はてなキーワード: Observerとは
Programming proficiency necessitates a comprehensive understanding of multifaceted concepts, paradigms, and philosophies that underpin the art and science of software development. The Unix philosophy, with its emphasis on modularity, simplicity, and composability, serves as a foundational ethos for elegant code design. This philosophy advocates for creating small, focused programs that excel at singular tasks, facilitating the construction of complex systems through the judicious composition of these atomic units.
Proficient programmers must possess an encyclopedic knowledge of algorithms and data structures, enabling them to architect solutions with optimal time and space complexity. This encompasses a deep understanding of sorting algorithms (e.g., quicksort, mergesort), searching techniques (binary search, depth-first search), and advanced data structures (red-black trees, B-trees, Fibonacci heaps) The ability to analyze algorithmic efficiency using Big O notation is paramount for creating scalable solutions.
OOP principles—encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism—form the bedrock of modern software architecture. Mastery of design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Observer) and SOLID principles is crucial for creating maintainable and extensible codebases.
The FP paradigm, with its emphasis on immutability and pure functions, offers a powerful approach to managing complexity and facilitating parallel execution. Proficiency in higher-order functions, currying, and monads is essential for leveraging FP's full potential.
Expertise in language-specific advanced features, such as C++'s template metaprogramming or Python's metaclasses, allows for the creation of highly generic and reusable code. Understanding compiler theory and the ability to write domain-specific languages (DSLs) further expands a programmer's capabilities.
In an era of multi-core processors and distributed systems, mastery of concurrent programming models (e.g., actor model, communicating sequential processes) and parallel algorithms is indispensable. This includes proficiency in lock-free data structures, memory models, and synchronization primitives.
A deep understanding of computer architecture, operating systems, and memory management enables the creation of highly optimized, low-level code. This encompasses knowledge of cache coherence protocols, CPU pipeline optimization, and assembly language programming.
In an increasingly interconnected world, a thorough grasp of cryptographic principles, secure coding practices, and common attack vectors (e.g., buffer overflows, SQL injection) is crucial for developing robust and secure systems.
Proficiency in distributed version control systems (e.g., Git) and collaborative development practices (code reviews, continuous integration) is essential for effective team-based software development.
Advanced testing methodologies, including property-based testing, fuzzing, and formal verification techniques, are indispensable for ensuring software reliability and correctness.
In conclusion, the pantheon of programming knowledge extends far beyond mere syntax mastery. It encompasses a rich tapestry of theoretical concepts, practical skills, and philosophical approaches that, when harmoniously integrated, enable the creation of elegant, efficient, and robust software systems. The relentless pursuit of this multifaceted expertise is the hallmark of a truly accomplished programmer.
// ==UserScript== // @name 増田ミュート(白塗り版) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2024-06-26 // @description ミュートワードを含む最小限の範囲を白塗りにする // @author You // @match https://anond.hatelabo.jp/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatelabo.jp // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const muteWords = [ "弱者男性", "弱男", "弱者", "婚活", "男", "女", "年収", "下方婚", "発達障害", "発達", "ハッタツ", "ハッタショ", "ハッタショ", "競プロ", "競技プログラミング", "AtCoder", ]; function whiteoutElement(element) { element.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; element.style.color = 'white'; element.style.textShadow = 'none'; element.style.cursor = 'default'; element.style.userSelect = 'none'; // テキスト選択を防止 element.style.borderBottom = '1px dashed #ccc'; // 枠線を追加してテキストがあることを示す // リンクの場合、クリックを無効化 if (element.tagName === 'A') { element.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; element.removeAttribute('href'); } // 子要素にも適用 Array.from(element.children).forEach(child => { child.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; child.style.color = 'white'; child.style.textShadow = 'none'; }); // ツールチップを追加 element.title = 'この内容にはミュートワードが含まれています'; } function shouldMute(text) { return muteWords.some(word => { const parts = word.split(''); const regex = new RegExp(parts.map(char => `${char}92;92;s*`).join(''), 'i'); return regex.test(text); }); } function findSmallestMuteableElement(element) { if (element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element.parentElement : null; } if (element.tagName === 'PRE' || element.tagName === 'CODE') { return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element : null; } for (let child of element.childNodes) { const result = findSmallestMuteableElement(child); if (result) return result; } return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element : null; } function processElement(element) { const muteableElement = findSmallestMuteableElement(element); if (muteableElement) { whiteoutElement(muteableElement); } } function processAllElements(root = document.body) { const walker = document.createTreeWalker( root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false ); let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { processElement(node); } else if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.parentElement) { processElement(node.parentElement); } } } function handleClickEvent(event) { setTimeout(() => { processAllElements(event.target); }, 100); } // 初回実行 processAllElements(); // クリックイベントの監視 document.body.addEventListener('click', handleClickEvent); // DOM変更の監視 const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { processAllElements(node); } }); } else if (mutation.type === 'characterData') { processElement(mutation.target.parentNode); } }); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true }); })();
Actually, it turned out I DO feel like spending 40min or at least 20min of my life. I'm rather fascinated. In the first video, he says "I'm not taking a view as many people did, in the early days of quantum mechanics that it's the conscious Observer looking at the system". NOTE, it's "Observing", not "Measuring" and he DOES NOT take the view of "the conscious Observer looking at the system".
