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Working with was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
The Google Font Directory lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Font API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and served by Google servers. View font details to get the code needed to embed the font on your web site. Please also visit our quick start guide and FAQ page. For more help and suggestions, use our moderator page
λx…yz.M for λx…y.λz.M λx.M N for λx.(M N) (x M) for ((x) M) (L M N) for ((L M) N) function(x,…,y,z){ return M } for function(x,…,y){ return function(z){ return M } } x(M) for (x)(M) L(M)(N) for (L(M))(N) function(x,…,y,z) M for function(x,…,y) function(z) M x(M) for (x)(M) L(M)(N) for (L(M))(N) code1 (function(x){ return x })(a) run code1 code2 (function(x,y){ return x })(a) run code2 code3 var k
Web applications have evolved from simple HTML pages into rich, interactive applications that provide a great user experience. Today's web apps pose a challenge for developers, however: how do you create and maintain efficient JavaScript code that downloads quickly and works across different browsers? The Closure tools help developers to build rich web applications with JavaScript that is both pow
The Secure And Reliable File Transfer Solution That You Control. Helping IT professionals responsibly secure the world's data Cerberus offers a variety of secure file transfer solutions to fit businesses of any size or business sector, including finance, technology, education, publishing, law offices, local, state, and federal government agencies, hospitals and many more.
RubyForge is a home for open source Ruby projects; thanks to the folks who make it possible! Searchgasm 1.2.1 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-29 13:41 - Searchgasm Searchgasm has been updated to 1.2.1. Searchgasm is object based ActiveRecord searching, ordering, pagination, and more! More information is available at . Searchgasm 0.9.6 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-04
【特別】エミナルクリニック池袋東口院の気になる口コミまとめ&行く前に知りたい口コミ5選まとめ:更新 なんて気になったので、エミナルクリニックの池袋東口院についてSNSやネットで調べてみました。そう思ってSNSを中心に調べてみたら、、、口コミや評判も良いじゃない♪ちなみに、似たようなサービスや商品があるかも?なので、今回調べてみたのはこちらになります。お得なチャンス期間!~が狙い目!エミナルクリニックで全身脱毛をスタートさせるのに最適!このページの目次OPEN更新:エミナルクリニックの池袋東口院でお得に申し込みするなら特設サイトでした!エミナルクリニック池袋東口院の住所や最寄り駅、アクセスは?【写真付き】エミナルクリニック池袋東口院のアクセス方法を一から説明してみたエミナルクリニック池袋東口院の地図気になる!エミナルクリニック医療脱毛院のインスタの口コミや評判は?医療脱毛院や脱毛中の様子エミ
JavaScript で作って意味があるのかどうか分かりませんが、作ってみました。 応用編 入力したテキストをページ上に書き出し、個々の文字をドラッグ&ドロップ で動かせるようにする ソースを読んでも中身が分からない HTML を作成する パスワードチェックの部屋 (パスワードは「開けごま」ですが、HTML のソースや JavaScript を解析しても、絶対にパスワードが分からない仕組みになっています。) バー ライブラリ編 こんなの JavaScript で作るかよってな代物です。 できてしまったものはしょうがないでしょう。 utf.js (UTF-8 <-> UTF16 変換) base64.js (Base64 encode/decode) md5.js (MD5) des.js (DES 暗号化/復号化) zlib.js (JavaScript による zlib 実装、zlib
Kwala is a build tool that contains a number of actions to check the "quality" of your ruby source code. Some of the included actions are checks for code duplication, cyclomatic complexity, lines of code, unit tests, various formatting checks, and require cycles. In addition, kwala is designed to allow users to add and create new actions to check against the code. It generates both a summary page