dynamis (でゅなみす/レッサーパンダ) @dynamitter JSには型固定配列が実装されていてそれを使えばかなり高速化されるので型のある言語で書いたコードをTyped Array使ったJSコードにコンパイルすれば手で書いた型なしJSコードより高速になる dynamis (でゅなみす/レッサーパンダ) @dynamitter JSでもn=n|0は常にintのように型を固定する書き方がある。C等からそんなアセンブラ的JSに変換するコンパイラとそんなJSを高速実行するよう改良したエンジンにより、JSは後方互換性を保ったままJava/C#以上の速度を実現可能な実行環境に進化する dynamis (でゅなみす/レッサーパンダ) @dynamitter アセンブラ的JSサブセットがasm.js、C等から変換するコンパイラがEmscripten、新しいJSエンジンがOdinMonkey。これ
Alon Zakai / Mozilla Compiling to JavaScript JavaScript is standards-based and the only language that runs in all web browsers You can run only JavaScript in browsers, but you can write in another language - if you compile it to JavaScript First set of demos BananaBread Qt Ruby Compiling to JavaScript: Nothing New! 2006: Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Java to JS 2007: pyjamas, Python into JS Adoption J
Working Draft — 18 August 2014 Latest version: http://asmjs.org/spec/latest/ Editors: David Herman, Mozilla, <dherman@mozilla.com> Luke Wagner, Mozilla, <luke@mozilla.com> Alon Zakai, Mozilla, <azakai@mozilla.com> Abstract This specification defines asm.js, a strict subset of JavaScript that can be used as a low-level, efficient target language for compilers. This sublanguage effectively describes
A. No, it's just (a subset of) JavaScript. An asm.js program will behave identically whether it is run in an existing JavaScript engine or an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiling engine that recognizes and optimizes asm.js—except for speed, of course! A. It's early to say, but our preliminary benchmarks of C programs compiled to asm.js are usually within a factor of 2 slowdown over native compilation wit
This is the tracking bug for landing OdinMonkey. (OdinMonkey is the project name for SpiderMonkey's optimizing compiler for asm.js (http://asmjs.org), built on top of the IonMonkey backend.) Current results on large Emscripten codebases are as follows, reported as factor slowdown compared to gcc -O2 (so 1.0 would mean "same speed"): odin (now) odin (next) sm v8 skinning 2.80 2.46 12.90 59.35 zlib