Jews believe that God gave the land of "Canaan (Palestine)" to their ancestors as their homeland.... more Jews believe that God gave the land of "Canaan (Palestine)" to their ancestors as their homeland. Jewish scripture states that during the Joshua period, the Israelites captured this land in a short time with God's special help, and the indigenous peoples of the region largely expelled or destroyed. However, another narrative of the Jewish holy book and the archaeological and historical data show that this exaggerated story of conquest is not realistic and that the lands of Canaan (Palestine) were captured gradually, not in a short time as claimed, but after a long process that took centuries. It shows also that, depending on this gradual conquest narrative, the indigenous peoples of the region were largely assimilated by merging with the Israeli people, rather than being expelled from the region or completely destroyed during this long period of conquest.
Yahudilige gore Hz. Suleyman halkini adaletle yoneten bilge bir kral, yaptigi uygulama ve ticari ... more Yahudilige gore Hz. Suleyman halkini adaletle yoneten bilge bir kral, yaptigi uygulama ve ticari faaliyetlerle adi zenginlik ve refahla ozdeslesen buyuk bir hukumdardir.Butun bu olumlu anlatimlarin yaninda Hz. Suleyman, babasindan kalan topraklarikoruyamamasi, halkina agir vergiler yuklemesi gibi konularda ciddi bir bicimde elestirilmistir. Bu elestiriler zamanla daha da ileri giderek, Hz. Suleyman'infarkli uyruklardan kadinlarla evlendigi ve onlarin inanclarina meylettigi icin Tanri'nin artik Israilogullari'ni desteklemedigi, bunun sonucu olarak da Hz. Suleyman'in vefatindan sonra kralligin ikiye bolundugu iddia edilmistir. Islam'a gore ise Hz. Suleyman hem Allah'tan vahiy alan bir peygamber hem de kendisine pek cok nimetin bahsedildigi bir hukumdardir. Onun sahip oldugu bu dini ve dunyevi guc, Hz. Suleyman'in adini efsanevi bir hukumdarlikla ozdeslestirmis, hatta onun tum dunyaya hukmettigi inanci yaygin hale gelmistir. Oysaki tarihsel ve cografi verile...
... 16-17; Luke, XV / 1-2. 36 Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Living Judaism The Complete Guide to Jewish Bel... more ... 16-17; Luke, XV / 1-2. 36 Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Living Judaism The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief,Tradition and Practice, USA 2007, 65-66; Modern Judaism An Oxford Guide, Edited by Nicholas De Lange and Miri Freud-Kandel, USA 2005, 344; Adam, A.Ü.İ.FD, XXXVII/ 340. ...
Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan t... more Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan tezahuru ise, dinin bir diger onemli unsuru olan ibadetlerdir. Bu makalede, ibadet kavraminin kelime anlami oncelikle aciklanarak, cesitli dinlerdeki ibadet uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
Hemen hemen tüm dinlerde insan, günah işleyebilme özelliği yanında hatasını anlayarak ondan vazge... more Hemen hemen tüm dinlerde insan, günah işleyebilme özelliği yanında hatasını anlayarak ondan vazgeçme yeteneğine de sahip olarak görülür. Bu nedenle o, çoğu zaman işlediği günahtan pişmanlık duymakta ve günahını gidermenin, ondan kurtulmanın yollarını aramaktadır. İnsanın günahtan kurtulma çabasının özünü, Tanrı'ya dönerek, O'nun rızasını kazanma isteği oluşturmaktadır. Bu ise tövbe etmekle ve gerekli hallerde kefaret ödemekle mümkün olabilmektedir. Makalede öncelikle "keffaret" kelimesinin anlamı açıklanmakta, daha sonra çeşitli dinlerdeki keffaret anlayışları ortaya konmaktadır.
Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan t... more Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan tezahuru ise, dinin bir diger onemli unsuru olan ibadetlerdir. Bu makalede, ibadet kavraminin kelime anlami oncelikle aciklanarak, cesitli dinlerdeki ibadet uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
In all world's religions there are some holidays and as a great religion- of the world Christ... more In all world's religions there are some holidays and as a great religion- of the world Christianity has same holidays too. These Christian holidays are not commanded by God like it commanded in .Judaism, but they have come to forth by the course of time. Most of these Christian holidays are related with .Jesus Christor his mother Mary. in this article we dealt with holidays that are related with Jesus Christ. On this context Christmass and Easter have become our main subject. And after these we dealt with some holidays that related with Jesus's mother Mary and some important Christian saints like St. Paul or St. Peter
Hemen hemen tum dinlerde insan, gunah isleyebilme ozelligi yaninda hatasini anlayarak ondan vazge... more Hemen hemen tum dinlerde insan, gunah isleyebilme ozelligi yaninda hatasini anlayarak ondan vazgecme yetenegine de sahip olarak gorulur. Bu nedenle o, cogu zaman isledigi gunahtan pismanlik duymakta ve gunahini gidermenin, ondan kurtulmanin yollarini aramaktadir. Insanin gunahtan kurtulma cabasinin ozunu, Tanri'ya donerek, O'nun rizasini kazanma istegi olusturmaktadir. Bu ise tovbe etmekle ve gerekli hallerde kefaret odemekle mumkun olabilmektedir. Makalede oncelikle "keffaret" kelimesinin anlami aciklanmakta, daha sonra cesitli dinlerdeki keffaret anlayislari ortaya konmaktadir.
God, according to Islam, has created the human being as possessing reason and free will, and made... more God, according to Islam, has created the human being as possessing reason and free will, and made him superior to other creatures. He informed him, through messengers, of the commands and the principles He demanded to be followed. He declared that those who act in accordance with commands and principles will be rewarded by Himself and those who acted to the contrary will be punished. Through their ability to do good and evil, human beings can commit some of the evil actions prohibited by God. In fact, human history has shown that the human being has done more vicious and evil things that are treated as sin according to religion than he did good actions. The Qur’an invites the human being, in the cases where his relation with God is harmed by sin, to return to God and to forsake and desist from his wrongdoings, and calls this tawbah. Due to this significance of tawbah, there are many verses in the Qur’an which invite all those who plunged into the sin to return to God by repenting what they have done. According to Islam, God, who has endless compassion and mercy, wishes to forgive His servants, and has pledged to forgive the sins no matter how numerous they are, and even further, to forgive the sins of those who have not repented, with the exception of committing the shirk.
Jews believe that God gave the land of "Canaan (Palestine)" to their ancestors as their homeland.... more Jews believe that God gave the land of "Canaan (Palestine)" to their ancestors as their homeland. Jewish scripture states that during the Joshua period, the Israelites captured this land in a short time with God's special help, and the indigenous peoples of the region largely expelled or destroyed. However, another narrative of the Jewish holy book and the archaeological and historical data show that this exaggerated story of conquest is not realistic and that the lands of Canaan (Palestine) were captured gradually, not in a short time as claimed, but after a long process that took centuries. It shows also that, depending on this gradual conquest narrative, the indigenous peoples of the region were largely assimilated by merging with the Israeli people, rather than being expelled from the region or completely destroyed during this long period of conquest.
Yahudilige gore Hz. Suleyman halkini adaletle yoneten bilge bir kral, yaptigi uygulama ve ticari ... more Yahudilige gore Hz. Suleyman halkini adaletle yoneten bilge bir kral, yaptigi uygulama ve ticari faaliyetlerle adi zenginlik ve refahla ozdeslesen buyuk bir hukumdardir.Butun bu olumlu anlatimlarin yaninda Hz. Suleyman, babasindan kalan topraklarikoruyamamasi, halkina agir vergiler yuklemesi gibi konularda ciddi bir bicimde elestirilmistir. Bu elestiriler zamanla daha da ileri giderek, Hz. Suleyman'infarkli uyruklardan kadinlarla evlendigi ve onlarin inanclarina meylettigi icin Tanri'nin artik Israilogullari'ni desteklemedigi, bunun sonucu olarak da Hz. Suleyman'in vefatindan sonra kralligin ikiye bolundugu iddia edilmistir. Islam'a gore ise Hz. Suleyman hem Allah'tan vahiy alan bir peygamber hem de kendisine pek cok nimetin bahsedildigi bir hukumdardir. Onun sahip oldugu bu dini ve dunyevi guc, Hz. Suleyman'in adini efsanevi bir hukumdarlikla ozdeslestirmis, hatta onun tum dunyaya hukmettigi inanci yaygin hale gelmistir. Oysaki tarihsel ve cografi verile...
