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1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra git 2.46.1-1 the fast distributed version control system Sept. 15, 2024

166 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra act 0.2.67-1 Run your GitHub Actions locally Sept. 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra actionlint 1.7.1-1 Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files May 28, 2024
x86_64 Extra ambix 0.2.10-5 Ambisonic plug-ins with variable order for use in Digital Audio Workstations July 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra ambix-lv2 0.2.10-5 Ambisonic plug-ins with variable order for use in Digital Audio Workstations - LV2 plugins July 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra ambix-standalone 0.2.10-5 Ambisonic plug-ins with variable order for use in Digital Audio Workstations - standalone July 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra ambix-vst 0.2.10-5 Ambisonic plug-ins with variable order for use in Digital Audio Workstations - VST plugins July 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra ardour 8.6-2 Professional-grade digital audio workstation Sept. 13, 2024 Sept. 13, 2024
x86_64 Extra audacity 1:3.6.3-1 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms Sept. 10, 2024
x86_64 Extra audacity-docs 1:3.6.3-1 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms - documentation Sept. 10, 2024
x86_64 Extra auth-tarball-from-git 0.2.0-2 Authenticate a tarball through a signed tag in a git repository (with reproducible builds) July 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra bat 0.24.0-2 Cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration May 3, 2024
x86_64 Extra bitcoin-daemon 27.1-1 Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra bitcoin-qt 27.1-1 Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - Qt July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra bitcoin-tx 27.1-1 Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - commandline tools July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra breezy 3.3.8-1 A decentralized revision control system with support for Bazaar and Git file formats July 23, 2024
x86_64 Extra bup 0.33.4-1 Efficient backup system based on the git packfile format Aug. 24, 2024
x86_64 Extra cargo-generate 0.22.0-1 Use pre-existing git repositories as templates Sept. 2, 2024
x86_64 Extra cdparanoia 10.2-9 Compact Disc Digital Audio extraction tool Dec. 22, 2023
any Extra certbot-dns-digitalocean 2.11.0-1 DigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot July 9, 2024
x86_64 Extra cgit 1.2.3.r70.g09d24d7-1 A web interface for git written in plain C Aug. 5, 2024
x86_64 Extra cgit-aurweb 1.2.3.r70.g09d24d7-1 A web interface for git written in plain C (aurweb branch) Aug. 5, 2024
x86_64 Extra cmark-gfm 0.29.0.gfm.13-1 GitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C Oct. 16, 2023
x86_64 Extra cocogitto 6.1.0-3 Set of CLI tools for the conventional commit and semver specifications July 10, 2024
x86_64 Extra cozy-stack 1:1.6.27-2 Digital home: brings all your web services in the same private space – Stack component June 9, 2024
x86_64 Extra dcraw 9.28.0-5 Decodes any raw image from any digital camera July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra digikam 8.4.0-1 An advanced digital photo management application July 13, 2024
x86_64 Extra doctl 1.114.0-1 The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra dolt 1:1.42.20-1 Git for data! A version controlled relational database Sept. 14, 2024
x86_64 Extra dra 0.6.2-1 A command line tool to download assets from GitHub releases Sept. 8, 2024
x86_64 Extra dsdcc 1.9.4-2 Digital Speech Decoder (DSD) rewritten as a C++ library July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra dvgrab 3.5-14 Saves audio and video data from an IEEE (FireWire) digital source July 12, 2024
any Extra etckeeper 1.18.21-2 Collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git, hg or bzr repository April 27, 2024
x86_64 Extra gfold 4.5.0-1 A CLI tool to help keep track of Git repositories May 23, 2024
x86_64 Extra giggle 0.7-13 Git repository viewer Aug. 6, 2024
x86_64 Extra git 2.46.1-1 the fast distributed version control system Sept. 15, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-absorb 0.6.15-1 git commit --fixup, but automatic July 8, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-annex 10.20240831-3 Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git Sept. 17, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-branchless 0.9.0-1 High-velocity monorepo-scale workflow for Git May 27, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-bug 0.8.0-2 Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges March 17, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-cinnabar 0.7.0beta1-1 Git remote helper to interact with Mercurial repositories Aug. 14, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-cliff 2.5.0-1 A highly customizable changelog generator Aug. 24, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-credential-gopass 1.15.5-2 git-credentials helper for gopass July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-crypt 0.7.0-3 Transparent file encryption in Git July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-delta 0.18.2-1 Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output Sept. 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-evtag 2022.1-3 Extended verification for git tags May 28, 2024
any Extra git-filter-repo 2.38.0-3 Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement) April 27, 2024 Aug. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-grab 3.0.0-1 A tool to clone git repositories to a standard location organised by domain and path May 28, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-lfs 3.5.1-1 Git extension for versioning large files March 13, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-repair 1.20230814-52 Repairs a damaged git repository Sept. 4, 2024