Now do you really want me to continue in English or do you want to read it in Japanese?
O-Ki-Mo-Chi-No Observer!と化していた私はどっかで見かけたこれに賛同したのですが、夢見りあむは詰みをそこまで重く捉えてなさそうなんですよね。突然来た訳でもないゆっくりとした詰みに面している時点で多分色々甘く見ていたんだと思います。それは、あまりにも面倒で理想的なメンタルです。ダイヤモンドに巻き付けたうどんが切れただけでこのスポンジはザコメンタルを名乗っています。極めて健康的で羨ましい限りです。そしてなりふり構わず構って貰おうとします。周りの目を気にしないという才能です。これはメンタルに接着剤を吹くようなそれの機能を持ちます。ゾウムシメンタル。
Jonathan Shedler,"The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy."(American Psychologist 2010)
Falk Leichsenring,Sven Rabung,"Effectiveness of Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Meta-analysis"(JAMA 2008)
著名な心理学者であるスティーブン・ピンカーは、 今回で言えば「人生全体」「物語の蓄積」「人生の深み」といったことで、科学の基本的研究方略である「単純化(simplify)」を退けようとしていることに苦言を呈している(6)。 研究の対象をとなる複雑な現象をいろいろなレベルに単純化し、いろいろなレベルごとに 解明していくことを拒んで、複雑な現象をありのままに理解しようとしていたのでは研究はいつまでたっても現状に停滞したままになる。単純化を嫌って、複雑な現象を複雑なままで捉えようとする人文系学問に多く見られるのこうした研究方略を、ピンカーは完全な正確さを求めて「原寸大の地図」 を作った愚かな地図職人を描いたホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘス(Jorge Luis Borges)の寓話で批判している。
現代心理学の始まりがブント(Wilhelm Wundt: 1832-1920)のライプチヒ大学での心理学実験室創設とされるように、そのスタートから科学を目指したものだった(7)。 人文学の科学化と言っても、物理学や化学の実験を導入するのではなく、心理学の実験手法や神経科学の実験手法(EEG、fMRIなど)を取り入れればいいのである。また、国際的な科学的心理学の学会APS(Association for Psychological Science)の会長だったカシオッポはこうした点に注目し、心理学が科学と他の文系の学問とのハブとなるべきであると主張している(8)。
(1)Allen Wheelis,"The Quest for ldentity"(New York: Norton,1958).
(2)Sigmund Freud,"Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie(『性理論三篇』)"(1905)
(3)M.E.P.Seligman,"What You Can Change and What You Can't :The Complete Guide to Succesful Self-Improvement"(New York:Alfred A.Knopf,1993).
