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Andy Davies

Web Performance Consultant

Bypassing Cookie Consent Banners in Lighthouse and WebPageTest

When it comes to testing pages using Lighthouse, WebPageTest or other similar tools, cookie and similar consent banners are a pain!

They can cause layout shifts, on mobile the banner is sometimes the element for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), they visually obscure other parts of the page, and if implemented correctly only some of the page's resources will be fetched.

When analysing sites one of my first steps is to work out how to bypass any consent banners so I can get a more complete view of page performance.

This post covers some of the performance issues related to consent banners, how I bypass the banners, and my approach to working out which cookies or localStorage items I need to set to bypass them.

The Case Against Anti-Flicker Snippets

I still remember the first time I came across an anti-flicker snippet…

A client had asked me to look at the speed of their sites for countries in South East Asia, and South America.

The sites weren’t as fast as I thought they should be but then they weren’t horrendously slow either but, something that troubled me was how long they took to start displaying content.

I was puzzled…

Strengthening the Link Between Site Speed and Business Outcomes

Improving site speed comes with a cost, it might be the opportunity cost of switching from developing features to working on performance improvements, the cost of buying or deploying performance tools, engaging consultants or the direct cost of work itself — especially when a site relies on an external development partner.

As performance advocates we’d champion the idea that improving performance adds value, sometimes the value is tangible – increased revenue for a retailer, or increased page views for a publisher – other times it may be less tangible – improvements in brand perception, or visitor satisfaction for example.

But as important and valuable we might believe speed to be, we need to persuade other stakeholders to prioritise and invest in performance, and for that we need to be able to demonstrate the benefit of speed improvements versus their cost, or at least how slow speeds have a detrimental effect on the factors people care about – visitor behaviour, revenue etc.

“Isn’t that case already made” you might ask?

Reducing the Site-Speed Impact of Third-Party Tags

At BrightonSEO I talked about Third-Party tags, their impact on site-speed, and some of the approaches I encourage my clients to use to reduce this impact.

As it’s hard to fit everything into a twenty minute talk, this post expands on the talk and includes some of the points I didn’t have time to cover.

From Analytics to Advertising, Reviews to Recommendations, and more, it’s common for sites to rely on Third-Party tags to provide some of their key features.

But there’s also a tension between the value tags bring and the privacy, security and speed costs they impose.

Exploring Site Speed Optimisations With WebPageTest and Cloudflare Workers

One of the common questions I'm often asked by clients is "What difference will the changes you're recommending make to our site's speed"?

And too often that can be a hard question to answer…

I can be pretty sure of the 'direction of travel' – shrinking resources should make them download faster, delaying 3rd-parties should make content appear sooner – but page load can be non-deterministic and un-sharding domains, re-ordering resources or other changes sometimes leads to unexpected results.

Knowledge, experience and lots of testing can help us to prioritise what we think are the appropriate optimisations but often we have to wait until those changes make it to staging (or even live) before we can check the results.