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Fram Wikipǣdian
Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce.
Wikibēc tācn
Wikibēc tācn

Ƿikibēc, ǣr gehāten Ƿikimedian Frēora Trahtbōca Ƿeorc and Ƿikimedian-Trahtbēc, is sƿeosterƿeorc tō Ƿikipǣdie and is dǣl þæs Ƿikimedia foundation-es, ongunnen on 10um Mǣdmōnþes, 2003.

Þæt ƿeorc is samnung frēora trahtbōca, handbōca, and ōþra trahta, mid sƿīðendum bōcofcumenum trahtum, þe is geƿriten samodƿyrcendlīce on þissum ƿebbstede. Se stede is ǷikiǷiki, and þæt mǣneþ þæt ǣnig mæg ādihtan ǣnigne bōcdǣl gif man smilþ on "ādihtan þisne tramet" bend, þe hine onīeƿaþ in ǣlcum Ƿikibōca dǣle.

Þæt ƿeorc ƿearþ geopenod sƿā andƿyrde tō sumra geāscunge of Ƿikipǣdia his Karl Ƿick æt stōƿe þǣr open-ingeheald trahtbēc tō onginnenne mid byldenne sƿylce sƿā organic chemistry and physics, sƿā sƿā hit costnunga scrinceþ and ēacsƿā mid ōþrum leornung-andtimbrum.

Suma þāra formra bōca ƿǣron be fullan frumlica and ōþra ongunnon sƿā trahtas efenlǣhton þǣrtō of ōþrum frumum frēore innunge trahtbōcum, þe on þǣm Betƿuxnette ƿurdon gefunden. Eall innung þǣre stōƿe is under þǣm GNU Frēo Helptrahtlēafe. Forðunga belīfaþ þæt āgen þāra frumƿyrhtena, þā hƿīle þe sēo copyleft lēafe sicorlǣcþ þæt sēo innung stendeþ ā frēolīce brytsniendlicu and mænigfealdiendlicu.

Se stede ƿyrceþ þǣre gefyllednesse syndrigra fullan trahtbōca on mænigum sprǣcum. Þā gestaðoliend hopiaþ, þæt hīe mid gemǣnscipe-geāgnunge gefolgod bēoþ and mid gemǣnscipe-bryce þāra trahta, þe þǣr fulfealden and gehūsod ƿurdon.

Ūtanƿearde bendas

[adiht | adiht fruman]