(4)Roy F. Baumeister,Karen Dale,Kristin L. Sommer,"Freudian Defense Mechanisms and Empirical Findings in Modern SocialPsychology: Reaction Formation, Projection, Displacement, Undoing, Isolation, Sublimation, and Denial"(Journal of Personality,1998)
(5)Michael Inzlicht,Jennifer N. Gutsell,"Running on Empty: Neural Signals for Self-Control Failure",(Psychological Science 2007)
(6)Pinker, S."Science Is Not Your Enemy: An impassioned plea to neglected novelists, embattled professors, and tenure-less historians." (New Republic, 2013)
(7)Bringmann, W. G., Bringmann, N. J., & Ungerer, G. A."The establishment of Wundt's laboratory: An archival and documentary study." (W. G. Bringmann, & R. D. Tweney (Eds.), Wundt studies: A centennial collection (pp. 123-157). Toronto: Hogrefe. 1980)
(8)John Cacioppo,"Psychology is a Hub Science"(Observer 2007)
(9)Martin Daly, Margo Wilson,"How evolutionary thinking inspires and disciplines psychological hypotheses." Pp. 15-22 in XT Wang & YJ Su, eds., Thus spake evolutionary psychologists.(Peking University Press,2011)
(10)一例を挙げれば、心の理論(Theory of mind)における神経科学の役割とか。サイモン・バロン=コーエンが有名だろうが、研究は色々有りすぎて挙げきれない。
(11)HR テクノロジーで、人や組織のパフォーマンスの最大化を図る 「リシテア/AI 分析」サービスを販売開始(https://www.hitachi-solutions.co.jp/company/press/news/2016/1201.pdf)
Mac OS X のCocoaフレームワークにも KVO という同様の仕組みがありますが、型のチェックは自分でする必要があります。
MOVEは望まれなかった子 - the sea of fertility
2008-03-12 Observer紙が選ぶ!世界のブログ50選にGIGAZINEがランクインしてる件 CommentsAdd Star
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ちなみにこのランキングが掲載された別冊子には10位にランクインしたGawker, Manhattan Media News and Gossipのニック・デントンのインタビューも載ってます。
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with (img.style) { margin = '0 3px'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }, { profileIcon: function() { return Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); } }); /* Hatena.Star */ if (typeof(Hatena.Star) == 'undefined') { Hatena.Star = {}; } /* // Hatena.Star.* classes // **/ if (window.location && window.location.host.match(/hatena\.com/)) { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.com/'; } else { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.ne.jp/'; } Hatena.Star.Token = null; /* Hatena.Star.User */ Hatena.Star.User = new Ten.Class({ base: [Hatena.User], initialize: function(name) { if (Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]) { return Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]; } else { this.name = name; Hatena.Star.User._cache[name] = this; return this; } }, _cache: {} },{ userPage: function() { return Hatena.Star.BaseURL + this.name + '/'; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Entry */ Hatena.Star.Entry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(e) { this.entry = e; this.uri = e.uri; this.title = e.title; this.star_container = e.star_container; this.comment_container = e.comment_container; this.stars = []; this.comments = []; }, maxStarCount: 11 },{ flushStars: function() { this.stars = []; this.star_container.innerHTML = ''; }, bindStarEntry: function(se) { this.starEntry = se; for (var i = 0; i < se.stars.length; i++) { if (typeof(se.stars[i]) == 'number') { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(se.stars[i],this)); } else { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.Star(se.stars[i])); } } if (se.comments && !this.comments.length) { for (var i = 0; i < se.comments.length; i++) { this.comments.push(new Hatena.Star.Comment(se.comments[i])); } } this.can_comment = se.can_comment; }, setCanComment: function(v) { this.can_comment = v; }, showButtons: function() { this.addAddButton(); this.addCommentButton(); }, addAddButton: function() { if (this.star_container) { this.addButton = new Hatena.Star.AddButton(this); this.star_container.appendChild(this.addButton); } }, addCommentButton: function() { if (this.comment_container) { this.commentButton = new Hatena.Star.CommentButton(this); this.comment_container.appendChild(this.commentButton.img); } }, showStars: function() { var klass = this.constructor; // if (this.stars.length > klass.maxStarCount) { // var ic = new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(this.stars.slice(1,this.stars.length)); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[0]); // this.star_container.appendChild(ic); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[this.stars.length - 1]); // } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++) { this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[i]); } }, showCommentButton: function() { if (this.can_comment) { this.commentButton.show(); if (this.comments.length) this.commentButton.activate(); } else { // this.commentButton.hide(); } }, addStar: function(star) { this.stars.push(star); this.star_container.appendChild(star); }, addComment: function(com) { if (!this.comments) this.comments = []; if (this.comments.length == 0) { this.commentButton.activate(); } this.comments.push(com); }, showCommentCount: function() { this.comment_container.innerHTML += this.comments.length; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Button */ Hatena.Star.Button = new Ten.Class({ createButton: function(args) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = args.src; img.alt = img.title = args.alt; with (img.style) { cursor = 'pointer'; margin = '0 3px'; padding = '0'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }); /* Hatena.Star.AddButton */ Hatena.Star.AddButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.AddButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Add Star' }); this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'addStar'); this.img = img; return img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/add.gif' },{ addStar: function(e) { this.lastPosition = e.mousePosition(); var uri = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'star.add.