In this "Detect Fakes" experiment, brought to you by Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, you will be presented with a series of images. These images may either be real photographs or AI-generated images. Our aim is to understand how well people can distinguish between real and AI-created images. We ask you to examine each image carefully and share whether you believe it is AI-generated or
The creation of these types of fake images only became possible in recent years thanks to a new type of artificial intelligence called a generative adversarial network. In essence, you feed a computer program a bunch of photos of real people. It studies them and tries to come up with its own photos of people, while another part of the system tries to detect which of those photos are fake. The back
Which Face Is Real has been developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington as part of the Calling Bullshit project. All images are either computer-generated from using the StyleGAN software, or real photographs from the FFHQ dataset of Creative Commons and public domain images. License rights notwithstanding, we will gladly respect any request
昔々、VICEでライターとして記事を書き始めるずっと前、私は別の仕事をしていた。そのなかでも、今日の私に大きな影響を与えた仕事は、〈トリップアドバイザーで偽レビューを書く〉という仕事だった。いち度も訪ねたことのないレストランの好意的なレビューを書き、報酬は10ポンド(約1500円)。やっているうちに、レビューしたレストランの評価を監視するのに夢中になった。レビューがきっかけで、評価が上がったりもしたのだ。 その経験から私は、トリップアドバイザーは〈偽の現実〉だ、食事が提供されたことはない、レビューは全て、私のような雇われライターが書いているのだ――そう信じるようになった。でも、実際はもちろん(たぶん)本物だ。そもそも、レストランの存在自体は絶対に偽れない。そうやって自分を納得させたハズだった。 しかしある日、自宅の物置スペースに座っていた私は、突然、天啓を得た。デマ情報ばかりが流れるこの世
Tinder users at the SXSW festival on Saturday were encountering an attractive 25-year-old woman named Ava on the dating app. A friend of ours made a match with her, and soon they were having a conversation via text message. But when he opened up Ava's Instagram, it became clear something was amiss. There was one photo and one video, both promoting Ex Machina, a sci-fi film that just happened to be