Les " monstres" ont constitue une partie considerable des legendes et des mythologies d... more Les " monstres" ont constitue une partie considerable des legendes et des mythologies des grandes civilisations. Ils ont souvent ete utilises comme des moyens efficaces pour transmettre des idees particulieres aux populations ou aux fideles. Parmi ces monstres, le role du dragon est remarquable. On le trouve partout dans le monde avec differents sens (negatif ou positif). Il se presente dans le Christianisme comme un principe negatif, l'incarnation de Satan qui existe toujours avec l'homme, des la Genese (le peche originel) jusqu'a la fin du monde (le Jugement dernier). Des lors, la victoire sur cet etre redoutable ne peut etre possible que par des hommes sacres et elus (par Dieu), comme saint Michel, saint Georges, etc. Ce combat a ete represente dans deux legendes marquantes, " l'Apocalypse" de Jean et "saint Georges et le dragon ". Nous y trouvons differentes representations du dragon. Dans l'Apocalypse de saint Jean, Satan est decrit comme un " dragon a sept tetes ", alors qu'il a ete figure avec de nombreux autres aspects. Dans le christianisme, Satan ne meurt jamais, il apparait toujours pour inciter les hommes a faire le Mal. Donc ,il est comme un dragon qui se renouvelle toujours. "Saint Georges combattant le dragon" est un theme traite pendant plusieurs siecles, en Europe. Le dragon est egalement represente de multiples manieres. Apres avoir etudie de nombreuses peintures du Moyen âge, de la Renaissance et contemporaines, on peut classifier les dragons des formes simples (le dragon-serpent), aux figures complexes (le dragon aile quadrupede).
Medical knowledge and its scientific and practical experience have long been important among coun... more Medical knowledge and its scientific and practical experience have long been important among countries with longstanding backgrounds. One of the most important branches of medical science is the science of anatomy, which has contributed to the treatment of unknown diseases and the surgery of the organs of the body. Among the medical anatomy versions, those who have used body anatomy imaging have been more successful in conveying concepts and medical education and treatment of diseases. Since the Renaissance, great painters such as De Vinci or Jan van Calkar have had a grand interest in anatomical imagery and have presented a particular style. In Iran, some medical manuscripts, such as Mansouri’s Anatomy Book or Akbari Medicine, have a specific anatomy of the body. The purpose of this article is to study the anatomy of the human body in some medical versions of the West and Iran illustrated. For this purpose, several specimens of medical prescription manuscripts are selected as examp...
The Mesopotamian mythology represents a variation of monsters and hybrids. Among them, the fantas... more The Mesopotamian mythology represents a variation of monsters and hybrids. Among them, the fantastic creatures in the composition of the animal and the man are very important; it is about the "man-animal". What attracts our interest; it is the composite creature, the "man-bull", because of its diverse aspect, as well as its symbolic characteristic. On the other hand, we notice one of the very practical figures and very renowned, "Master of animals", it is appreciated as much as all the Mesopotamian regions represented it in their arts. Problematic: what types of the "man-bull" had most importance in Mesopotamia? Which is the relationship enters the "man-bull" and "Master of animals"? What physical evolution arose during the transformation of the "man-bull" to "Master of animals"? Hypothesis: there is doubtless a narrow relation enters the "man-bull" and "Master of animals ", as regards the symbolizing character to be able to it and their appearances in vertical position. Mesopotamia represents a particular character of the real or fantastic animals, which spread towards the other parts of the country; it is about the representation of animals in vertical shape.
The combined and decorative motifs of the " human-script " in the artificial arts of the Seljuk p... more The combined and decorative motifs of the " human-script " in the artificial arts of the Seljuk period are a combination of the head and body of human in a stylized and abstract manner in various moods and situations, along with the common script lines of that era, such as Kofi and Naskh script lines. These motifs have been used with a diverse structure of the earlier motifs of that era, in harmony with the components, frame, and even painted place. Visual elements and geometric motifs play a major role in the various parts of this decorative composition, which made it as a distinctive and appropriate motif in many fields of graphic design. Reviewing the structure and articulation of these illustrated-lines , which became very close to the illustration and were less addressed in the Islamic art researches, in addition to the familiarizing with the innovations and the specific quality of the artistic practices of this era, due to the high graphical capabilities of the structure of these compounds can be considered as a new approach in order to use in the variety of artworks including graphic arts and animated graphics. ● Research Questions 1. How is the jointing in " human-script " compounds? 2. Which calligraphy techniques and sensitivity Method were the most effective one in " human-script " compounds? ● Hypotheses In these combined motifs, the Jointing (fastening) method human motifs to inscriptions are seen in four general modes: the complete joint of human faces to the stems of written letters, the division of space into two upper and lower parts, the combination of human figures and script lines, and, finally, placing the human motifs between the words and phrases separately. In these inscriptions, Nask script is more commom than the other calligraphy technique. Also, at the beginning of the work, in terms of the authors, using the variety of motifs in the composition of words and positioning in a specific form, as prominent methods, have been very effective in the general structure and the sensitivity of the " human-script " compounds. The purpose of this research is recognizing the basis of the structure of combined " human-script " motifs in the artificial arts of the Seljuk era, which can have great visual features in various branches of contemporary arts. So far, no specific research has been done on the structure and articulation of combined " human-script " motifs of the Seljuk era. This research was done by descriptive-analytical method and also library resources, articles and valid websites were used.