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); if (Hatena.Star.Token) { uri += '&token=' + Hatena.Star.Token; } new Ten.JSONP(uri, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { var name = args ? args.name : null; if (name) { this.entry.addStar(new Hatena.Star.Star({name: name})); //alert('Succeeded in Adding Star ' + args); } else if (args.errors) { var pos = this.lastPosition; pos.x -= 10; pos.y += 25; var scroll = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var scr = new Hatena.Star.AlertScreen(); var alert = args.errors[0]; scr.showAlert(alert, pos); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentButton */ Hatena.Star.CommentButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Comments' }); img.style.display = 'none'; this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'showComments'); this.img = img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment.gif', ImgSrcActive: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment_active.gif' },{ showComments: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.CommentScreen(); this.screen.bindEntry(this.entry); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.y += 25; this.screen.showComments(this.entry, pos); }, hide: function() { this.img.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.img.style.display = 'inline'; }, activate: function() { this.show(); this.img.src = Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrcActive; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Star */ Hatena.Star.Star = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { if (args.img) { this.img = args.img; this.name = this.img.getAttribute('alt'); } else { this.name = args.name; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.Star.ImgSrc; img.alt = this.name; with (img.style) { padding = '0'; border = 'none'; } this.img = img; } new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseover',this,'showName'); new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseout',this,'hideName'); if (this.name) { this.user = new Hatena.Star.User(this.name); this.img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onclick',this,'goToUserPage'); } if (args.count && args.count > 1) { var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.innerHTML = args.count; var s = document.createElement('span'); s.appendChild(img); s.appendChild(c); return s; } else { return this.img; } }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/star.gif' },{ showName: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.NameScreen(); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.x += 10; pos.y += 25; this.screen.showName(this.name, pos); }, hideName: function() { if (!this.screen) return; this.screen.hide(); }, goToUserPage: function() { window.location = this.user.userPage(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.InnerCount */ Hatena.Star.InnerCount = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(count, e) { this.count = count; this.entry = e; var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.style.cursor = 'pointer'; c.innerHTML = count; new Ten.Observer(c,'onclick',this,'showInnerStars'); this.container = c; return c; }, style: { color: '#f4b128', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '80%', fontFamily: '"arial", sans-serif', margin: '0 2px' } },{ showInnerStars: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entry.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntry'); }, receiveStarEntry: function(res) { var se = res.entries[0]; var e = this.entry; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) != encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) return; e.flushStars(); e.bindStarEntry(se); e.addAddButton(); e.showStars(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.Comment */ Hatena.Star.Comment = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { this.name = args.name; this.body = args.body; } },{ asElement: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; borderBottom = '1px solid #ddd'; } var ico = Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); div.appendChild(ico); var span = document.createElement('span'); with(span.style) { fontSize = '90%'; } span.innerHTML = this.body; div.appendChild(span); return div; } }); /* Hatena.Star.NameScreen */ Hatena.Star.NameScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center' }, containerStyle: { margin: 0, padding: 0 }, handleStyle: null, showScreen: false, closeButton: null, draggable: false },{ showName: function(name, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = ''; this.container.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(name)); this.container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.AlertScreen */ Hatena.Star.AlertScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px', width: '240px', height: '120px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' } },{ showAlert: function(msg, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = msg; var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentScreen */ Hatena.Star.CommentScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], initialize: function() { var self = this.constructor.SUPER.call(this); if (!self.commentsContainer) self.addCommentsContainer(); return self; }, style: { width: '280px', height: '280px', overflowY: 'auto', padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' }, containerStyle: { margin: '32px 0 0 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: '0 10px' }, getLoadImage: function() { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/load.gif'; img.setAttribute('alt', 