Faster Prediction with TensorRT

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TensorRT, built on the NVIDIA CUDA® parallel programming model, enables us to optimize inference by leveraging libraries, development tools, and technologies in NVIDIA AI, autonomous machines, high-performance computing, and graphics. AutoGluon-MultiModal is now integrated with TensorRT via predictor.optimize_for_inference() interface. This tutorial demonstates how to leverage TensorRT in boosting inference speed, which would be helpful in increasing efficiency at deployment environment.

import os
import numpy as np
import time
import warnings
from IPython.display import clear_output

Install required packages

Since the tensorrt/onnx/onnxruntime-gpu packages are currently optional dependencies of autogluon.multimodal, we need to ensure these packages are correctly installed.

    import tensorrt, onnx, onnxruntime
    print(f"tensorrt=={tensorrt.__version__}, onnx=={onnx.__version__}, onnxruntime=={onnxruntime.__version__}")
except ImportError:
    !pip install autogluon.multimodal[tests]
    !pip install -U "tensorrt>=10.0.0b0,<11.0"


For demonstration, we use a simplified and subsampled version of PetFinder dataset. The task is to predict the animals’ adoption rates based on their adoption profile information. In this simplified version, the adoption speed is grouped into two categories: 0 (slow) and 1 (fast).

To get started, let’s download and prepare the dataset.

download_dir = './ag_automm_tutorial'
zip_file = ''
from autogluon.core.utils.loaders import load_zip
load_zip.unzip(zip_file, unzip_dir=download_dir)
Downloading ./ag_automm_tutorial/ from
100%|██████████| 18.8M/18.8M [00:00<00:00, 39.7MiB/s]

Next, we will load the CSV files.

import pandas as pd
dataset_path = download_dir + '/petfinder_for_tutorial'
train_data = pd.read_csv(f'{dataset_path}/train.csv', index_col=0)
test_data = pd.read_csv(f'{dataset_path}/test.csv', index_col=0)
label_col = 'AdoptionSpeed'

We need to expand the image paths to load them in training.

image_col = 'Images'
train_data[image_col] = train_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: ele.split(';')[0]) # Use the first image for a quick tutorial
test_data[image_col] = test_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: ele.split(';')[0])

def path_expander(path, base_folder):
    path_l = path.split(';')
    return ';'.join([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_folder, path)) for path in path_l])

train_data[image_col] = train_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: path_expander(ele, base_folder=dataset_path))
test_data[image_col] = test_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: path_expander(ele, base_folder=dataset_path))

Each animal’s adoption profile includes pictures, a text description, and various tabular features such as age, breed, name, color, and more.


Now let’s fit the predictor with the training data. Here we set a tight time budget for a quick demo.

from autogluon.multimodal import MultiModalPredictor
hyperparameters = {
    "optimization.max_epochs": 2,
    "model.names": ["numerical_mlp", "categorical_mlp", "timm_image", "hf_text", "fusion_mlp"],
    "model.timm_image.checkpoint_name": "mobilenetv3_small_100",
    "model.hf_text.checkpoint_name": "google/electra-small-discriminator",
predictor = MultiModalPredictor(label=label_col).fit(
    time_limit=120, # seconds


Under the hood, AutoMM automatically infers the problem type (classification or regression), detects the data modalities, selects the related models from the multimodal model pools, and trains the selected models. If multiple backbones are available, AutoMM appends a late-fusion model (MLP or transformer) on top of them.

Prediction with default PyTorch module

Given a multimodal dataframe without the label column, we can predict the labels.

Note that we would use a small sample of test data here for benchmarking. Later, we would evaluate over the whole test dataset to assess accuracy loss.

batch_size = 2
n_trails = 10
sample = test_data.head(batch_size)

# Use first prediction for initialization (e.g., allocating memory)
y_pred = predictor.predict_proba(sample)

pred_time = []
for _ in range(n_trails):
    tic = time.time()
    y_pred = predictor.predict_proba(sample)
    elapsed = time.time()-tic
    print(f"elapsed (pytorch): {elapsed*1000:.1f} ms (batch_size={batch_size})")
elapsed (pytorch): 396.2 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 390.6 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 395.4 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 397.0 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 389.9 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 399.2 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 409.2 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 380.9 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 377.1 ms (batch_size=2)
elapsed (pytorch): 376.2 ms (batch_size=2)

Prediction with TensorRT module

First, let’s load a new predictor that optimize it for inference.

model_path = predictor.path
trt_predictor = MultiModalPredictor.load(path=model_path)

# Again, use first prediction for initialization (e.g., allocating memory)
y_pred_trt = trt_predictor.predict_proba(sample)

