2021/6/11 #InfraStudy 2nd Season
Dolt is a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a Git repository. Connect to Dolt just like any MySQL database to read or modify schema and data. Version control functionality is exposed in SQL via system tables, functions, and procedures. Or, use the Git-like command line interface to import CSV files, commit your changes, push them to a remote, or merge yo
In 2018, I've written an article about Clickhouse, this piece of content is still pretty popular across the internet, and even was translated a few times. More than two years have passed since, and the pace of Clickhouse development is not slowing down: 800 merged PRs just during last month! This didn't blow your mind? Check out the full changelog, for example for 2020: https://clickhouse.tech/doc
Database tools Top 11 Node.js ORMs, query builders & database libraries in 2022 IntroductionChoosing an ORM or query builder for your Node.js app can be daunting. There are many different libraries that allow you to query and manipulate data from your JavaScript application, and each varies in its design and level of abstraction. This article is meant as a jumping-off point for choosing a library
Simple DuckDB is easy to install and deploy. It has zero external dependencies and runs in-process in its host application or as a single binary. Read more Portable DuckDB runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, and all popular hardware architectures. It has idiomatic client APIs for major programming languages. Read more Feature-rich DuckDB offers a rich SQL dialect. It can read and write file formats suc
Repl.it is already the best place to build your apps. But there was a missing piece: where do you store your data? We’re introducing Repl.it Database: a fast, free, and easy key-value store that’s built into every repl.[](preview end) All you have to do is import one of our packages for Python, Node.js, or Go, and you can instantly start setting keys in your database. DatabaseBecause Database is b
こんにちは、Wantedly の Infrastructure Team で Engineer をしている南(@south37)です。 今日は、WANTEDLY TECH BOOK 5 から「巨大企業による分散データベース技術の発展」という章を抜粋して Blog にします。 「WANTEDLY TECH BOOK 1-7を一挙大公開」でも書いた通り、Wantedly では WANTEDLY TECH BOOK のうち最新版を除いた電子版を無料で配布する事にしました。Wantedly Engineer Blogでも過去記事の内容を順次公開予定であり、この Blog もその一環となっています。 Wantedly における Go 導入にまつわる技術背景 | Wantedly Engineer Blog (本記事は Go Conference 2019 Autumn にて無料配布した冊子『WANT