Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur secara empiris hubungan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur secara empiris hubungan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Sebanyak 342 siswa kelas 8 SMP turut berpartisipasi (137 siswa, 205 siswi) dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan merupakan studi korelasional dan komparatif. Terdapat hubungan antara efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika. Selain itu, terjadi perbedaan pada efikasi diri matematika, namun tidak ada perbedaan pada sikap terhadap matematika berdasarkan jenis kelamin.
University students often face challenges both in the academic and non-academic fields. The press... more University students often face challenges both in the academic and non-academic fields. The pressures felt by these students can cause anxiety in students. Anxiety that exists in students can cause negative impacts that can harm students. Based on the previous research, it has been found that a sense of humor has a relationship with anxiety and can help overcome this anxiety. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between a sense of humor and anxiety feltby active students at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika). The study used a quantitative approach with a correlation research design. The subjects of this study were 396 active students at Unika Atma Jaya. The research instruments used were the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS) to measure Sense of Humor and the Hamilton Anxity Rating Scale (HAM-A) to measure anxiety. The results of this study were that there was no significant relationship between Sense of Humor and the anxiety felt by act...
Academic adjustment is an important thing for students, especially seventh graders at Miftahul Ul... more Academic adjustment is an important thing for students, especially seventh graders at Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, one of the modern-based Islamic boarding schools that combines the national education curriculum and the cottage curriculum. In early adolescence, students have begun to develop cognitive strategies and adjust behavior to the academic environment. The ability of students to regulate cognitive and behavior in learning is called self-regulated learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning and the academic adjustment amongst seventh grade students of Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. The research method used in this research was mixed methods. Quantitative data was collected from 160 students through The Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire Scale (MSLQ) to measure self-regulated learning and Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) to measure academic adjustment. While in the qualita...
Istri berpeluang tertular virus HIV dari suaminya, dan juga menularkan kepada bayinya. Oleh karen... more Istri berpeluang tertular virus HIV dari suaminya, dan juga menularkan kepada bayinya. Oleh karena itu komunitas yang penting memperoleh intervensi dari penyebaran HIV adalah istri dari suami yang terinfeksi HIV. Psikoedukasi manajemen kasus bagi istri dengan suami HIV+ penting bagi suami yang didampinginya, bagi dirinya dan anak-anaknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengaplikasikan wawancara mendalam kepada empat orang perempuan yang merupakan istri dari suami HIV+. Dari hasil penelitian ditunjukkan bahwa istri berperanan penting dalam merawat suami HIV+, dan cara mengelola kehidupan bersama orang HIV+ merupakan kebutuhan yang mendasar bagi para istri dengan suami HIV+.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran mengenai program pendidikanvokasional yang ... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran mengenai program pendidikanvokasional yang diberikan untuk anak perempuan yang berkonfl ik dengan hukum dan tinggal diLembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak dan Perempuan di Tangerang. Penelitian ini dilakukan denganmenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan menerapkan Focus Group Discussion (FGD)yang diikutioleh 5 orang anak dan Key Informant Interview (KII) dengan kepala divisi bimbingan dan pendidikandi Lapas Anak dan Perempuan Tangerang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendidikanvokasional kurang dilaksanakan secara optimal karena ada kekhawatiran dari petugas bahwa Lapasmelakukan eksploitasi kepada anak. Selain itu, keikutsertaan anak dalam pendidikan vokasional lebihkarena keinginan untuk cepat keluar dari Lapas sebagai konsekuensi ada kebijakan bahwa salah satupersyaratan untuk bisa keluar dari Lapas adalah keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan vokasional. Hal yangdianggap anak menguntungkan adalah adanya sertifi kat yang diberikan ol...
Path integration as a central process in spatial orientation is a basic cognitive competence used... more Path integration as a central process in spatial orientation is a basic cognitive competence used to update spatial positioning while walking. Children develop this competence via self-directed path-finding experiences. This study examines the spatial orientation competences of pre-school children in inner-city Jakarta. The influence of parental protectiveness on path integration competence was investigated, and the children’s spatial ability was measured using paper-and-pencil tests. Thirty pre-school children from poor families in three different sub-districts of inner-city Jakarta (Jatinegara Cipinang, Besar Selatan, and Bukit Duri) were tested. Results showed that children who were used to roaming more freely performed better in spatial orientation than those whose parents granted them less freedom to wander alone. Small significant correlations between spatial ability tests and path integration competence were observed. However, being able to move freely in everyday life was fa...
