Dr. Yesilata is a senior researcher on renewable energy use, particularly on solar energy technologies. His general professional experience in mechanical engineering related sectors is nearly 30 years
Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE)
In areas where the access to an off-grid electricity is not possible or not reliable, the transpo... more In areas where the access to an off-grid electricity is not possible or not reliable, the transport and conservation of vaccine and medicines is not possible. Nevertheless, these areas need and have right to access medical. This need is much more critical nowadays since preservation of COVID-19 vaccines require cold-chain at some level of degree. Solar energy can be used to power the refrigerator destined to keep the medicines and vaccines cool. Even tough stand-alone PV is already used to power theses coolers, the use of a PV-TE hybrid generators could allow the improvement of the autonomy. The output power of the PV alone and the hybrid are investigated under Niger meteorological conditions. The two systems coupled with a medical cooler are investigated. The results show that the hybrid system produces considerably more power to be stored in the battery, indicating much longer autonomy.
A Virtual Power Plant system is an advanced power distributing and trading platform, that acts as... more A Virtual Power Plant system is an advanced power distributing and trading platform, that acts as a smart grid system unlike the existing conventional methodology of power allocation. The system is known to facilitate the connection of renewable energy sources to the national grid from a specific region, it is made up of Energy Storage System, Distributable Energy Resources, and Control System. Energy sources are classified as Distributable Energy Resources and various assets can be linked to the platform such as small-scale microgrids or community-based power platforms with demand-side management portfolios. A Virtual Power Plant platform has the power-distributing capability and an evolutionary trading platform (Peer to Peer trading). It has also proven to cut down carbon emissions as more renewables find their way to the grid. Additionally, data analytics and forecasting tools on the Virtual Power Plant are used to give information to the end-users on their storage, demand, and e...
Bu calismada, Islam Isbirligi Teskilati (IIT) ulkelerinde yuksekogretime dayali insan kaynaklarin... more Bu calismada, Islam Isbirligi Teskilati (IIT) ulkelerinde yuksekogretime dayali insan kaynaklarinin analizi ve planlamasinin yapilmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda Model Tabanli Sistem Muhendisligi’ ve ‘(2n+1) Geometrik Oran’ teknikleri birlikte kullanilmistir. Ilk asamada IIT ulkelerindeki universitelerin ve nitelikli insan kaynaginin mevcut durumdaki yetersizligi somut veriler ile ortaya konulmustur. Daha sonra bu ulkelerinin 2050 yili icin universite sayilari ve insan kaynagi planlamasina yonelik projeksiyonlar yapilmistir. IIT uyesi ulkelerinde 1.827 milyar olan nufus buyuklugune karsilik gelen toplam universite sayisinin 2913, medyan degerin ise 27 oldugu tespit edilmistir. IIT ulkelerinde 627189 kisiye bir universite duserken, bu sayilar Turkiye icin 464000, Hindistan icin 148000 ve ABD icin ise 55000 olmaktadir. Bu duruma gore IIT ulkelerindeki toplam universite sayisinin; ABD olcegine gore 29871, Hindistan olcegine gore 12167 ve Turkiye olcegine gore 4016 olmasi gere...
Enerji uretimi ve tuketiminden kaynakli sera gazi salimlari, insan kaynakli iklim degisikliginin ... more Enerji uretimi ve tuketiminden kaynakli sera gazi salimlari, insan kaynakli iklim degisikliginin temel nedeni olarak kabul edilmekte, iklim degisikliginin yasam kalitesi, cevre, su, tarim ve gida kaynaklari ve ulusal ekonomiler uzerindeki olumsuz etkileri cercevesinde, enerji sektorunde kuresel olcekte yeni arayislar gundeme gelmektedir. Bu kapsamda Dusuk Karbonlu Uretim teknolojileri bircok ulkede onemli firsatlar olusturularak, yeni istihdamlarin ve ticaret alanlarinin gelismesine katki saglamistir. Benzer firsatlarin GAP Bolgesi’nin kalkinmasinda da etkili olabilecegi yonunde cok sayida gosterge mevcuttur. Bu dogrultuda mevcut calismanin temel amaci; GAP Bolgesi icin dusuk karbon ayak izini esas alan bir kalkinma modelinin ekonomik sistemi olusturan tum alt sektorlerde yapilacak uygulamalar ile hayata gecirilmesine ve Bolge’nin rekabet edebilirliginin arttirilmasina katkida bulunacak bir deger zincirinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amacla Bolgede uygulanmasi gereken strateji ve eylem pla...
Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE)
In areas where the access to an off-grid electricity is not possible or not reliable, the transpo... more In areas where the access to an off-grid electricity is not possible or not reliable, the transport and conservation of vaccine and medicines is not possible. Nevertheless, these areas need and have right to access medical. This need is much more critical nowadays since preservation of COVID-19 vaccines require cold-chain at some level of degree. Solar energy can be used to power the refrigerator destined to keep the medicines and vaccines cool. Even tough stand-alone PV is already used to power theses coolers, the use of a PV-TE hybrid generators could allow the improvement of the autonomy. The output power of the PV alone and the hybrid are investigated under Niger meteorological conditions. The two systems coupled with a medical cooler are investigated. The results show that the hybrid system produces considerably more power to be stored in the battery, indicating much longer autonomy.
A Virtual Power Plant system is an advanced power distributing and trading platform, that acts as... more A Virtual Power Plant system is an advanced power distributing and trading platform, that acts as a smart grid system unlike the existing conventional methodology of power allocation. The system is known to facilitate the connection of renewable energy sources to the national grid from a specific region, it is made up of Energy Storage System, Distributable Energy Resources, and Control System. Energy sources are classified as Distributable Energy Resources and various assets can be linked to the platform such as small-scale microgrids or community-based power platforms with demand-side management portfolios. A Virtual Power Plant platform has the power-distributing capability and an evolutionary trading platform (Peer to Peer trading). It has also proven to cut down carbon emissions as more renewables find their way to the grid. Additionally, data analytics and forecasting tools on the Virtual Power Plant are used to give information to the end-users on their storage, demand, and e...
Bu calismada, Islam Isbirligi Teskilati (IIT) ulkelerinde yuksekogretime dayali insan kaynaklarin... more Bu calismada, Islam Isbirligi Teskilati (IIT) ulkelerinde yuksekogretime dayali insan kaynaklarinin analizi ve planlamasinin yapilmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda Model Tabanli Sistem Muhendisligi’ ve ‘(2n+1) Geometrik Oran’ teknikleri birlikte kullanilmistir. Ilk asamada IIT ulkelerindeki universitelerin ve nitelikli insan kaynaginin mevcut durumdaki yetersizligi somut veriler ile ortaya konulmustur. Daha sonra bu ulkelerinin 2050 yili icin universite sayilari ve insan kaynagi planlamasina yonelik projeksiyonlar yapilmistir. IIT uyesi ulkelerinde 1.827 milyar olan nufus buyuklugune karsilik gelen toplam universite sayisinin 2913, medyan degerin ise 27 oldugu tespit edilmistir. IIT ulkelerinde 627189 kisiye bir universite duserken, bu sayilar Turkiye icin 464000, Hindistan icin 148000 ve ABD icin ise 55000 olmaktadir. Bu duruma gore IIT ulkelerindeki toplam universite sayisinin; ABD olcegine gore 29871, Hindistan olcegine gore 12167 ve Turkiye olcegine gore 4016 olmasi gere...
Enerji uretimi ve tuketiminden kaynakli sera gazi salimlari, insan kaynakli iklim degisikliginin ... more Enerji uretimi ve tuketiminden kaynakli sera gazi salimlari, insan kaynakli iklim degisikliginin temel nedeni olarak kabul edilmekte, iklim degisikliginin yasam kalitesi, cevre, su, tarim ve gida kaynaklari ve ulusal ekonomiler uzerindeki olumsuz etkileri cercevesinde, enerji sektorunde kuresel olcekte yeni arayislar gundeme gelmektedir. Bu kapsamda Dusuk Karbonlu Uretim teknolojileri bircok ulkede onemli firsatlar olusturularak, yeni istihdamlarin ve ticaret alanlarinin gelismesine katki saglamistir. Benzer firsatlarin GAP Bolgesi’nin kalkinmasinda da etkili olabilecegi yonunde cok sayida gosterge mevcuttur. Bu dogrultuda mevcut calismanin temel amaci; GAP Bolgesi icin dusuk karbon ayak izini esas alan bir kalkinma modelinin ekonomik sistemi olusturan tum alt sektorlerde yapilacak uygulamalar ile hayata gecirilmesine ve Bolge’nin rekabet edebilirliginin arttirilmasina katkida bulunacak bir deger zincirinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amacla Bolgede uygulanmasi gereken strateji ve eylem pla...
TRC-2 Bölgesi esas alınarak yenilenebilir enerji potansiyeli ve teknolojileri kapsamlı olarak inc... more TRC-2 Bölgesi esas alınarak yenilenebilir enerji potansiyeli ve teknolojileri kapsamlı olarak incelenmiştir.
Papers by Bulent Yesilata