Lun 04 janvier 2016 by Karl Dubost (Worked at Mozilla from 2013 to 2022) I mentioned it in my worklog last week. On 2016-01-02 09:39:38 Japan Standard Time, Mozilla closed a very important issue enabling a new feature in Firefox: Bug 1213126 - Enable layout.css.prefixes.webkit by default . Thanks to many people for this useful work. First, because an image is sometimes worth 1000 words, let's look
A previous draft is supported as -moz-border-image. A patch does exist which creates the border-image-* longhand properties and extend the shorthand syntax to make it match. Some Web sites does work now with both WebKit & Gecko, but are broken when we add the new final syntax (and remove -moz-border-image). border-image-repeat: space is not implemented (and of course its shorthand equivalent neith
Eric Meyer of A List Apart, CSS wizard and fan of vendor prefixes, interviews Tantek Çelik, Mozilla’s web standards lead, on Mozilla’s controversial plan to support -webkit- prefixed properties. Tantek precipitated the current crisis in Web Standards Land during a public meeting of the W3C CSS Working Group, in which he noted the predominance of WebKit-only mobile sites, thereby creating a browser