This study explored adolescents’ reasons for involving themselves, or not, in risk-taking behavio... more This study explored adolescents’ reasons for involving themselves, or not, in risk-taking behavior, in two vulnerable areas of North Jakarta. The sample was purposively selected among households with adolescents ranging from 12 to 18 years old living in the two areas. The study involved 401 parents (8% female; 92% male; mean age 45.3 years) and 414 adolescents (57.49% female; 42.51% male; mean age 14.9 years). Parents’ demographic data included educational level, employment status, family income, and expenditure. Adolescents were asked about their perceptions of their relationships with their parents, whether they had been involved in eight risky behaviors (smoking, consuming alcohol, substance use, brawling, crime, physical fighting, heavy petting, and premarital sex), and reasons for engaging in risky behaviors or not. The comparison of proportions of eight risky behavior was tested by different test procedures, namely Z test, Chi-Square and Marascuillo multiple comparison. Result...
All forms and levels of education established in the community aim at providing learners with kno... more All forms and levels of education established in the community aim at providing learners with knowledge, skills and values needed for them in the future. Therefore, education is pertained to be every individual’s basic needs and rights, and it is important for all parties, i.e. government, private sectors as well as community to facilitate the fulfilment of education. Education is aspired for all learners regardless of her or his conditions and potentials. Everyone has equal opportunity to access education. In spite of the fact, some of the learners could not access good quality of education, due to physical and mental impairment or socioeconomically disadvantaged. For this reason, establishment of inclusive education is important. Inclusive education aims at providing opportunity to all learners with different abilities and background to access good quality of education. The need of implementation of inclusive education in higher education has increased in accordance with the incre...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku berisiko pada remaja yang ada di Desa Eretan Kulo... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku berisiko pada remaja yang ada di Desa Eretan Kulon, Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed-method yang menggabungkan pendekatan kuantitatif berupa survei dan juga kualitatif berupa FGD dan wawancara. Responden dari penelitian ini sebanyak 185 remaja, yang terdiri dari 81 remaja laki-laki dan 104 remaja perempuan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pada remaja laki-laki perilaku berisiko yang paling banyak muncul adalah merokok (lk=27; 33,33%), berkelahi fisik (lk=13; 16,05%) dan minum-minuman yang mengandung alkohol (lk=12; 14,81%). Perilaku berisiko pada remaja perempuan paling banyak adalah minum-minuman yang mengandung alkohol (pr=2; 1,92%). Sebanyak 5 remaja (2,70%) sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seksual. Perilaku seksual sebelum menikah cenderung mendapatkan pembiaran dari orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar. Terkait dengan penggunaan narkoba, walaupun sedikit tetapi terdapat 13 orang (7,03%) yang pernah mencoba narkoba...
JKKP (Jurnal Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Pendidikan)
This study aims at obtaining description of self-acceptance of elderly who live alone by themselv... more This study aims at obtaining description of self-acceptance of elderly who live alone by themselves, as well as factors that affect their self-acceptance. This study implemented a qualitstivee approach by interviewing four participants, two males and two femaleswith age range of 60-70 years. Self-acceptance and self-understanding were measured by aspects of feeling equal with others, having self-confidence, being responsible, outward looking and open minded, having self-determination, realizing to self limitations, and accepting the characteristics as a human. Factors that support high self-acceptance are good self-understanding, religiousity, and the attitude of their surrounding that support their presence. Low self-acceptance is caused by failure to achieve dreams and hopes, lack of social support from their children, and weak economic conditions. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran penerimaan diri warga lanjut usia yang tinggal seorang diri, serta faktor...
The aim of this study was to obtain a picture on the implementation of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Ma... more The aim of this study was to obtain a picture on the implementation of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) the Indonesian term for Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) among the families of fisherman in Eretan Kulon, Indramayu West Java. Participants of this Household Survey were categorized into two, namely households that have under-five children and households that have youth. Father or mother or any adult who live with under-five children or youth were purposively chosen as the participants of this study. In total 307 Households (HH Under five 51.14%; HH Youth 48.86%) participated in this study. Five pillars of STBM were used to develop a questionnaire for this HH Survey. The result revealed that among the five pillars of STBM, the highest mean score was in safe management of drinking water and food (Mean=4.08), followed by washing hands with soap (Mean=3.45), management of solid waste (Mean=2.79), management of liquid water (Mean=2.64), and open defecation (Mean=1.90). T...
