Please note, that as of Q1 2016, payments were removed from the Marketplace. This page exists for historical information. Payments by payment provider There are seperate wiki pages for each Payment Provider. This page was done when Bango was being implemented so there might be many parts of this page that also mention Bango. Bango details Boku details Zippy is our reference implementation to allow
From the early days, Mozilla has been focused on empowering users across platforms and devices. We released Firefox Home as an experiment in bringing a part of the Firefox experience to iOS, focusing on Firefox Sync. This project provided valuable insight and experience with the platform, but we have decided to remove Firefox Home from the Apple App Store and focus our resources on other project
This past year we’ve been building the core of a Web-scale identity system. We’ve been calling it BrowserID: our name both for the technology1 and the Mozilla service that implements the technology. Today we’d like to introduce Mozilla Persona, our new name for the complete Identity offering from Mozilla: a collection of components and experiences we’re designing to manage the whole of a user’s on
パンフレット カタログ リーフレット・DM ポスター マンガ パンフレット制作.jp では、ハイクオリティなパンフレット・チラシ・リーフレットを、低価格、低料金で作成いたします。 価格を抑えてクオリティを高めるその秘訣は、一見手間と思われがちな FACE to FACE でのヒアリングをしっかりと行うこと。 お客様のご希望を確認し、ニーズを把握することで余計な工程を省き、ぴたりとご要望に合致するデザインをスピーディーに制作することが可能となります。 会社案内・学校案内パンフレット、商品紹介カタログやチラシ、リーフレットなどあらゆるニーズにこたえ、お客様にとって最適なアイテムをデザインから印刷までまるごとご提供いたします。 お客様のニーズにこたえる充実のサービス
What's this? Verbatim is a web localization tool for Mozilla projects. Would you like to contribute some translations? If you are a Mozilla Localizer, use your LDAP credentials to log in. If you are a newcomer, please create a new user account. Then, go to a project and language of your choice and start translating! What's this? Verbatim is a web localization tool for Mozilla projects
Mozilla real-time websites availability and performance status. This site shows if Mozilla - Public sites are down or have performance issues right now, and provides Mozilla - Public uptime and performance history.Service is operating normally Performance issues Service disruption Informational message Mozilla - real-time services availability and performance status. This site shows if Mozilla - P