Dig into the history and circumstances that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power in a democratic country and become Führer of Germany. -- Decades after the fall of the Third Reich, it feels impossible to understand how Adolf Hitler, the tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, could ever have risen to power in a democratic country. So how did it happen, and could i
Everyone has an opinion about how to legislate sex work (whether to legalize it, ban it or even tax it) ... but what do workers themselves think would work best? Activist Juno Mac explains four legal models that are being used around the world and shows us the model that she believes will work best to keep sex workers safe and offer greater self-determination. "If you care about gender equality or
Let’s Begin…Modern computers are revolutionizing our lives, performing tasks unimaginable only decades ago. This was made possible by a long series of innovations, but there’s one foundational invention that almost everything else relies upon: the transistor. Gokul J. Krishnan describes what a transistor is and how this small device enables all the amazing things computers can do.
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-transistors-work-gokul-j-krishnan Modern computers are revolutionizing our lives, performing tasks unimaginable only decades ago. This was made possible by a long series of innovations, but there’s one foundational invention that almost everything else relies upon: the transistor. Gokul J. Krishnan describes what a transistor is and how this small d
Linus Torvalds / 青木靖 訳 2016年2月 (TED2016) クリス・アンダーソン 奇妙な話です。あなたのソフトウェアであるLinuxは何百万というコンピュータの中にあり、インターネットのかなりの部分を動かしています。さらに実際に使われているAndroid端末が15億台くらいあって、その1台1台にもあなたのソフトウェアが入っています。これはすごいことで、その開発本部ともなれば、さぞ大層な施設なんだろうなと思っていたので、この写真を見たときはびっくりしました。これがその — Linux世界本部なんですよね?(笑)(拍手) リーナス・トーバルズ 大したものには見えませんよね。この写真の中で最も興味深く、多くの人が反応する部分は、あのトレッドミル・デスクです。私の仕事場で一番興味深いものですが、私はもう使っていません。この2つは関連していると思います。私の働き方として、外的な
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-computer-memory-works-kanawat-senanan In many ways, our memories make us who we are, helping us remember our past, learn and retain skills, and plan for the future. And for the computers that often act as extensions of ourselves, memory plays much the same role. Kanawat Senanan explains how computer memory works. Lesson by Kanawat Senanan, animati
Linus Torvalds transformed technology twice — first with the Linux kernel, which helps power the Internet, and again with Git, the source code management system used by developers worldwide. In a rare interview with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Torvalds discusses with remarkable openness the personality traits that prompted his unique philosophy of work, engineering and life. "I am not a visionary,