A simple tool to make a bot that speaks like you, simply learning from your WhatsApp Chats. Instructions:- From WhatsApp on your phone, go to any chat and export it by going into the settings. Move the txt file that you receive inside the Me_Bot folder. Run the clean_whatsapp_chats.py script using the command. Before running, change the names of the people by changing YOUR_NAME and OTHER_NAME in t
“Is it possible to upload and read the WhatsApp chats from another Android application?” With this question my brother and I started an interesting conversation which ended in underneath proof of concept. The tldr answer is: “Yes, that is possible”. The WhatsApp database is saved on the SD card which can be read by any Android application if the user allows it to access the SD card. And since majo
三国大洋のスクラップブック 一杯食わされたのは誰?--Facebookが買収するWhatsAppの“三無主義” 今回はFacebookが160億ドルという大金をはたいて買うことにしたWhatsAppにまつわる話……WhatsAppの創業者らが掲げた三無主義――「広告なし! ゲームなし! ギミックなし!」(“No Ads! No Games! No Gimmicks!”)というスローガン=創業の志をめぐるエピソードに飛びついた米メディアの報道ぶり、そして、それを請け売りする形で原稿を書き、思わず冷や汗をかいた筆者(一杯食わされかけた)の話について書く。 先週金曜日(2月21日)に半日ほどかけて、WhatsAppの三無主義を前向きに評価する内容をまとめた(後半に記載)。 ところが、翌土曜日(2月22日)に、このエピソードの信憑性が疑われるような話がいくつかのサイトで掲載されているのを目にした。
Facebook Lessons for Facebook: How WhatsApp went from red-hot to passé in Southeast Asia Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp is rightly seen by many as a move to boost its presence around the world, particularly in markets where the chat app is more popular than Facebook itself. Despite 450 million active users with a strong presence in Europe, Africa and Latin America, Asia is a challenge for the