any Extra git-revise 0.7.0-4 A git subcommand to efficiently update, split, and rearrange commits April 27, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-sizer 1.5.0-3 Compute various size metrics for a Git repository July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-smash 0.1.1-1 Smash staged changes into previous commits to support your Git workflow June 7, 2024
x86_64 Extra git-warp-time 0.8.4-1 reset timestamps of Git repository files to the time of the last modifying commit Aug. 13, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitea 1.22.2-1 Painless self-hosted Git service, community managed. Sept. 5, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitg 2:44-3 GNOME GUI client to view git repositories Sept. 13, 2024
x86_64 Extra github-cli 2.57.0-1 The GitHub CLI Sept. 16, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab 17.4.0-1 Project management and code hosting application Sept. 18, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab-exporter 0.5.2-1 A Gitlab prometheus metric exporter April 25, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab-gitaly 17.4.0-1 Speed up Git access using caching Sept. 18, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab-pages 17.4.0-1 GitLab Pages daemon used to serve static websites for GitLab users Sept. 18, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab-runner 17.3.1-1 The official GitLab CI runner written in Go Aug. 21, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitlab-shell 3:14.39.0-1 Git management software Aug. 15, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitleaks 8.18.4-1 Audit Git repos for secrets and keys July 3, 2024
any Extra gitolite 3.6.13-2 An access control layer on top of git July 24, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitoxide 0.37.0-2 An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git Aug. 10, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitprompt-rs 0.3.0-2 Simple Git prompt July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitsign 0.10.2-1 Keyless Git signing using Sigstore July 14, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitu 0.25.0-1 A TUI Git client inspired by Magit Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra gitui 0.26.3-2 Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in Rust Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra glab 1.46.1-1 Cli tool to help work seamlessly with GitLab from the command line Sept. 11, 2024
x86_64 Extra gnuradio Signal processing runtime and signal processing software development toolkit Sept. 17, 2024
any Extra gpgit 1:1.5.0-2 A shell script that automates the process of signing Git sources via GPG May 19, 2023
any Extra-Testing gpgit 1:1.5.0-3 A shell script that automates the process of signing Git sources via GPG July 6, 2024
x86_64 Extra gphoto2 2.5.28-1 A digital camera download and access program. Jan. 5, 2022
x86_64 Extra-Testing gphoto2 2.5.28-2 A digital camera download and access program. July 6, 2024
x86_64 Extra gpscorrelate 2.0-5 Correlate (geotagging) digital camera photos with GPS data in GPX format June 8, 2023
x86_64 Extra haskell-cmark-gfm 0.2.5-42 Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-digits 0.3.1-23 Converts integers to lists of digits and back. Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-git-lfs 1.2.2-18 An implementation of the git-lfs protocol Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-githash Some handy Template Haskell splices for including the current git hash and branch in the code of your project Sept. 17, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-gitrev 1.3.1-32 Compile git revision info into Haskell projects March 5, 2024
x86_64 Extra hub 2.14.2-4 cli interface for Github July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra idle3-tools 0.9.1-8 A utility that can disable, get and set the value of the idle3 timer found on Western Digital Hard Drives. July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra jackmeter 0.4-4 A basic console based DPM (Digital Peak Meter) for JACK July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra jujutsu 0.21.0-1 Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful Sept. 5, 2024
x86_64 Extra khealthcertificate 24.08.1-1 Handling of digital vaccination, test and recovery certificates Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra kodi 21.1-2 A software media player and entertainment hub for digital media (gl renderer) Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra kodi-gles 21.1-2 A software media player and entertainment hub for digital media (gles renderer) Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra kommit 1.6.0-1 Git gui client June 25, 2024
x86_64 Extra lazygit 0.44.1-1 Simple terminal UI for git commands Sept. 18, 2024
x86_64 Multilib lib32-cdparanoia 10.2-5 Compact Disc Digital Audio extraction tool Sept. 7, 2024
x86_64 Extra libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1 Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool using libcdio for CDROM access May 8, 2024
x86_64 Extra libgit2 1:1.8.1-1 A linkable library for Git May 18, 2024
x86_64 Extra libgit2-glib 1.2.0-3 GLib wrapper for libgit2 May 3, 2024
x86_64 Extra libgit2-glib-docs 1.2.0-3 GLib wrapper for libgit2 - documentation May 3, 2024
x86_64 Extra libgphoto2 2.5.31-2 Digital camera access library July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra libkeyfinder 2.2.8-1 Musical key detection for digital audio Jan. 26, 2024
x86_64 Extra libltc 1.3.2-2 Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra libraw 0.21.2-1 A library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others) Dec. 19, 2023
x86_64 Extra lucky-commit 2.2.3-2 Customize your git commit hashes May 5, 2024

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