Transition of learning from secondary to higher education demands new students to do academic adj... more Transition of learning from secondary to higher education demands new students to do academic adjustments, especially towards the change from rote learning to student-centered learning. Student-centered learning requires students to process learning material with more depth and to regulate their own learning. These skills often relate with academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of processing and regulation of learning conducted by first-level students on academic achievement. Other factors that affect academic achievement were explored too, such as student’s sex, parental support, conception of learning, and learning orientation . This study used mixed method. Quantitative data was obtained through Inventarisasi Cara Belajar (ICB) or Learning Style Inventory, which was filled by 180 third-semester students. ICB was used for measuring the processing and regulation of learning and their effect on academic achievement, which is depicted by Grad...
Pernikahan merupakan perjanjian antara pria dan wanita untuk membentuk keluarga bersama. Selain m... more Pernikahan merupakan perjanjian antara pria dan wanita untuk membentuk keluarga bersama. Selain menikah secara agama, pasangan suami istri diwajibkan untuk mengurus dokumen di catatan sipil, sehingga pasangan suami istri ini dinyatakan sah dalam pernikahan. Hubungan pernikahan pun tidak lepas dari cinta. Menurut Sternberg, cinta terdiri dari tiga komponen, yakni intimacy, passion, dan commitment. Setiap komponen memiliki elemen tersendiri, yaitu intimacy terdiri dari sepuluh elemen, passion terdiri dari lima elemen, dan commitment terdiri dari tujuh elemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran intimacy, passion, dan commitment pada pasangan yang menikah secara Katolik, dengan mengunakan skala cinta Sternberg. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga pasang suami istri (6 orang) yang menikah secara Katolik dan memiliki anak. Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis Fenomenologi. Kredibilitas ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur secara empiris hubungan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur secara empiris hubungan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Sebanyak 342 siswa kelas 8 SMP turut berpartisipasi (137 siswa, 205 siswi) dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan merupakan studi korelasional dan komparatif. Terdapat hubungan antara efikasi diri matematika dan sikap terhadap matematika. Selain itu, terjadi perbedaan pada efikasi diri matematika, namun tidak ada perbedaan pada sikap terhadap matematika berdasarkan jenis kelamin.
University students often face challenges both in the academic and non-academic fields. The press... more University students often face challenges both in the academic and non-academic fields. The pressures felt by these students can cause anxiety in students. Anxiety that exists in students can cause negative impacts that can harm students. Based on the previous research, it has been found that a sense of humor has a relationship with anxiety and can help overcome this anxiety. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between a sense of humor and anxiety feltby active students at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika). The study used a quantitative approach with a correlation research design. The subjects of this study were 396 active students at Unika Atma Jaya. The research instruments used were the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS) to measure Sense of Humor and the Hamilton Anxity Rating Scale (HAM-A) to measure anxiety. The results of this study were that there was no significant relationship between Sense of Humor and the anxiety felt by act...
Academic adjustment is an important thing for students, especially seventh graders at Miftahul Ul... more Academic adjustment is an important thing for students, especially seventh graders at Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, one of the modern-based Islamic boarding schools that combines the national education curriculum and the cottage curriculum. In early adolescence, students have begun to develop cognitive strategies and adjust behavior to the academic environment. The ability of students to regulate cognitive and behavior in learning is called self-regulated learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning and the academic adjustment amongst seventh grade students of Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. The research method used in this research was mixed methods. Quantitative data was collected from 160 students through The Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire Scale (MSLQ) to measure self-regulated learning and Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) to measure academic adjustment. While in the qualita...
