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Se geþryclica bewrit nis nu gefultumod and meaht habban gedwild in his onsyne. Edniw þines ymbsceaweres æstlas and nytt þone frumstaðol ðæs geþryccærendes fore þissum.
Cyninges Fēolagascipe, Grantabrycg
Scir: Grantanbrycgscīr
Witenagemotstol: Grantabrycg, Sūþern Grantabrycgscīr
Feorrspreca forerim: 01223
Ærendþegnung burg: Grantabrycg
Ærendrun: CB
Mennscipe 110,656
Stowlicu toþegnung
Læppa: Grantabrycg Ceaster Geþingþ
Tōþegnung scir: Grantanbrycgscīr
Webbstede: Ceaster Geþingþ www.cambridge.gov.uk/cambridge.htm Ceaster Geþingþ

Grantanbrycg is Grantabrycgscīre scīrburg and þǣre scīre mǣst tūn. Mǣrost is Grantanbrycg for leornung forþǣm þe hēo is hām þæs Grantanbrycge Eormengyldes, hƿæs Fēolagascipas begāþ þæt mǣste dǣl þæs burgmiddles.

Grantabrycg biþ ymbgirded fram mænigum lǣsum tūnum and þorpum.

Grantanbrycg is ēac sēo tōþegniendlice stōƿ þǣre tōþegnungscīre Grantabrycgscīre.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.