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terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2017

Seminário "utilização pedagógica de tecnologias em educação pré-escolar"

Primeiro passo: aceder a PADLET



Museus online com panorâmicas de 360 graus: http://courtauld.ac.uk/gallery/about/3d-gallery-virtual-tour
Smithsonian museu de história natural - http://naturalhistory.si.edu/vt3/
Conteúdos variados
Google maps
Quiver 3D
Site com várias atividades - http://nonio.eses.pt/eusei/jardim.asp?t=0

Último passo: aceder a Padlet

sexta-feira, 4 de março de 2016

Maldita tecnologia

Cada vez mais os jovens têm acesso a tecnologias, especialmente as móveis. As suas habitações estão repletas de tecnologias!
Os professores recusam-se a acompanhar a evolução da sociedade, fazendo tudo o que podem para afastar as tecnologias, com medo que estas tomem o seu lugar. Eles utilizam as mesmas técnicas de ensino desde que iniciaram a sua carreira, há 30 anos. "Mas nós utilizamos as tecnologias na sala!", apressam-se a dizer quando alguém levanta a ponta do véu. Nos últimos anos trocaram os slides de plástico e um retroprojetor grande e de metal, por slides digitais e um retroprojetor portátil e de plástico.
Os professores teimam em querer "ensinar" os alunos, quando todo o conhecimento está disponível online, podendo os alunos fazer uma pesquisa onde e quando quiserem. O novo papel dos professores está na motivação dos alunos para a pesquisa, por criar-lhes interesse por temáticas que lhes sejam úteis de futuro e já não no dito "ensino", em que todas as cadeiras estão viradas para o professor e para o quadro de ardósia e giz. Perdão! Para o quadro digital.

Um pequeno artigo super interessante a guardar.


quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015




quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015

School in the cloud


sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

SIIE 2013

Passados 4 anos voltei ao SIIE, desta vez em Viseu, tendo este blog "nascido" no SIIE de 2009, em Coimbra.
Apesar de terem passado apenas 4 anos, verifico que percorri um longo percurso desde essa data: em 2009 fui só como assistente, e nesta data já venho como doutorada, professora do ensino superior e investigadora, trazendo investigações efetuadas por mim. Espero que no próximo SIIE haja ainda mais evolução a este nível!

Rita Brito

sábado, 4 de maio de 2013

Para explorar: RED

http://www.imagequiz.co.uk/login (faz-se upload de uma imagem e tansformamo-la num quiz).

http://www.fwend.com/tangram.htm (jogo do tangram)

http://www.cleo.net.uk/resources/full.php?src=291/fuzz4.swf (desenhar com figuras geométricas)

http://www.orientacionandujar.es/sumas-de-2-sumandos-tres-cifras-con-llevada/ (adições com transporte, 2 parcelas)

http://www.orientacionandujar.es/sumas-de-3-sumandos-tres-cifras-con-llevada/ (adições com transporte (3 parcelas)

http://www.orientacionandujar.es/sumas-de-3-sumandos-4-cifras-con-llevada/ (adições)

http://www.escolagames.com.br/jogos/euseicontar/ (Jogo de matemática)

http://www.learn-timestables.com/tafels-oefenen.aspx?name=gast_635026639476262604 (multiplicação)

http://escolovar.org/mat_euro_dinheiro_maquina.compra-paga.swf (somas com dinheiro)

http://escolovar.org/mat_euro_dinheiro_maquina.conta-euros.swf (somas com dinheiro)

http://www.mathlearningcenter.org/web-apps/geoboard/# (Geoplano)

http://www.turtlediary.com/preschool-games/math-games/match-shape.html (figuras geométricas)

http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_169_g_1_t_2.html?open=activities (frisos e padrões)

terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013

The Child, the Tablet and the Developing Mind

I recently watched my sister perform an act of magic.
We were sitting in a restaurant, trying to have a conversation, but her children, 4-year-old Willow and 7-year-old Luca, would not stop fighting. The arguments — over a fork, or who had more water in a glass — were unrelenting.
Like a magician quieting a group of children by pulling a rabbit out of a hat, my sister reached into her purse and produced two shiny Apple iPads, handing one to each child. Suddenly, the two were quiet. Eerily so. They sat playing games and watching videos, and we continued with our conversation.
After our meal, as we stuffed the iPads back into their magic storage bag, my sister felt slightly guilty.
“I don’t want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if it keeps them occupied for an hour so we can eat in peace, and more importantly not disturb other people in the restaurant, I often just hand it over,” she told me. Then she asked: “Do you think it’s bad for them? I do worry that it is setting them up to think it’s O.K. to use electronics at the dinner table in the future.”
I did not have an answer, and although some people might have opinions, no one has a true scientific understanding of what the future might hold for a generation raised on portable screens.
“We really don’t know the full neurological effects of these technologies yet,” said Dr. Gary Small, director of the Longevity Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, and author of “iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind.” “Children, like adults, vary quite a lot, and some are more sensitive than others to an abundance of screen time.”
But Dr. Small says we do know that the brain is highly sensitive to stimuli, like iPads and smartphone screens, and if people spend too much time with one technology, and less time interacting with people like parents at the dinner table, that could hinder the development of certain communications skills.
So will a child who plays with crayons at dinner rather than a coloring application on an iPad be a more socialized person?
Ozlem Ayduk, an associate professor in the Relationships and Social Cognition Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, said children sitting at the dinner table with a print book or crayons were not as engaged with the people around them, either. “There are value-based lessons for children to talk to the people during a meal,” she said. “It’s not so much about the iPad versus nonelectronics.”
Parents who have little choice but to hand over their iPad can at least control what a child does on those devices.
A report published last week by the Millennium Cohort Study, a long-term study group in Britain that has been following 19,000 children born in 2000 and 2001, found that those who watched more than three hours of television, videos or DVDs a day had a higher chance of conduct problems, emotional symptoms and relationship problems by the time they were 7 than children who did not. The study, of a sample of 11,000 children, found that children who played video games — often age-appropriate games — for the same amount of time did not show any signs of negative behavioral changes by the same age.
Which brings us back to the dinner table with my niece and nephew. While they sat happily staring into those shiny screens, they were not engaged in any type of conversation, or staring off into space thinking, as my sister and I did as children when our parents were talking. And that is where the risks are apparent.
“Conversations with each other are the way children learn to have conversations with themselves, and learn how to be alone,” said Sherry Turkle, a professor of science, technology and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and author of the book “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other.” “Learning about solitude and being alone is the bedrock of early development, and you don’t want your kids to miss out on that because you’re pacifying them with a device.”
Ms. Turkle has interviewed parents, teenagers and children about the use of gadgets during early development, and says she fears that children who do not learn real interactions, which often have flaws and imperfections, will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy without risk.
And they need to be able to think independently of a device. “They need to be able to explore their imagination. To be able to gather themselves and know who they are. So someday they can form a relationship with another person without a panic of being alone,” she said. “If you don’t teach your children to be alone, they’ll only know how to be lonely.”

Rita Brito

Retirado daqui.

quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

Six Multimedia Timeline Creation Tools for Students

This week I ran a workshop on mind mapping, brainstorming, and timeline creation. These are the timeline creation tools that I included in the workshop.

Meograph offers a nice way to create narrated map-based and timeline-based stories. Much of what Meograph offers can be accomplished in Google Earth. However, Meograph is browser-based so that students can create stories even if they cannot install Google Earth on their computers.

Dipity is a great timeline creation tool that allows users to incorporate text, images, and videos into each entry on their timeline. Like most good web tools, Dipity has a collaboration option and has multiple options for sharing your timelines publicly or privately. Each entry to a Dipity timeline can include multiple types of media which allows users to add more detail and information than can be included in a traditional timeline. If you want to import Tweets and other social media messages, you can do that too on Dipity. Dipity will work on your iPad.

myHistro is a timeline builder and map creation tool rolled into one nice package. On myHistro you can build a personal timeline or build a timeline about a theme or event in history. Each event that you place on your timeline can be geolocated using Google Maps. myHistro timelines can be created online or you can use the free iPad app to create events on your timeline.