... 16-17; Luke, XV / 1-2. 36 Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Living Judaism The Complete Guide to Jewish Bel... more ... 16-17; Luke, XV / 1-2. 36 Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Living Judaism The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief,Tradition and Practice, USA 2007, 65-66; Modern Judaism An Oxford Guide, Edited by Nicholas De Lange and Miri Freud-Kandel, USA 2005, 344; Adam, A.Ü.İ.FD, XXXVII/ 340. ...
Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan t... more Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan tezahuru ise, dinin bir diger onemli unsuru olan ibadetlerdir. Bu makalede, ibadet kavraminin kelime anlami oncelikle aciklanarak, cesitli dinlerdeki ibadet uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
Hemen hemen tüm dinlerde insan, günah işleyebilme özelliği yanında hatasını anlayarak ondan vazge... more Hemen hemen tüm dinlerde insan, günah işleyebilme özelliği yanında hatasını anlayarak ondan vazgeçme yeteneğine de sahip olarak görülür. Bu nedenle o, çoğu zaman işlediği günahtan pişmanlık duymakta ve günahını gidermenin, ondan kurtulmanın yollarını aramaktadır. İnsanın günahtan kurtulma çabasının özünü, Tanrı'ya dönerek, O'nun rızasını kazanma isteği oluşturmaktadır. Bu ise tövbe etmekle ve gerekli hallerde kefaret ödemekle mümkün olabilmektedir. Makalede öncelikle "keffaret" kelimesinin anlamı açıklanmakta, daha sonra çeşitli dinlerdeki keffaret anlayışları ortaya konmaktadır.
Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan t... more Inanma sarti her dinin en basta gelen unsurudur. Dini inancin pratige dokulerek hayata yansiyan tezahuru ise, dinin bir diger onemli unsuru olan ibadetlerdir. Bu makalede, ibadet kavraminin kelime anlami oncelikle aciklanarak, cesitli dinlerdeki ibadet uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
In all world's religions there are some holidays and as a great religion- of the world Christ... more In all world's religions there are some holidays and as a great religion- of the world Christianity has same holidays too. These Christian holidays are not commanded by God like it commanded in .Judaism, but they have come to forth by the course of time. Most of these Christian holidays are related with .Jesus Christor his mother Mary. in this article we dealt with holidays that are related with Jesus Christ. On this context Christmass and Easter have become our main subject. And after these we dealt with some holidays that related with Jesus's mother Mary and some important Christian saints like St. Paul or St. Peter
Hemen hemen tum dinlerde insan, gunah isleyebilme ozelligi yaninda hatasini anlayarak ondan vazge... more Hemen hemen tum dinlerde insan, gunah isleyebilme ozelligi yaninda hatasini anlayarak ondan vazgecme yetenegine de sahip olarak gorulur. Bu nedenle o, cogu zaman isledigi gunahtan pismanlik duymakta ve gunahini gidermenin, ondan kurtulmanin yollarini aramaktadir. Insanin gunahtan kurtulma cabasinin ozunu, Tanri'ya donerek, O'nun rizasini kazanma istegi olusturmaktadir. Bu ise tovbe etmekle ve gerekli hallerde kefaret odemekle mumkun olabilmektedir. Makalede oncelikle "keffaret" kelimesinin anlami aciklanmakta, daha sonra cesitli dinlerdeki keffaret anlayislari ortaya konmaktadir.
God, according to Islam, has created the human being as possessing reason and free will, and made... more God, according to Islam, has created the human being as possessing reason and free will, and made him superior to other creatures. He informed him, through messengers, of the commands and the principles He demanded to be followed. He declared that those who act in accordance with commands and principles will be rewarded by Himself and those who acted to the contrary will be punished. Through their ability to do good and evil, human beings can commit some of the evil actions prohibited by God. In fact, human history has shown that the human being has done more vicious and evil things that are treated as sin according to religion than he did good actions. The Qur’an invites the human being, in the cases where his relation with God is harmed by sin, to return to God and to forsake and desist from his wrongdoings, and calls this tawbah. Due to this significance of tawbah, there are many verses in the Qur’an which invite all those who plunged into the sin to return to God by repenting what they have done. According to Islam, God, who has endless compassion and mercy, wishes to forgive His servants, and has pledged to forgive the sins no matter how numerous they are, and even further, to forgive the sins of those who have not repented, with the exception of committing the shirk.