Istri berpeluang tertular virus HIV dari suaminya, dan juga menularkan kepada bayinya. Oleh karen... more Istri berpeluang tertular virus HIV dari suaminya, dan juga menularkan kepada bayinya. Oleh karena itu komunitas yang penting memperoleh intervensi dari penyebaran HIV adalah istri dari suami yang terinfeksi HIV. Psikoedukasi manajemen kasus bagi istri dengan suami HIV+ penting bagi suami yang didampinginya, bagi dirinya dan anak-anaknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengaplikasikan wawancara mendalam kepada empat orang perempuan yang merupakan istri dari suami HIV+. Dari hasil penelitian ditunjukkan bahwa istri berperanan penting dalam merawat suami HIV+, dan cara mengelola kehidupan bersama orang HIV+ merupakan kebutuhan yang mendasar bagi para istri dengan suami HIV+.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran mengenai program pendidikanvokasional yang ... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran mengenai program pendidikanvokasional yang diberikan untuk anak perempuan yang berkonfl ik dengan hukum dan tinggal diLembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak dan Perempuan di Tangerang. Penelitian ini dilakukan denganmenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan menerapkan Focus Group Discussion (FGD)yang diikutioleh 5 orang anak dan Key Informant Interview (KII) dengan kepala divisi bimbingan dan pendidikandi Lapas Anak dan Perempuan Tangerang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendidikanvokasional kurang dilaksanakan secara optimal karena ada kekhawatiran dari petugas bahwa Lapasmelakukan eksploitasi kepada anak. Selain itu, keikutsertaan anak dalam pendidikan vokasional lebihkarena keinginan untuk cepat keluar dari Lapas sebagai konsekuensi ada kebijakan bahwa salah satupersyaratan untuk bisa keluar dari Lapas adalah keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan vokasional. Hal yangdianggap anak menguntungkan adalah adanya sertifi kat yang diberikan ol...
Path integration as a central process in spatial orientation is a basic cognitive competence used... more Path integration as a central process in spatial orientation is a basic cognitive competence used to update spatial positioning while walking. Children develop this competence via self-directed path-finding experiences. This study examines the spatial orientation competences of pre-school children in inner-city Jakarta. The influence of parental protectiveness on path integration competence was investigated, and the children’s spatial ability was measured using paper-and-pencil tests. Thirty pre-school children from poor families in three different sub-districts of inner-city Jakarta (Jatinegara Cipinang, Besar Selatan, and Bukit Duri) were tested. Results showed that children who were used to roaming more freely performed better in spatial orientation than those whose parents granted them less freedom to wander alone. Small significant correlations between spatial ability tests and path integration competence were observed. However, being able to move freely in everyday life was fa...
This study explored adolescents’ reasons for involving themselves, or not, in risk-taking behavio... more This study explored adolescents’ reasons for involving themselves, or not, in risk-taking behavior, in two vulnerable areas of North Jakarta. The sample was purposively selected among households with adolescents ranging from 12 to 18 years old living in the two areas. The study involved 401 parents (8% female; 92% male; mean age 45.3 years) and 414 adolescents (57.49% female; 42.51% male; mean age 14.9 years). Parents’ demographic data included educational level, employment status, family income, and expenditure. Adolescents were asked about their perceptions of their relationships with their parents, whether they had been involved in eight risky behaviors (smoking, consuming alcohol, substance use, brawling, crime, physical fighting, heavy petting, and premarital sex), and reasons for engaging in risky behaviors or not. The comparison of proportions of eight risky behavior was tested by different test procedures, namely Z test, Chi-Square and Marascuillo multiple comparison. Result...
All forms and levels of education established in the community aim at providing learners with kno... more All forms and levels of education established in the community aim at providing learners with knowledge, skills and values needed for them in the future. Therefore, education is pertained to be every individual’s basic needs and rights, and it is important for all parties, i.e. government, private sectors as well as community to facilitate the fulfilment of education. Education is aspired for all learners regardless of her or his conditions and potentials. Everyone has equal opportunity to access education. In spite of the fact, some of the learners could not access good quality of education, due to physical and mental impairment or socioeconomically disadvantaged. For this reason, establishment of inclusive education is important. Inclusive education aims at providing opportunity to all learners with different abilities and background to access good quality of education. The need of implementation of inclusive education in higher education has increased in accordance with the incre...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku berisiko pada remaja yang ada di Desa Eretan Kulo... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku berisiko pada remaja yang ada di Desa Eretan Kulon, Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed-method yang menggabungkan pendekatan kuantitatif berupa survei dan juga kualitatif berupa FGD dan wawancara. Responden dari penelitian ini sebanyak 185 remaja, yang terdiri dari 81 remaja laki-laki dan 104 remaja perempuan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pada remaja laki-laki perilaku berisiko yang paling banyak muncul adalah merokok (lk=27; 33,33%), berkelahi fisik (lk=13; 16,05%) dan minum-minuman yang mengandung alkohol (lk=12; 14,81%). Perilaku berisiko pada remaja perempuan paling banyak adalah minum-minuman yang mengandung alkohol (pr=2; 1,92%). Sebanyak 5 remaja (2,70%) sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seksual. Perilaku seksual sebelum menikah cenderung mendapatkan pembiaran dari orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar. Terkait dengan penggunaan narkoba, walaupun sedikit tetapi terdapat 13 orang (7,03%) yang pernah mencoba narkoba...