I like XTimeline because I find it to be a great service that is very accessible to high school students. Using XTimeline students can collaborate, just as they would when making a wiki, to build a multimedia timeline. Timelines built using XTimeline can include text, images, and video.XTimeline will accept dates in A.D./B.C. format.

TimeGlider offers some nicer layout features compared to XTimeline, but is not quite as intuitive to use as XTimeline. The layout features that I like about TimeGlider is the ability to stagger or indent events below each other in a sequence. TimeGlider also makes it easy to display the relative importance of an event by increasing its size in comparison to other events on the timeline. Like XTimeline, TimeGlider accepts dates in A.D./B.C. format.

Time Toast is easy to learn to use. To add events to a timeline simply click on the inconspicuous "add an event" button and a simple event box pops up in which you can enter enter text, place a link, or add a picture. Time Toast does not have the more advanced editing options that XTimeline and TimeGlider offer. What it offers instead is ease of use which makes it a suitable choice for students in elementary school or middle school.

Retirado daqui.

Rita Brito

segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

A Short Guide to Terms Commonly Used in Blogging

I'm currently in the process of developing new digital handouts for my blogging workshops. One of the items that I'm adding to my handouts is a list of terminology and definitions for terms that I frequently use while talking about building blogs. My preliminary list is posted below. Are there terms that you think should be added to the list?

Theme: WordPress and many other blogging platforms use “themes” to describe the look of a blog. The theme can include the color scheme and the layout of elements on the blog. Changing the theme does not change the content of your blog posts.

Template: Blogger and some other blogging platforms use the term “template” to describe the look of a blog. The template can include the color scheme and the layout of elements on the blog. Changing your template does not change the content of your blog posts.

Tag: Tags are applied to WordPress (Kidblog, Edublogs) blog posts to identify the key ideas or purpose of a post. Tags make it easier for people to search and find older posts on your blog. For example, if you write a post about your Revolutionary War lesson, tag it with “revolution” or “revolutionary war” so that at the end of the school year when you have 150 posts on your blog your students can quickly click on the “revolution” tag and jump to the post that have that label. It’s a lot easier to locate older posts by tag than it is to click through archives by date.

Label: Labels are applied to Blogger blog posts to identify the key ideas or purpose of a post. For example, if you write a blog post about your Revolutionary War lesson plan, label it with “revolution” or “revolutionary war” so that at the end of the school year when you have 150 posts on your blog your students can quickly click on the “revolution” label and jump to the posts that have that label. It’s a lot easier to locate older posts by label than it is to click through archives by date.

Tag Cloud and Label Cloud: Tag and Label clouds can be added to your blog’s homepage to make it easy for visitors to see the tags or labels that you use, click on one of them, and jump to a list of all of the posts that have that particular label.

Categories: In WordPress-powered blogs you can use categories for broad descriptions of posts in addition to using tags. For example, on iPadApps4School.com I use the categories “pre-K,” “elementary school,” “middle school,” and “high school.” I assign each post to a category and use tags for describing the academic topic of the post. This way if someone visits my blog looking for math apps appropriate for elementary school he or she can click on the “math” tag then click on the “elementary school” category to find all of my posts meeting that search criteria.

Embed: To display a video, slideshow, audio recording, Google Calendar, Google Map, game, and many other multimedia elements in a blog post you will use an embed code provided by service hosting that media. Embedding media into a blog post does not make you the owner of it and as long as you follow the guidelines set forth by the hosting service you are not violating copyright by embedding something you didn’t create. For example, when you find a video on YouTube that you want your students to watch you can embed it into a blog post and ask students to comment on the blog post. If the owner of that video decides to take it offline the video will no longer play through your blog post.

Embed Codes: An embed code is a piece of code, often HTML, that media hosting services like YouTube provide so that you can easily display the media that they host in your own blog posts. On some services like SlideShare.net an embed code will be clearly labeled as such next to the media you’re viewing. On other services the embed code will be one of the options that appears when you click on the “share” option. YouTube, for example, currently requires you to open the “share” menu before you see the embed code option.

Widget: A widget is a small application that you can include in the posts and or pages of your blog. A widget could be a game, a display of Tweets, a display of RSS feeds, a tag cloud, a calendar, or any other application that offers an embed code.

Gadget: Gadget is the term that Blogger uses for a widget. A gadget and a widget do the same things.

Plug-in: A plug-in (sometimes plugin) is a small application that you can add to the software that powers your blog. Unlike widgets and gadgets plug-ins operate in the background and visitors to your blog will not see them working. A plug-in can add functions to your blog such as suggesting related posts to your visitors or detecting the type of device a visitor is using to view your blog then automatically displaying the mobile or desktop version of your blog’s layout.

Post: “Post” can refer to an entry on your blog as in “a blog post.” “Post” can also be used as a verb as in “I am going to post a new entry on my blog.”

Page: A page on a blog is different than a post because a page is designed for static content. Pages are good for posting information that you want visitors to your blog to be able to quickly access. For example, my classroom blog had pages for curriculum outlines and review guides.

Permalink: Each blog post is assigned its own separate URL this is known as a permalink (permanent link). This URL is the one that you would share if you wanted someone to directly access a post rather than going to your blog’s homepage then searching for the post.

Retirado daqui

Rita Brito

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Photocat editor de imagens

Photocat is a new fun site for editing photos.  A person can edit photos, retouch images, and even make collages.  Also, there is a iPhone app which makes editing nice and easy on the go.

Rita Brito
Retirado daqui.

Imprimir posters com uma impressora normal

Block Posters is a web-based tool to which you can upload a high quality graphic then divide it into letter-sized chunks for printing. Print out each section and put them together on a poster board to make your own poster.

Rita Brito
Retirado daqui.


Phrase.it is a simple service that anyone can use to add speech bubbles and some basic Instagram-like effects to your pictures.

Rita Brito
Retirado daqui.

Use Edcanvas in Edmodo for Visual Organization and Sharing of Resources

Edcanvas is a well-designed service for organizing and sharing digital materials with your colleagues and students.

Rita Brito
Retirado daqui.

Flubaroo - A Handy Tool for Grading Quizzes

Flubaroo is a free script that you can use grade the quizzes that you administer through Google Docs. Flubaroo provides great step-by-step directions for using the script. I'll give an quick overview of how it works. First, create your multiple choice quiz using Forms in Google Docs (get directions here). Then take the quiz yourself and have students take the quiz (you can embed it in a webpage or direct students to the URL for your form). Now instead of trying to grade the spreadsheet cells you will insert the Flubaroo script by selecting it from the "insert" menu in your spreadsheet. Once the Flubaroo script is inserted just select it and it will grade the quiz for you.

Rita Brito
Retirado daqui.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

The Power of Collaborative Learning

Aqui ficam umas dicas excelentes para por em prática com crianças mais velhas de modo a estimular a aprendizagem colaborativa e pormos um pouco de lado as aulas diretivas

Rita Brito

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012

O futuro pertence aos curiosos

Aqui fica um vídeo muito interessante para refletir. É importante estimular a curiosidade nas crianças e o computador pode ser uma excelente ferramenta para o fazer.

Rita Brito

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

5 maneiras de utilizar o Google sites na escola

"Over the last two weeks I've had five occasions to work with teachers to either develop new websites or improve existing websites in Google Sites. Over the course of these workshops I've found that there are five ways that Google Sites are commonly being used in schools.

Before you jump to the list, the shameless promotion department at Free Technology for Teachers would like to mention that you should see Google Sites for Teachers if you need help getting started using Google Sites.

5 Ways to Use Google Sites in Schools
1. As a wiki: Google Sites can be used as a wiki if you share your site with others and invite them to be editors. As a teacher you could start a site then add your students as owners or editors on the site. If you add them as owners they will be able to start new pages. If you add them as editors they will only be allowed to edit existing pages. You can also use the new page-level permissions option to allow students to only edit the pages that you grant them access to.

2. As a digital portfolio: Google Sites can be used by students to create digital portfolios featuring their best works and accomplishments. I would encourage high school students to develop a digital portfolio that they can share with university admissions officers. Teachers should also consider developing a digital portfolio of their best lesson plans, credentials, and references to include when they apply for teaching positions.

