik cevrimici dersler gibi populer konulara yer verilmektedir. Bu calismada uzaktan egitim alaninda yapilan arastirmalarda aciklik kavrami incelenmistir. Bu amacla uluslararasi hakemli sekiz uzaktan egitim dergisinin (AJDE, AsianJDE, DE, EURODL, IJEDE, IRRODL, OL, TOJDE) gozunden aciklik incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda bu dergilerin arsivlerinden secilen 372 makale uzerinde icerik analizi yapilmistir. Yuksekogrenim duzeyinde aciklikla ilgili konularda hangi calismalarin yapildigi, bu calismalarin hangi temalarda yogunlastigi, yillara gore nasil degisim gosterdigi ve calismalarda hangi arastirma yontemlerinin kullanildigi gibi sorulara yanit aranmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore soz konusu dergilerde belirtilen yillarda yayinlanan aciklikla ilgili calismalar daha cok acik ve uzaktan ogren...
Research on openness in higher education place much more emphasis on the importance of openness i... more Research on openness in higher education place much more emphasis on the importance of openness in distance education in recent years. In particular, there are popular topics such as open access, open educational resources, massive open online courses. Openness in education is reducing the barriers to education, especially for self-learners, and also increasing the formal educational experiences. Therefore, openness in distance education is regarded as a subject to be developed. The idea of openness, open access and open sharing represents a global education and intercultural nature of education in the 21st century. This study can be considered as significant in terms of potential benefits of openness when creating policy and strategy for a community in the field of distance higher education. In this context, the aim of this study is to indicate most emphasized openness initiatives, issues and themes in the field of distance higher education.
Advances in educational technologies and instructional design book series, 2012
The major intent of this content analysis of 126 articles published in six leading journals from ... more The major intent of this content analysis of 126 articles published in six leading journals from three distinctive fields in education is to evaluate current trends in distance science education. The specific objectives of this attempt are to explore the major research themes studied, the popular teaching and learning approaches, and research methods employed in distance science education research from 2000 -2010. Major findings revealed that the number of articles published on distance science education displayed a lesser degree of publication than that of all distance related articles published in the journals examined during this period of time. Collaborative research efforts in distance science education have been more popular than solo papers and only a few studies were conducted in international contexts within these years. Distance science education research has been noticeably focused on upper grade levels, referring to high schools and colleges. Studies in this field also put more emphasis on evaluation and trends, instructional and communicational technology, learner attributes, and teaching and learning issues. Most studies employed survey and case study methodologies. Finally, three pedagogical approaches: science as inquiry-based teaching, collaborative learning, and problem-based teaching, have been widely investigated throughout this period.
Even though there have been many studies focused on different points of transactional distance (T... more Even though there have been many studies focused on different points of transactional distance (TD) and it has been measured in different ways, it needs to be further assessed using different distance learning contexts to understand the interaction of the constructs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of association among dialogue, structure, and learner autonomy components and TD and to examine the effects of these components on satisfaction and perceived learning of distance learners in Turkey. The results of this study indicated a negative significant correlation between dialogue and TD and a positive significant correlation between TD and course delivery, which is one of the sub-components of the structure. Results of the study indicated TD was negatively related with satisfaction and perceived learning as expected. The current study intended to contribute to the operational definition of TD and to contribute to the field of distance education by providing a unique experience from a national context.
Universities are pressed to update their educational processes in face of the changing students’ ... more Universities are pressed to update their educational processes in face of the changing students’ needs, the companies and industries requirements and the surrounding society evolving context. Never has this challenge been so dramatic and so immediate as it is now, in this COVID-19 pandemic! Much of the burden to adapt the teaching processes and the learning methodologies has fallen onto teachers that were required to improve their pedagogical and technical competences to be able to handle the present societal needs. Teachers must now be able to blend online activities with face-to-face teaching and to reuse existing open contents into their teaching practices to adapt efficiently to this new reality. This paper analyses and discusses the needs of teachers in such contexts, namely when Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are blended with other forms of learning. This study was conceived and designed before the current pandemic but it has been rendered even more relevant by this situa...
Son yillarda yuksekogrenimde aciklik uzerine yapilan calismalarda daha cok uzaktan egitimde acikl... more Son yillarda yuksekogrenimde aciklik uzerine yapilan calismalarda daha cok uzaktan egitimde acikligin onemine vurgu yapilmaktadir. Arastirmalarda ozellikle acik erisim, acik egitsel kaynaklar, kitlesel acik cevrimici dersler gibi populer konulara yer verilmektedir. Bu calismada uzaktan egitim alaninda yapilan arastirmalarda aciklik kavrami incelenmistir. Bu amacla uluslararasi hakemli sekiz uzaktan egitim dergisinin (AJDE, AsianJDE, DE, EURODL, IJEDE, IRRODL, OL, TOJDE) gozunden aciklik incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda bu dergilerin arsivlerinden secilen 372 makale uzerinde icerik analizi yapilmistir. Yuksekogrenim duzeyinde aciklikla ilgili konularda hangi calismalarin yapildigi, bu calismalarin hangi temalarda yogunlastigi, yillara gore nasil degisim gosterdigi ve calismalarda hangi arastirma yontemlerinin kullanildigi gibi sorulara yanit aranmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore soz konusu dergilerde belirtilen yillarda yayinlanan aciklikla ilgili calismalar daha cok acik ve uzaktan ogren...
Research on openness in higher education place much more emphasis on the importance of openness i... more Research on openness in higher education place much more emphasis on the importance of openness in distance education in recent years. In particular, there are popular topics such as open access, open educational resources, massive open online courses. Openness in education is reducing the barriers to education, especially for self-learners, and also increasing the formal educational experiences. Therefore, openness in distance education is regarded as a subject to be developed. The idea of openness, open access and open sharing represents a global education and intercultural nature of education in the 21st century. This study can be considered as significant in terms of potential benefits of openness when creating policy and strategy for a community in the field of distance higher education. In this context, the aim of this study is to indicate most emphasized openness initiatives, issues and themes in the field of distance higher education.
Papers by Evrim Kumtepe