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Unlocking Success in Tech Education: Why Code Fellows Leads the WayBy Mitchell Robertson on September 29, 2023 In today's fast-paced digital world, technical skills have become the currency of success. Whether you're a recent high school graduate looking to kickstart your career, a seasoned professional seeking a change, or an employer searching for top talent, the choice of who to partner with fo
Theory Type of code Execution context Activation object / Variable object Property attributes Built-ins and DontDelete Undeclared assignments Firebug confusion Deleting variables via eval Browsers compliance Gecko DontDelete bug IE bugs Misconceptions `delete` and host objects ES5 strict mode Summary A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to glance through Stoyan Stefanov’s Object-Oriented Javascri
Use the ‹ and › keys to advance backward and forward. Here is our dear friend, the DOM element. For so long, we've had limited options: floats and positioning Web design is the ever-evolving art of placing DOM elements on the page Quinoa portland farm-to-table retro, put a bird on it mlkshk tattooed flannel actually high life carles semiotics iphone. Single-origin coffee blue bottle helvetica, neu
JavaScriptTutorials and guidesBeginner's tutorialsYour first website: Adding interactivityDynamic scripting with JavaScriptJavaScript frameworks and librariesJavaScript GuideIntroductionGrammar and typesControl flow and error handlingLoops and iterationFunctionsExpressions and operatorsNumbers and stringsRepresenting dates & timesRegular expressionsIndexed collectionsKeyed collectionsWorking with
The most popular coding language for the web is javascript; so much so that since the advent of HTML5, it has now been officially accepted as the default standard. Javascript has moved beyond a smaller client-side browser-based language to become integrated not just for front-end design, but also for back-end server-side development. As a result there are has been a huge growth of Javascript libra
Desktop Opera One R2 introduces dynamic Themes August 20th, 2024 Opera One R2 introduces dynamic Themes which allow you to customize your browser with animated backgrounds and change the UI... Opera for iOS Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsing August 14th, 2024 We're excited to announce the launch of Opera One for iOS, our redesigned, AI-powered browser for iPhone. Opera
There are many common pitfalls when it comes to writing memory-efficient and fast code. In this article we’re going to explore some test-proven approaches for writing code that performs better. JavaScript engines such as Google’s V8 (Chrome, Node) are specifically designed for the fast execution of large JavaScript applications. As you develop, if you care about memory usage and performance, you s
Important: PhantomJS development is suspended until further notice (more details). PhantomJS is a headless web browser scriptable with JavaScript. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. Using QtWebKit as the back-end, it offers fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG. The following simple script for PhantomJS loads Google homepag
GitHub user jehna has fashioned a runaway hit with his unique way of constructing difficult regular expressions. VerbalExpressions turns the often-obscure-and-tricky-to-type regular expression operators into descriptive, chainable functions. The result of this is quite astounding. Here’s the example URL tester from the README: var tester = VerEx() .startOfLine() .then( "http" ) .maybe( "s" ) .then
最近Perlで仕事をしていて、cpanfileが無いプロジェクトで盛大にやらかしたtohaeです、こんにちは。 Perlでやらかした経験を生かし、Railsプロジェクトで使うクライアントサイドのJSもちゃんと管理しようとbowerを使うことにしました。 bower is 何? bowerってのはtwitterが作ったJSのパッケージマネージャです。最近紹介記事も多いので、詳しくはぐぐってください。 簡単に言うとJSをwgetする時代は終わったってことです!!! 今回はbowerの紹介ではなく、bowerをRailsで使う場合にはbower-railsを使うといいかもというお話をします。 bower-railsの下準備 まずはbowerをnpmで入れます。 $ npm install bower -g 次にGemfileにbower-railsを追加します。現時点ではバージョンを指定しないと
The error was detected while processing this request. Be sure of followings: The CGI script does exist. The permission of CGI script is 755. The Perl path in CGI script is #!/usr/local/bin/perl. CGIスクリプトの呼び出し中にエラーが発生しました。 下記の点をご確認ください。 ・CGIスクリプトが存在すること。 ・CGIスクリプトのパーミッションが755であること。 ・CGIスクリプトのperlのパスが #!/usr/local/bin/perl であること。
1 pixel|サイバーエージェント公式クリエイターズブログ サイバーエージェントのクリエイターの取り組みを紹介するオフィシャルブログです。最新技術への挑戦やサービス誕生の裏話、勉強会やイベントのレポートなどCAクリエイターの情報が満載です。 初めまして。 html5、javascript、flashなどのクライアント開発を メインに担当しております、 菅家(@KA_ka_YY)と申します。 弊社3月に行われました、エンジニア、デザイナーを対象とした アプリコンテストというイベントにて WebGLを使用した野球盤ゲームを作成しました。 その際利用したThree.js(WebGLのjavascriptライブラリ)を用いた WebGLの使用方法を紹介させていただこうと思います。 (1)レンダリングまずは Blender というフリーの3Dモデリングソフトで 以下のようなキャラクターを作りました