3. As a digital file cabinet: If you have PDFs, Word files, or other documents that you want your students to be able to easily download, consider using the File Cabinet option in Google Sites. By creating a File Cabinet page you provide a place for those files to be easily accessed. You might also consider putting up a File Cabinet page for forms like permission slips that parents need to access.

4. As a blog: Use the Announcements template to create a blog page within your Google Sites. You can update the blog or make the blog page collaborative and let your students contribute to a class blog.

5. As a website: I left the most obvious option for last. If you need to create a place where parents and students can come to find important information about your course(s) or your school, Google Sites provides all of the tools for that. Incorporate a blog element (see #4 above) for posting updates and use the rest of the pages to house information that doesn't change that often. You can also incorporate a file cabinet (see #3 above) to post forms for parents to download. And if you're using Google Calendar, you can easily add a calendar of events to any page in your Google Site."

Retirado de http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/07/5-ways-to-use-google-sites-in-schools.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+freetech4teachers%2FcGEY+%28Free+Technology+for+Teachers%29#.UE4YTaBKzwc

Rita Brito

Histórias interativas

"Inkle Writer is a neat tool for writing interactive stories that I learned about from Larry Ferlazzo. Inkle Writer provides a platform on which you can write "choose your own adventure" style stories. On Inkle Writer you write each paragraph (or less) as an independent piece that you can connect to other pieces of your story. You can take the story into many directions then piece them together from your menu of paragraphs.

While trying Inkle Writer it struck me as being a bit like Playfic. The difference between the two is that Inkle Writer has a much more visual interface for constructing stories.

Applications for Education
Inkle Writer could be a good platform for students to use to construct narrative stories that contain many characters and plot lines."

Retirado de http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/07/write-interactive-stories-on-inkle.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+freetech4teachers%2FcGEY+%28Free+Technology+for+Teachers%29#.UE4XrKBKzwc

Rita Brito

Mind Maple - mind mapping

"“It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well.” Rene Descartes

Mind mapping is the visual and easy-to-understand representation of our ideas. It helps us to brainstorm, organize ideas and information visually. They can be used for writing, note taking, to draw connection between ideas, brainstorm in any topic, create visual products, collaborate and grow ideas. All these things lead learning and better comprehension of the concepts.

The idea of using mind maps in education is not a new idea. We, teachers are already using mind maps for decades as they are effective and powerful visual learning tools to develop thinking skills, let the fresh ideas flow and make the learning process easier and more interesting. With the combination of colors, images, drawings, links and words; mind mapping helps kids increase creativity and the flow of ideas. Mind maps support problem solving skill, help to see the big picture with details on one page and encourages group discussions. They also make it easy to refresh ideas and recall information.

Mind maps have become a more powerful tool with the developing technologies. Now the tools that we can create mind maps, are much more appealing with their bright colors, flexibility and the ability to use different multimedia.

As there are dozens of ways to integrate mind mapping into education, meet with MindMaple today to discover how you can boost your students’ learning and engage them more in their own learning."

Retirado de http://ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org/2012/07/03/grow-a-tree-of-ideas-with-mindmaple/

Rita Brito

Rede social para educação

"Edoome es una nueva red social para educación que permite crear cursos y añadir a los alumnos en los mismos. Tiene algunas similitudes con Edmodo, la red social educativa que más se está utilizando ahora mismo en los centros educativos ( por lo menos los que yo conozco en mi entorno más cercano).
Es un espacio que quiere proporcionar a los centros un entorno de colaboración entre docentes, familias y alumnado.
Para ello, una vez registrado como profesor, ya se puede crear el curso y proporcionar a los alumnos y a los padres el código correspondiente para poder entrar al mismo."

Retirado de http://villaves56.blogspot.pt/2012/06/edoome-red-social-para-educacion.html

Rita Brito

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

sábado, 7 de julho de 2012

Dons de Froebel

Encontrei um video muito interessante sobre os dons de Froel, um material com imensas aplicações em todos os níveis de educação.