Les " monstres" ont constitue une partie considerable des legendes et des mythologies d... more Les " monstres" ont constitue une partie considerable des legendes et des mythologies des grandes civilisations. Ils ont souvent ete utilises comme des moyens efficaces pour transmettre des idees particulieres aux populations ou aux fideles. Parmi ces monstres, le role du dragon est remarquable. On le trouve partout dans le monde avec differents sens (negatif ou positif). Il se presente dans le Christianisme comme un principe negatif, l'incarnation de Satan qui existe toujours avec l'homme, des la Genese (le peche originel) jusqu'a la fin du monde (le Jugement dernier). Des lors, la victoire sur cet etre redoutable ne peut etre possible que par des hommes sacres et elus (par Dieu), comme saint Michel, saint Georges, etc. Ce combat a ete represente dans deux legendes marquantes, " l'Apocalypse" de Jean et "saint Georges et le dragon ". Nous y trouvons differentes representations du dragon. Dans l'Apocalypse de saint Jean, Satan est decrit comme un " dragon a sept tetes ", alors qu'il a ete figure avec de nombreux autres aspects. Dans le christianisme, Satan ne meurt jamais, il apparait toujours pour inciter les hommes a faire le Mal. Donc ,il est comme un dragon qui se renouvelle toujours. "Saint Georges combattant le dragon" est un theme traite pendant plusieurs siecles, en Europe. Le dragon est egalement represente de multiples manieres. Apres avoir etudie de nombreuses peintures du Moyen âge, de la Renaissance et contemporaines, on peut classifier les dragons des formes simples (le dragon-serpent), aux figures complexes (le dragon aile quadrupede).
Medical knowledge and its scientific and practical experience have long been important among coun... more Medical knowledge and its scientific and practical experience have long been important among countries with longstanding backgrounds. One of the most important branches of medical science is the science of anatomy, which has contributed to the treatment of unknown diseases and the surgery of the organs of the body. Among the medical anatomy versions, those who have used body anatomy imaging have been more successful in conveying concepts and medical education and treatment of diseases. Since the Renaissance, great painters such as De Vinci or Jan van Calkar have had a grand interest in anatomical imagery and have presented a particular style. In Iran, some medical manuscripts, such as Mansouri’s Anatomy Book or Akbari Medicine, have a specific anatomy of the body. The purpose of this article is to study the anatomy of the human body in some medical versions of the West and Iran illustrated. For this purpose, several specimens of medical prescription manuscripts are selected as examp...
The Mesopotamian mythology represents a variation of monsters and hybrids. Among them, the fantas... more The Mesopotamian mythology represents a variation of monsters and hybrids. Among them, the fantastic creatures in the composition of the animal and the man are very important; it is about the "man-animal". What attracts our interest; it is the composite creature, the "man-bull", because of its diverse aspect, as well as its symbolic characteristic. On the other hand, we notice one of the very practical figures and very renowned, "Master of animals", it is appreciated as much as all the Mesopotamian regions represented it in their arts. Problematic: what types of the "man-bull" had most importance in Mesopotamia? Which is the relationship enters the "man-bull" and "Master of animals"? What physical evolution arose during the transformation of the "man-bull" to "Master of animals"? Hypothesis: there is doubtless a narrow relation enters the "man-bull" and "Master of animals ", as regards the symbolizing character to be able to it and their appearances in vertical position. Mesopotamia represents a particular character of the real or fantastic animals, which spread towards the other parts of the country; it is about the representation of animals in vertical shape.
The combined and decorative motifs of the " human-script " in the artificial arts of the Seljuk p... more The combined and decorative motifs of the " human-script " in the artificial arts of the Seljuk period are a combination of the head and body of human in a stylized and abstract manner in various moods and situations, along with the common script lines of that era, such as Kofi and Naskh script lines. These motifs have been used with a diverse structure of the earlier motifs of that era, in harmony with the components, frame, and even painted place. Visual elements and geometric motifs play a major role in the various parts of this decorative composition, which made it as a distinctive and appropriate motif in many fields of graphic design. Reviewing the structure and articulation of these illustrated-lines , which became very close to the illustration and were less addressed in the Islamic art researches, in addition to the familiarizing with the innovations and the specific quality of the artistic practices of this era, due to the high graphical capabilities of the structure of these compounds can be considered as a new approach in order to use in the variety of artworks including graphic arts and animated graphics. ● Research Questions 1. How is the jointing in " human-script " compounds? 2. Which calligraphy techniques and sensitivity Method were the most effective one in " human-script " compounds? ● Hypotheses In these combined motifs, the Jointing (fastening) method human motifs to inscriptions are seen in four general modes: the complete joint of human faces to the stems of written letters, the division of space into two upper and lower parts, the combination of human figures and script lines, and, finally, placing the human motifs between the words and phrases separately. In these inscriptions, Nask script is more commom than the other calligraphy technique. Also, at the beginning of the work, in terms of the authors, using the variety of motifs in the composition of words and positioning in a specific form, as prominent methods, have been very effective in the general structure and the sensitivity of the " human-script " compounds. The purpose of this research is recognizing the basis of the structure of combined " human-script " motifs in the artificial arts of the Seljuk era, which can have great visual features in various branches of contemporary arts. So far, no specific research has been done on the structure and articulation of combined " human-script " motifs of the Seljuk era. This research was done by descriptive-analytical method and also library resources, articles and valid websites were used.
Papers by Alireza Taheri