'Loading'); with (img.style) { verticalAlign = 'middle'; margin = '0 2px'; } return img; } },{ addCommentsContainer: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { marginTop = '-3px'; } this.container.appendChild(div); this.commentsContainer = div; }, showComments: function(e, pos) { var comments = e.comments; if (!comments) comments = []; this.commentsContainer.innerHTML = ''; for (var i=0; i<comments.length; i++) { this.commentsContainer.appendChild(comments[i].asElement()); } if (e.starEntry && !e.can_comment) { this.hideCommentForm(); } else { this.addCommentForm(); } var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); }, bindEntry: function(e) { this.entry = e; }, sendComment: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('enter')) return; var body = this.commentInput.value; if (!body) return; this.commentInput.disabled = 'true'; this.showLoadImage(); var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'comment.add.json?body=' + encodeURIComponent(body) + '&uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { if (!args.name || !args.body) return; this.commentInput.value = ''; this.commentInput.disabled = ''; this.hideLoadImage(); var com = new Hatena.Star.Comment(args); this.entry.addComment(com); this.commentsContainer.appendChild(com.asElement()); }, showLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'inline'; }, hideLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'none'; }, hideCommentForm: function() { if (!this.commentForm) return; this.commentForm.style.display = 'none'; }, addCommentForm: function() { if (this.commentForm) { this.commentForm.style.display = 'block'; return; } var form = document.createElement('div'); this.container.appendChild(form); this.commentForm = form; with (form.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; // borderTop = '1px solid #ddd'; } //if (Hatena.Visitor) { // form.appendChild(Hatena.Visitor.profileIcon()); //} else { // form.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon()); //} var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; with (input.style) { width = '215px'; border = '1px solid #bbb'; padding = '3px'; } form.appendChild(input); this.commentInput = input; var img = this.constructor.getLoadImage(); this.loadImage = img; this.hideLoadImage(); form.appendChild(img); new Ten.Observer(input,'onkeypress',this,'sendComment'); } }); /* Hatena.Star.EntryLoader */ Hatena.Star.EntryLoader = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { var entries = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.loadEntries(); this.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var e = new Hatena.Star.Entry(entries[i]); e.showButtons(); this.entries.push(e); } this.getStarEntries(); }, createStarContainer: function() { var sc = document.createElement('span'); sc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-star-container'); sc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return sc; }, createCommentContainer: function() { var cc = document.createElement('span'); cc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-comment-container'); cc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return cc; }, scrapeTitle: function(node) { var rval = []; (function (node) { if (node.tagName == 'SPAN' && (node.className == 'sanchor' || node.className == 'timestamp')) { return; } else if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) { return; } var cn = node.childNodes; if (cn) { for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { arguments.callee.call(this, cn[i]); } } var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (typeof(nodeValue) == 'string') { rval.push(nodeValue); } })(node); return rval.join(''); }, headerTagAndClassName: ['h3',null], getHeaders: function() { var t = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.headerTagAndClassName; return Ten.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(t[0],t[1],document); }, loadEntries: function() { var entries = []; //var headers = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); var c = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader; var headers = c.getHeaders(); for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var header = headers[i]; var a = header.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (!a) continue; var uri = a.href; var title = ''; // Ten.DOM.removeEmptyTextNodes(header); var cns = header.childNodes; title = c.scrapeTitle(header); var cc = c.createCommentContainer(); header.appendChild(cc); var sc = c.createStarContainer(); header.appendChild(sc); entries.push({ uri: uri, title: title, star_container: sc, comment_container: cc }); } return entries; } },{ getStarEntries: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { if (url.length > Ten.JSONP.MaxBytes) { new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; } url += 'uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entries[i].uri) + '&'; } new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); }, receiveStarEntries: function(res) { var entries = res.entries; if (!entries) entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { var e = this.entries[i]; for (var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { var se = entries[j]; if (!se.uri) continue; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) == encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) { e.bindStarEntry(se); entries.splice(j,1); break; } } if (typeof(e.can_comment) == 'undefined') { e.setCanComment(res.can_comment); } e.showStars(); e.showCommentButton(); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.WindowObserver */ Hatena.Star.WindowObserver = new Ten.Class({ initialize: funct