Rita Bito

quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Jogos para Pré-Escolar

Aqui ficam alguns sites com jogos interessantes para crianças em idade pré-escolar:



Vários jogos, em francês

Para pintar

Draw a stickman





Vários jogos

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Clip blast

Clip Blast is a site I've known about for a long time but never got around to reviewing. This is a great site for finding video clips on any topic from around the world. Once the videos are found you can create your own video library, share them w/ others and even download/embed them into a site/blog.

I highly recommend checking out Clip Blast by clicking here.

Rita Brito


Pix.ie is a fun site for photo sharing that resembles Flickr in a way. Once photos are uploaded then can then be set to public or private to control who can view them.

Give Pix.ie a try by clicking here.

Rita Brito

8 grandes ideas para el aprendizaje constructivista

"8 grandes ideas detrás del Laboratorio de Aprendizaje Construccionista es un trabajo desarrollado por Sylvia Martínez en el blog reaprender (ha traducido al castellano las ideas propuestas en la tesis creada por el Dr. Seymour Papert (1999)

La primera gran idea es aprender haciendo. Todos aprendemos mejor cuando el aprendizaje es parte de hacer algo que nos parece realmente interesante. Aprendemos de la mejor manera cuando usamos lo que aprendemos para hacer algo que realmente queremos.

La segunda gran idea es la tecnología como material de construcción. Si usted puede utilizar la tecnología para crear cosas, usted puede hacer cosas mucho más interesantes. Y usted puede aprender mucho más creándolas. Esto es especialmente cierto para la tecnología digital: las computadoras de todo tipo incluyendo el Lego controlado por computador de nuestro laboratorio.

La tercera gran idea es diversión difícil. Aprendemos mejor y trabajamos mejor si disfrutamos lo que estamos haciendo. Sin embargo, diversión y disfrutar no significa fácil: La mejor diversión es diversión difícil. Nuestros héroes deportivos trabajan muy duro para volverse mejores en su deporte. El carpintero más exitoso disfruta haciendo carpintería. El empresario exitoso disfruta trabajar duro haciendo negocios.

La cuarta gran idea es aprender a aprender. Muchos estudiantes adquieren la idea de que “la única manera de aprender es siendo enseñado”. Esto es lo que los hace fracasar en la escuela y en la vida. Nadie puede enseñarle todo lo que necesita saber. Usted tiene que hacerse cargo de su propio aprendizaje.

La quinta gran idea es tomar tiempo – el tiempo adecuado para el trabajo. Muchos estudiantes en la escuela se acostumbran a que les digan cada cinco minutos o cada hora: haz esto, haz aquello. ahora haz lo siguiente. Si alguien no les está diciendo qué hacer se aburren. La vida no es así. Para hacer cualquier cosa importante usted tiene que aprender a manejar su propio tiempo. Esta es la lección más difícil para muchos de nuestros estudiantes.

La sexta gran idea es la más grande de todas: no puedes hacer las cosas bien sin haberlas hecho mal. Nada importante funciona la primera vez. La única manera de hacer las cosas bien es mirar cuidadosamente lo que sucedió cuando salieron mal. Para tener éxito se necesita la libertad para equivocarse por el camino.

La séptima gran idea es hacer nosotros mismos lo que hacemos que nuestros estudiantes hagan. Estamos aprendiendo todo el tiempo. Tenemos mucha experiencia de otros proyectos similares, pero cada uno es diferente. No tenemos una idea preconcebida de cómo saldrá esto exactamente. Disfrutamos lo que estamos haciendo, pero esperamos que sea duro. Esperamos tomarnos el tiempo necesario para hacerlo bien. Cada dificultades con la que nos encontramos es una oportunidad para aprender. La mejor lección que podemos dar a nuestros alumnos es dejar que nos observen en nuestra lucha para aprender.

La octava gran idea es que estamos entrando en un mundo digital donde conocer acerca de la tecnología digital es tan importante como saber leer y escribir. Así que aprender acerca de los computadores es esencial para nuestros futuros estudiantes, PERO el propósito más importante es usarlos AHORA para aprender sobre todo lo demás. El texto traducido se puede descargar como pdf (PDF en español aquí)".

Retirado daqui em 15/09/2011.