Load pretrained checkpoint: /home/ci/autogluon/docs/tutorials/multimodal/advanced_topics/AutogluonModels/ag-20240716_232549/model.ckpt
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 3
      1 model_path = predictor.path
      2 trt_predictor = MultiModalPredictor.load(path=model_path)
----> 3 trt_predictor.optimize_for_inference()
      5 # Again, use first prediction for initialization (e.g., allocating memory)
      6 y_pred_trt = trt_predictor.predict_proba(sample)

File ~/autogluon/multimodal/src/autogluon/multimodal/, in MultiModalPredictor.optimize_for_inference(self, providers)
    886 def optimize_for_inference(
    887     self,
    888     providers: Optional[Union[dict, List[str]]] = None,
    889 ):
    890     """
    891     Optimize the predictor's model for inference.
    909         The onnx-based module that can be used to replace predictor._model for model inference.
    910     """
--> 911     return self._learner.optimize_for_inference(providers=providers)

File ~/autogluon/multimodal/src/autogluon/multimodal/utils/, in ExportMixin.optimize_for_inference(self, providers)
    196 data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict)
    198 onnx_module = None
--> 199 onnx_path = self.export_onnx(data=data, truncate_long_and_double=True)
    201 onnx_module = OnnxModule(onnx_path, providers)
    202 onnx_module.input_keys = self._model.input_keys

File ~/autogluon/multimodal/src/autogluon/multimodal/utils/, in ExportMixin.export_onnx(self, data, path, batch_size, verbose, opset_version, truncate_long_and_double)
    119 warnings.warn("Currently, the functionality of exporting to ONNX is experimental.")
    121 # Data preprocessing, loading, and filtering
--> 122 batch = self.get_processed_batch_for_deployment(
    123     data=data,
    124     onnx_tracing=True,
    125     batch_size=batch_size,
    126     truncate_long_and_double=truncate_long_and_double,
    127 )
    128 input_keys = self._model.input_keys
    129 input_vec = [batch[k] for k in input_keys]

File ~/autogluon/multimodal/src/autogluon/multimodal/utils/, in ExportMixin.get_processed_batch_for_deployment(self, data, onnx_tracing, batch_size, to_numpy, requires_label, truncate_long_and_double)
    286 inp = batch[key]
    287 # support mixed precision on floating point inputs, and leave integer inputs (for language models) untouched.
--> 288 if inp.dtype.is_floating_point:
    289     batch[key] =, dtype=dtype)
    290 else:

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'dtype'

Under the hood, the optimize_for_inference() would generate an onnxruntime-based module that can be a drop-in replacement of torch.nn.Module. It would replace the internal torch-based module predictor._model for optimized inference.


The function optimize_for_inference() would modify internal model definition for inference only. Calling after this would result in an error. It is recommended to reload the model with MultiModalPredictor.load, in order to refit the model.

Then, we can perform prediction or extract embeddings as usual. For fair inference speed comparison, here we run prediction multiple times.

pred_time_trt = []
for _ in range(n_trails):
    tic = time.time()
    y_pred_trt = trt_predictor.predict_proba(sample)
    elapsed = time.time()-tic
    print(f"elapsed (tensorrt): {elapsed*1000:.1f} ms (batch_size={batch_size})")

To verify the correctness of the prediction results, we can compare the results side-by-side.

Let’s take a peek at the expected results and TensorRT results.

y_pred, y_pred_trt

As we are using mixed precision (FP16) by default, there might be loss of accuracy. We can see the probabilities are quite close, and we should be able to safely assume these results are relatively close for most of the cases. Refer to Reduced Precision section in TensorRT Developer Guide for more details.

np.testing.assert_allclose(y_pred, y_pred_trt, atol=0.01)

Visualize Inference Speed

We can calculate inference time by dividing the prediction time.

infer_speed = batch_size/np.mean(pred_time)
infer_speed_trt = batch_size/np.mean(pred_time_trt)

Then, visualize speed improvements.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.barh(["PyTorch", "TensorRT"], [infer_speed, infer_speed_trt])
ax.annotate(f"{infer_speed:.1f} rows/s", xy=(infer_speed, 0))
ax.annotate(f"{infer_speed_trt:.1f} rows/s", xy=(infer_speed_trt, 1))
_ = plt.xlabel('Inference Speed (rows per second)')

Compare Evaluation Metric

Now that we can achieve better inference speed with optimize_for_inference(), but is there any impact to the underlining accuracy loss?

Let’s start with whole test dataset evaluation.

metric = predictor.evaluate(test_data)
metric_trt = trt_predictor.evaluate(test_data)
metric_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"PyTorch": metric, "TensorRT": metric_trt})

The evaluation results are expected to be very close.

In case there is any significant gap between the evaluation results, try disabling mixed precision by using CUDA execution provider:


See Execution Providers for a full list of providers.

Other Examples

You may go to AutoMM Examples to explore other examples about AutoMM.


To learn how to customize AutoMM, please refer to Customize AutoMM.