
TabularPredictor.clone(path: str, *, return_clone: bool = False, dirs_exist_ok: bool = False) str | 'TabularPredictor'[source]

Clone the predictor and all of its artifacts to a new location on local disk. This is ideal for use-cases where saving a snapshot of the predictor is desired before performing more advanced operations (such as fit_extra and refit_full).

  • path (str) – Directory path the cloned predictor will be saved to.

  • return_clone (bool, default = False) – If True, returns the loaded cloned TabularPredictor object. If False, returns the local path to the cloned TabularPredictor object.

  • dirs_exist_ok (bool, default = False) – If True, will clone the predictor even if the path directory already exists, potentially overwriting unrelated files. If False, will raise an exception if the path directory already exists and avoid performing the copy.


  • If return_clone == True, returns the loaded cloned TabularPredictor object.

  • If return_clone == False, returns the local path to the cloned TabularPredictor object.