Rita Brito

My Drawings

"My Drawings is a fun site that creates an online gallery of children's art. This is a nice site to use for schools as it is a safe environment where teachers can upload students art to their site (via a scanner). Once the art is uploaded a URL is generated that can be shared w/ others.

I recommend checking out My Drawings by clicking here!! "

Retirado daqui em 15/09/2011

Rita Brito

"Digital learning: Final chapter for textbooks?"

"It's no surprise that students are obsessed with their mobile devices. What may come as a surprise, though, is the fact that these digital devices may someday replace textbooks all together—and it may be sooner than we think! South Korea recently announced that by the year 2015, all paper textbooks will be replaced with digital textbooks available on mobile devices such as tablets and e-readers.

As students become more and more dependent on digital, will textbooks become extinct? Learn more about this trend in the below infographic."

Digital devices to replace textbooks
Courtesy of: Schools.com

Retirado de http://www.schools.com/visuals/digital-learning-final-chapter-for-textbooks.html" em 15/09/2011.

Rita Brito

quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

Raise College Grad Rates By Changing Religion

"Forget making schools better, or making college cheaper, or any of those other things people always talk about. Just convert kids to another religion (reform Jew or Hindu, in particular) and you'll increase their chances of graduating college and making $75K, notes this NYT story from, well, May 11. How come no one thought of this earlier?"

Retirado daqui em 08/08/2011

Rita Brito

5 Erros a evitar numa apresentação

Aqui fica um vídeo muito interessante que explica 5 erros que devemos evitar ao construir uma apresentação.

Rita Brito

Springo Kids

"Springo Kids is a fun visual search engine that is safe for kids ages 5-12. This is done by seeing thumbnail pictures that are linked to sites. This site is very similar to Yahooligans. There is a standard version of Springo that users can choose to use instead by clicking here.

I highly recommend checking out Springo Kids by clicking here!!"

Retirado daqui em 08/08/2011

Rita Brito


"Kideos is a great site to find online kid friendly videos that are safe. Also, these videos are organized by age level and abide by COPPA compliance.

I highly recommend checking out Kideos by clicking here!!"

Retirado daqui em 08/08/2011.

Rita Brito

segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011

domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Educational Paradigms

How did the current education system develop?
Why do some thrive and some fail in this system?
How do we improve the current educational system?
How do we encourage all children to thrive?

Ken Robinson, illustrated by RSAnimate, answers...


Rita Brito

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

"Computadores nas escolas"

Aqui fica um artigo interessantíssimo, escrito em 1989 pelo Professor António Dias Figueiredo, que ainda hoje permanece actual aos nosso tempos.

Rita Brito

quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011

quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

3 fases da tecnologia educacional

Um interessante vídeo sobre as 3 fases da tecnologia educacional.

Começa com uma excelente afirmação: "Any teacher that can be replaced by technology deserves to be" (David Thornbug).

Rita Brito

quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010


Uma mesa destas numa sala de pré-escolar seria interessantíssimo! Mais interessante ainda seria ter 4 mesas e colocar grupos de 2 ou 3 crianças em cada uma delas.

Rita Brito

sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education

Aqui fica mais um vídeo fresquinho do Professor Sugata Mitra e do seu esplêndido trabalho com computadores e crianças.

Rita Brito

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009

Influência dos adultos nas crianças

Embora não esteja relacionado directamente com as TIC, achei interessante partilhar.

"Este video surgiu na Austrália no âmbito de uma campanha de sensibilização sobre a influência que os adultos têm sobre os comportamentos das crianças.
As crianças observam-nos, imitam-nos, fazem o que nos vêem fazer e disso não nos podemos esquecer.

• Os seus olhos observam-nos de noite e de dia todas as palavras entram nos seus ouvidos atentos;

• As suas mãos querem fazer o que nós fazemos;

• Eles passam a vida a sonhar que um dia serão como nós, porque somos os seus ídolos, os mais sábios entre os sábios;

• Nas suas pequenas mentes nunca albergam suspeitas nem dúvidas, acreditam em nós com devoção, afirmam que tudo o que dizemos e fazemos está certo e, quando crescem, dirão e farão muitas das coisas que dissemos e fizemos;

• Acreditam que temos sempre razão;

• Com os olhos abertos e os ouvidos sempre alerta, observam-nos e escutam-nos a todo o momento;

• Estamos a servir de exemplo, em cada dia, em tudo o que fazemos!

