The IETF QUIC Working Group produced QUIC version 1 — a UDP-based, stream-multiplexing, encrypted transport protocol. The protocol itself is published as RFC 9000, and there are other related RFCs of note, see below. We are now chartered to be the focal point for any QUIC-related work in the IETF. Our work covers maintenance and evolution of published specifications, the deployability of QUIC, and
tl;dr: Support for QUIC and HTTP/3 is now enabled by default in Firefox Nightly and Firefox Beta. We are planning to start rollout on the release in Firefox Stable Release 88. HTTP/3 will be available by default by the end of May. What is HTTP/3? HTTP/3 is a new version of HTTP (the protocol that powers the Web) that is based on QUIC. HTTP/3 has three main performance improvements over HTTP/2: Bec
4月末に、会社のほうで「Can QUIC match TCP’s computational efficiency?」というブログエントリを書きました。我々が開発中のQUIC実装であるquiclyのチューニングを通して、QUICのCPU負荷はTLS over TCP並に低減可能であろうと推論した記事です。この記事を書く際には、Stay Homeという状況の中で、手元にあった安いハードウェアを使ったのですが、その後、10gbe NICを入手し、ハードウェアによるUDP GSOオフロード環境でのパフォーマンスを確認していくと、OpenSSLのAES-GCM実装がボトルネックになることがわかってきました。 TCP上で通信するTLSでは、一般に、データを16KB単位でAEADブロックに分割して、AES-GCMを用いてAEAD暗号化します注。一方、UDPを用いるQUICでは、パケット毎にAES-GC
Why?ProductsServicesSolutionsDevsPartnersResourcesPricing It’s no secret Fastly loves QUIC. Not only because we believe it is a necessary step toward a better, more trusted internet. But also because some of us here have been actively involved in the process of taking QUIC from an experiment to an internet standard for more than six years. QUIC continues to evolve through a collaborative and itera
QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new encrypted-by-default Internet transport protocol, that provides a number of improvements designed to accelerate HTTP traffic as well as make it more secure, with the intended goal of eventually replacing TCP and TLS on the web. In this blog post we are going to outline some of the key features of QUIC and how they benefit the web, and also some of the