Early Christian society believed that Jesus will come back (Parousia) then establish holy kingdom... more Early Christian society believed that Jesus will come back (Parousia) then establish holy kingdom. With the effect of this eschalotogical expectation they did not consider civil authority affirmative. Although this consideration, firstly Paul and Petrus and some Christian pioneers inculcated pacific ideas into the believers to hinder to conflict with the state. But later on, as persecution towards Christians grows, the attitude to the political authorities continued to remain negative. In the fourth century, after Constantine's policy of religious freedom for Christianity and in a short time transformation of Christianity into Roman State's official religion, the Church's attitude towards to state has changed and a new stage has started. This stage onwards the emperors, rejecting the claim of old tradition as being God, embraced the idea of deputy of God on earth and thus the Church accepted his status and saw him as the head of the state and the Church. In this way, especially in the Constantinople-centered East Roman Empire, Caesaropapism appeared. In this administration, the emperors managed the hierarchy of the Church according to his wishes and sometimes intervened in religious topics. Although the intervention of the emperors sometimes caused some reactions, all these reactions were ineffective and in Byzantium Empire, the Church always remained under the control of the state.
According to the Jewish scripture, Prophet Noah produced wine by cultivating viticulture after th... more According to the Jewish scripture, Prophet Noah produced wine by cultivating viticulture after the Flood, and drank from this wine and slept naked in his tent. Noah's son, Ham, saw his father lying naked and drunk, and sarcastically told this to his brothers Shem and Japheth. Contrary to what Ham did, these two brothers took a cover in their hands and covered their father's without looking at his nakedness. After a while, Noah got up from his drunkenness and cursed Ham's son Canaan for what Ham had done, and cursed him for being a slave to Shem and Japheth. According to this story told in the Jewish scriptures, Canaan, who is claimed to have been cursed with slavery, is the ancestor of the Canaanite peoples, the natives of the land that the Israelites claimed God had promised them. This situation reveals that the curse story in the Jewish scriptures is a planned fiction and that the purpose of this fiction is an attempt to moralize Israel's invasion of Canaan (Palestine) and their enslavement of its indigenous people. Moreover, the ancient people of Israel did not limit this occupation, marginalization and enslavement to a religious basis, not limited to the Canaanites, but extended it to all African peoples descended from Canaan's father, Ham, who was mentioned in the curse story. According to this, African peoples became black skinned due to the sins of their ancestors Ham and deserved to be slaves due to Noah's curse on their ancestors. This explanations of the Jewish scriptures and its interpretations, has provided the moral basis for the enslavement of African peoples in the colonial era.
Ortodoks Kilisesi -Doğu Hıristiyanlığına Giriş, 2019
This book which is written in English by Timothy Ware as The Orthodox Church has been translated ... more This book which is written in English by Timothy Ware as The Orthodox Church has been translated to Turkish language by Mehmet Katar and co-tranlator Arif Gören and it gives information about historical and practical side of Eastern Christianity, namely Orthodox Church.
Papers by Mehmet Katar
inculcated pacific ideas into the believers to hinder to conflict with the state. But later on, as persecution towards Christians grows, the attitude to the political authorities continued to remain negative. In the fourth century, after Constantine's policy of religious freedom for Christianity and in a short time transformation of Christianity into Roman State's official religion, the Church's attitude towards to state has changed and a new stage has started. This stage onwards the emperors, rejecting the claim of old tradition as being God, embraced the idea of deputy of God on earth and thus the Church accepted his status and saw him as the head of the state and the Church. In this way, especially in the Constantinople-centered East Roman Empire, Caesaropapism appeared. In this administration, the emperors managed the hierarchy of the Church according to his wishes and sometimes intervened in religious topics. Although the intervention of the emperors sometimes
caused some reactions, all these reactions were ineffective and in Byzantium Empire, the Church always remained under the control of the state.