• São as crianças que estão à espera de crescer para ser como aprenderam com cada um de nós."

Penso que é um bom tema de reflexão".

Retirado de http://www.continuobuscando.blogspot.com/, em 27/12/2009.

Rita Brito

terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009

quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009

Sugata Mitra - "Hole in the Wall"

O Professor Sugata Mitra é (nesta data) Professor de Tecnologia Educacional na Escola de Educação, Comunicação e Ciências Linguísticas na Universidade de Newcastle, UK. Ele também é "Chief Scientist", Emeritus, no NIIT*.
Anexo um filme muito interessante sobre uma investigação feita pelo mesmo, o filme pode ser visto aqui.

De seguida coloco um pequeno artigo descritivo do projecto de investigação do mesmo professor, chamado "Hole in the wall".

Why you should listen to him: In 1999, Sugata Mitra and his colleagues dug a hole in a wall bordering an urban slum in New Delhi, installed an Internet-connected PC, and left it there (with a hidden camera filming the area). What they saw was kids from the slum playing around with the computer and in the process learning how to use it and how to go online, and then teaching each other.
In the following years they replicated the experiment in other parts of India, urban and rural, with similar results, challenging some of the key assumptions of formal education. The "Hole in the Wall" project demonstrates that, even in the absence of any direct input from a teacher, an environment that stimulates curiosity can cause learning through self-instruction and peer-shared knowledge. Mitra, who's now a professor of educational technology at Newcastle University (UK), calls it "minimally invasive education."
"Education-as-usual assumes that kids are empty vessels who need to be sat down in a room and filled with curricular content. Dr. Mitra's experiments prove that wrong."
Linux Journal

Retirado de http://www.ted.com/speakers/sugata_mitra.html, 09/12/2009

* NIIT is a Information Technology global education and training company headquartered in Gurgaon, India. It is one of Asia's largest Information Technology training and education company with 5 million students across 40 countries. The company is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange of India.

sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

CITA 2009

Cita 2009 trata-se de um Congresso Iberoamericano de Telemática, realizado em Gijón/Xixón, Asturias, España. Este ano "aconteceu" o V Congresso CITA e coloco aqui o link para poderem aceder às actas do mesmo. Chamo a atenção para a página 105, para o artigo "Evaluación y planificación de actividades en la educación infantil a través de las TIC", de Rubén Míguez, Juan M. Santos e Luis Anido (Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Espanha). Considerei muito interessante esta ferramenta.

Boa leitura!

Rita Brito

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

Página do SIIE

Aqui fica a página do SIIE para outras informações:


Rita Brito

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

SIIE 2009

Terminou o 2º dia do XI Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, em Coimbra. Tem sido muito enriquecedor estar aqui rodeada de ideias interessantes para aplicar na educação e no dia a dia, que envolvam a tecnologia. No entanto não posso deixar de referir que é pena a Educação Pré-Escolar não ter sido muito referida até agora, e segundo o programa, não ser mais mais falada. Ontem ouvi um colega da Universidade do Chile a falar de um projecto que desenvolveu que envolve PDA's e crianças do pré-Escolar. Ele desenvolveu um software que consistia num puzzle e as crianças, que estavam em grupos de 3, tinham de completar esse puzzle no PDA. No entanto, cada criança tinha 30segundos (alteráveis se quisessemos) para o fazer. Achei a ideia interessante e as conclusões também o foram, por isso queria tentar falar com o colega, mas ainda não me foi possível. De qualquer maneira, assim que puder coloco aqui o seu nome e a sua Universidade (não sei se ele tem o trabalho publicado online).

Rita Brito

SIIE 2009

Bom dia,

começo este blog inspirada pelo Seminário que estou neste momento a assistir.

Aqui disponibilizarei informação sobre as TIC, Pré-Escolar, Educação e tudo relacionado com estes temas.

Até breve,

Rita Brito