Many bugs, not enough triage Mozilla receives hundreds of bug reports and feature requests from Firefox users every day. Getting bugs to the right eyes as soon as possible is essential in order to fix them quickly. This is where bug triage comes in: until a developer knows a bug exists, they won’t be able to fix it. Given the large number of bugs filed, it is unworkable to make each developer look
assignee - The aim of this classifier is to suggest an appropriate assignee for a bug. backout - The aim of this classifier is to detect patches that might be more likely to be backed-out (because of build or test failures). It could be used for test prioritization/scheduling purposes. bugtype - The aim of this classifier is to classify bugs according to their type. The labels are gathered automat
Latest topics > 古代のブラウザ戦争の歴史:MD5ハッシュ化された投稿の機密解除 宣伝。日経LinuxにてLinuxの基礎?を紹介する漫画「シス管系女子」を連載させていただいています。 以下の特設サイトにて、単行本まんがでわかるLinux シス管系女子の試し読みが可能! « 「ツリー型タブ」が、Firefoxのアドオン管理画面にオススメとして表示されるようになりました Main 私達はここまで来た » 古代のブラウザ戦争の歴史:MD5ハッシュ化された投稿の機密解除 - Jun 06, 2018 Robert O'Callahan氏(Mozilla内では愛称の「roc」でもっぱら通っていたようです)が1月に公開されたブログ記事をえっちらおっちら勝手に訳してみました。多分誤訳してる所があると思うので、間違いを見つけた人は指摘して頂けると幸いです。 roc氏はFirefox以前から
Mozilla is a trusted organization, founded on a mission to promote openness, innovation and opportunity online. We move the Web forward as a platform for developers and the industry by building technology in the open to evolve and promote standards that benefit everyone. We are dedicated to delivering fun, powerful, rich, innovative products that people love and that not only put the user first, b
Recently, Mozilla Japan’s new office's ground floor was designed by NOSIGNER. They designed all furnitures based on the idea of Open Source. They used general products and uploaded all drawings to the website. Therefore, these designs might also be able to call the “open source furniture" so to speak. Because these designs enable everyone to make functional office furnitures inexpensively. Open So