Today I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined Google. When meeting with current and former Googlers, I continually find myself drawn to their intelligence, passion, and enthusiasm — as well as a universal desire to share it with others. I’m also impressed by Google’s commitment to enabling these same talented people to tackle some of the world’s most interesting and important problems. I can’t wa
Before he quit being the administrator of 4chan, Christopher Poole received "a lot of e-mails of a threatening nature," he says. Sean McCabe At 11 a.m. on January 21st, Christopher Poole posted a note online saying he was retiring as the administrator of 4chan, the notorious website he had founded as a high school student in upstate New York 11 years earlier. The news was as shocking as some of th
No soft landing, no happy ending—we simply failed. It’s been a long four year journey, full of highs and lows. I am simultaneously incredibly proud, and incredibly disappointed. I’m incredibly proud of an amazing team and all that they have accomplished. Our most recent product, DrawQuest, is by all accounts a success. In the past year it’s been downloaded more than 1.4 million times, and is curre
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4chの創始者クリストファー・プール氏(別名 ムート)とひろゆきの対談が日本で実現! ネット界で注目を集める両名の対談に、今回はなんとニコニコ動画海外担当のジェイムスも参加しちゃいます。 4ch創始者×2ch創始者から繰り広げられる「ソーシャルメディア論」とは? ムート氏がニコニコ生放送だけに語ってくれる内容もあるかも!? 3名から飛び出すオモシロトークに是非ご期待ください。 ■出演(敬称略) 司 会:西村ひろゆき&ジェイムス ゲスト:クリストファー・プール(Christopher Poole/Moot) 「ムート」と名乗る15歳の学生時代に、画像掲示板の「4chan」を立ち上げる。 この匿名掲示板はネット上に数多くの流行を生み出しており、 当サイトには月間1200万人が訪れるなど、 今では英語圏で最大規模のオンライン・コミュニティに成長している。 また、ムート氏は画像を共有するだけでなく
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Christopher Poole, the founder of controversial online image board 4chan, outlined his vision for Web-based community today at the South by Southwest Interactive conference — and yes, his ideas are in pretty sharp contrast to those of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Zuck
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4chan’s moot takes pro-anonymity to TED 2010 The founder of 4chan confounded and entertained TEDsters during his … LONG BEACH, CA—TED 2010. Christopher Poole is not a name known by many, but Poole's handle is certainly (in)famous: moot is the founder of 4chan, the largest, most raucous, alternately hilarious and serious online community in the English-speaking world. Whether it's battling Scientol