(1) people celebrate new Africa state of Ghana, Nixon visits Nkruma and Adam Clayton Powell, UN rep Ralph Bunch, first beauty queen Miss Ghana (2) ship accident in Delaware river, Navy tanker hit freighter (3) Princess christend in Monaco, daughter of Grace Kelly (4) Mardi Gras in New Orleans (partial newsreel)
Reviewer:Bob Capps
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July 3, 2006 Subject:
Birth of Ghana & more
Interesting newsreel footage covering the celebration in the new nation of Ghana (formerly the Gold Coast) features notables such as Vice President Nixon, Nkruma, Ralph Bunche, and radical congressman Adam Clayton Powell. The newsreel also shows scenes from a ship collision on the Delaware River, the baptism of Princess Caroline in Monaco, and some good shots of floats in the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans.