ELF Handling For Thread-Local Storage Ulrich Drepper drepper@gmail.com Version 0.21 August 22, 2013 Based on: Intel Itanium Processorspecific Application Binary Interface, May 2001, Document Number: 245370-003 Thread-Local Storage, Version 0.68, Sun Microsystems, September 4, 2001 1 Motivation Increasing use of threads lead developers to wish for a better way of dealing with thread-local data. The
I currently have heavily multi-threaded server application, and I'm shopping around for a good multi-threaded memory allocator. So far I'm torn between: Sun's umem Google's tcmalloc Intel's threading building blocks allocator Emery Berger's hoard From what I've found hoard might be the fastest, but I hadn't heard of it before today, so I'm skeptical if its really as good as it seems. Anyone have p
Async Tasks in C++11: Not Quite There Yet Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, Multicore, Multithreading, Parallelism, Programming [13] Comments If you expected std::async to be just syntactic sugar over thread creation, you can stop reading right now, because that’s what it is. If you expected more, read on. Don’t get me wrong, std::async combines several useful concurrency concepts
Transactional Memory in GCC Background Transactional memory is intended to make programming with threads simpler, in particular synchronizing access to data shared between several threads using transactions. As with databases, a transaction is a unit of work that either completes in its entirety or has no effect at all (i.e., transactions execute atomically). Further, transactions are isolated fro
Sesuai namanya, Simple Queues adalah salah satu fitur di dalam MikroTik yang sangat simple dan mudah digunakan dalam membagi Bandiwidth dengan beberapa konfigurasi sederhana. Simple Queues ini banyak digunakan karena sangat mudah digunakan karena hanya membutuhkan sebuah alamat ip dari client yang akan di limitasi bandwidthnya. Cara menggunakanya sangat gampang : · Buka Winbox dan klik tab
Thread-Safe Copy and Move ConstructorsWednesday, 17 August 2011 This is a guest post by Michael Spertus. Michael is a Distinguished Engineer at Symantec. He is also a C++ Standards Committee member and teaches the graduate C++ sequence at the University of Chicago. He can be contacted at mike_spertus@symantec.com. This guest column discusses writing thread-safe constructors. As we will see, this i
Clarifying and Compiling C/C++ Concurrency: from C++11 to POWER The upcoming C and C++ revised standards add concurrency to the languages, for the first time, in the form of a subtle relaxed memory model (the C++11 model). This aims to permit compiler optimisation and to accommodate the differing relaxed-memory behaviours of mainstream multiprocessors, combining simple semantics for most code with
This document summarises some known mappings of C/C++11 atomic operations to x86, PowerPC, ARMv7, ARMv8, and Itanium instruction sequences. These are collected for discussion, not as a definitive source. At the moment, we do not include mappings for all atomic operations - for example, atomic increment is missing. We would be grateful for any suggestions. ARMv8 has additional instructions: stores
くまぎ @kumagi 僕の観測範囲では、日本で今一番熱狂的なブームを巻き起こしているのはスレッドローカルGCなんだけど、ググってもまともな説明が見当たらない。自分のスタックフレームだけ見るM&Sじゃ誤爆しかしないだろうし想像が付かない。 2011-04-08 13:38:54 IGARASHI Shinji@無職 @s50 @kumagi D的にスレッドは激しく隔離されてて「ほとんど」共有するものがないけど、GCは正直よっぽど変な思い付きする人が出なけりゃ共有でいくだろうなーとか思ってマス 2011-04-08 13:42:02
kumagi @kumagi_bot 原始的なSTMのおはなし。STMは複数の箇所の書き換えをatomicに行えるが一体どうやってるのか、今の段階でうろ覚えしながら書きます。 2011-03-25 01:11:36 kumagi @kumagi_bot CASは1wordしか書き換えれないのになんでアトミックに複数箇所を書き換えれるのか、平たく言うとそれはオブジェクトそのものをCASで書き換えるのではなく、各スレッドの状態をCASで書き換えるから。 2011-03-25 01:13:33 kumagi @kumagi_bot どのようにしてそのような面妖な仕組みを生み出したかというとこれまたコンピュータ界の格言である「間接参照はすべての問題を解決する」そのものであり、STMにはその間接参照という魔法が2つもかけられている。 2011-03-25 01:14:41