AWS Big Data Blog

Category: AWS IAM Identity Center

Federating access to Amazon DataZone with AWS IAM Identity Center and Okta

Many customers rely today on Okta or other identity providers (IdPs) to federate access to their technology stack and tools. With federation, security teams can centralize user management in a single place, which helps simplify and brings agility to their day-to-day operations while keeping highest security standards. To help develop a data-driven culture, everyone inside […]

Integrate Tableau and Okta with Amazon Redshift using AWS IAM Identity Center

This blog post is co-written with Sid Wray and Jake Koskela from Salesforce, and Adiascar Cisneros from Tableau.  Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable cloud data warehouse built to serve workloads at any scale. With Amazon Redshift as your data warehouse, you can run complex queries using sophisticated query optimization to quickly deliver results to […]

Simplify data lake access control for your enterprise users with trusted identity propagation in AWS IAM Identity Center, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon S3 Access Grants

Many organizations use external identity providers (IdPs) such as Okta or Microsoft Azure Active Directory to manage their enterprise user identities. These users interact with and run analytical queries across AWS analytics services. To enable them to use the AWS services, their identities from the external IdP are mapped to AWS Identity and Access Management […]

Use your corporate identities for analytics with Amazon EMR and AWS IAM Identity Center

To enable your workforce users for analytics with fine-grained data access controls and audit data access, you might have to create multiple AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with different data permissions and map the workforce users to one of those roles. Multiple users are often mapped to the same role where they need […]

Simplify access management with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation for users in an External Identity Provider

Many organizations use identity providers (IdPs) to authenticate users, manage their attributes, and group memberships for secure, efficient, and centralized identity management. You might be modernizing your data architecture using Amazon Redshift to enable access to your data lake and data in your data warehouse, and are looking for a centralized and scalable way to […]

Solution overview

Build SAML identity federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service domains within a VPC

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully managed search and analytics service powered by the Apache Lucene search library that can be operated within a virtual private cloud (VPC). A VPC is a virtual network that’s dedicated to your AWS account. It’s logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud. Placing an OpenSearch Service […]

Integrate Identity Provider (IdP) with Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 using AWS IAM Identity Center for seamless Single Sign-On

March 2024: This post was reviewed and updated to be more generic for IAM identity center supported Identity Providers (IdPs). AWS IAM Identity Center allows you to manage single sign-on (SSO) access to all your AWS accounts and applications from a single location. We are pleased to announce that Amazon Redshift now integrates with AWS IAM Identity Center, […]

Configure SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless with AWS IAM Identity Center

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is a serverless option of Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it easy for you to run large-scale search and analytics workloads without having to configure, manage, or scale OpenSearch clusters. It automatically provisions and scales the underlying resources to deliver fast data ingestion and query responses for even the most demanding and […]

Role-based access control in Amazon OpenSearch Service via SAML integration with AWS IAM Identity Center

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a managed service that makes it simple to secure, deploy, and operate OpenSearch clusters at scale in the AWS Cloud. AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications. To build a […]

Enable federation to Amazon QuickSight with automatic provisioning of users between AWS IAM Identity Center and Microsoft Azure AD

Organizations are working towards centralizing their identity and access strategy across all their applications, including on-premises, third-party, and applications on AWS. Many organizations use identity providers (IdPs) based on OIDC or SAML-based protocols like Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and manage user authentication along with authorization centrally. This authorizes users to access Amazon QuickSight […]