JKKP (Jurnal Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Pendidikan)
This study aims at obtaining description of self-acceptance of elderly who live alone by themselv... more This study aims at obtaining description of self-acceptance of elderly who live alone by themselves, as well as factors that affect their self-acceptance. This study implemented a qualitstivee approach by interviewing four participants, two males and two femaleswith age range of 60-70 years. Self-acceptance and self-understanding were measured by aspects of feeling equal with others, having self-confidence, being responsible, outward looking and open minded, having self-determination, realizing to self limitations, and accepting the characteristics as a human. Factors that support high self-acceptance are good self-understanding, religiousity, and the attitude of their surrounding that support their presence. Low self-acceptance is caused by failure to achieve dreams and hopes, lack of social support from their children, and weak economic conditions. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran penerimaan diri warga lanjut usia yang tinggal seorang diri, serta faktor...
The aim of this study was to obtain a picture on the implementation of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Ma... more The aim of this study was to obtain a picture on the implementation of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) the Indonesian term for Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) among the families of fisherman in Eretan Kulon, Indramayu West Java. Participants of this Household Survey were categorized into two, namely households that have under-five children and households that have youth. Father or mother or any adult who live with under-five children or youth were purposively chosen as the participants of this study. In total 307 Households (HH Under five 51.14%; HH Youth 48.86%) participated in this study. Five pillars of STBM were used to develop a questionnaire for this HH Survey. The result revealed that among the five pillars of STBM, the highest mean score was in safe management of drinking water and food (Mean=4.08), followed by washing hands with soap (Mean=3.45), management of solid waste (Mean=2.79), management of liquid water (Mean=2.64), and open defecation (Mean=1.90). T...
Transition of learning from secondary to higher education demands new students to do academic adj... more Transition of learning from secondary to higher education demands new students to do academic adjustments, especially towards the change from rote learning to student-centered learning. Student-centered learning requires students to process learning material with more depth and to regulate their own learning. These skills often relate with academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of processing and regulation of learning conducted by first-level students on academic achievement. Other factors that affect academic achievement were explored too, such as student’s sex, parental support, conception of learning, and learning orientation . This study used mixed method. Quantitative data was obtained through Inventarisasi Cara Belajar (ICB) or Learning Style Inventory, which was filled by 180 third-semester students. ICB was used for measuring the processing and regulation of learning and their effect on academic achievement, which is depicted by Grad...
Pernikahan merupakan perjanjian antara pria dan wanita untuk membentuk keluarga bersama. Selain m... more Pernikahan merupakan perjanjian antara pria dan wanita untuk membentuk keluarga bersama. Selain menikah secara agama, pasangan suami istri diwajibkan untuk mengurus dokumen di catatan sipil, sehingga pasangan suami istri ini dinyatakan sah dalam pernikahan. Hubungan pernikahan pun tidak lepas dari cinta. Menurut Sternberg, cinta terdiri dari tiga komponen, yakni intimacy, passion, dan commitment. Setiap komponen memiliki elemen tersendiri, yaitu intimacy terdiri dari sepuluh elemen, passion terdiri dari lima elemen, dan commitment terdiri dari tujuh elemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran intimacy, passion, dan commitment pada pasangan yang menikah secara Katolik, dengan mengunakan skala cinta Sternberg. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga pasang suami istri (6 orang) yang menikah secara Katolik dan memiliki anak. Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis Fenomenologi. Kredibilitas ...
Papers by Clara Ajisuksmo