Program to convert lines of text into beautiful tree structures. Plumeria sanalsp The program reads each line on the standard input in turn. It breaks each line into tokens, then adds the sequence of tokens into a tree structure. Lines with the same leading tokens are placed in the same branch of the tree. The tree is printed as indented lines or JSON format. Alternatively the tree can be passed t
nb is a command line and local web note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application with: plain text data storage, encryption, filtering, pinning, #tagging, and search, Git-backed versioning and syncing, Pandoc-backed conversion, [[wiki-style linking]], terminal and GUI web browsing, inline images, todos with tasks, global and local notebooks, organization with folders, customiz
Are you using ztext and happy with it? Your kind support keeps open-source JS libraries like this free for others. InitializationThere are multiple ways to use ztext. Pick whichever method is easiest for you. HTML attributesVanilla JavaScriptReact JS NewVue JS New How it worksZtext gives the illusion of volume by creating layers from an HTML element. There's no need to spend hours fiddling with <c
動画をアップロードするだけ 簡単に字幕・テロップ起こし! 「テロップメーカー」は動画をアップロードするだけで、動画内の音声を認識して文字起こしを行い、自動で動画に字幕・テロップをつけるサービスです。
Browser extension that allows for linking to arbitrary text on a page. Update: Chrome now has a built-in feature ("Copy Link to Highlight" in the context menu) to copy text fragment links. The extension has an additional feature that allows you to also copy rich links. You can activate this feature in the options. This extension allows for easily creating a special link to the currently selected t
Tot is a simple app. It lets you collect & edit text on your Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Less Is More Tot’s single window design and simple formatting controls mean no more hunting for that chunk of text. iCloud Sync Seamlessly syncs your text across iOS and macOS using iCloud, so you can capture thoughts wherever you are. Dark / Light Mode Designed to look stunning both day and night, Tot
There is a common view that extracting text from a PDF document should not be too difficult. After all, the text is right there in front of our eyes and humans consume PDF content all the time with great success. Why would it be difficult to automatically extract the text data? Turns out, much how working with human names is difficult due to numerous edge cases and incorrect assumptions, working w
Msgif is a GIF converter. Once you type your message Msgif turns the message into GIF animation immediately.
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Mission: Expression » 2019 Examples to Compare OCR Services: Amazon Textract/Rekognition vs Google Vision vs Microsoft Cognitive Services 2019 Examples to Compare OCR Services: Amazon Textract/Rekognition vs Google Vision vs Microsoft Cognitive Services linkIntroductionWe're building a note app that will surface images+documents in full-text search, so it needs to do OCR as well as possible. Prefe
import "" func main() { // open a new index mapping := bleve.NewIndexMapping() index, err := bleve.New("example.bleve", mapping) // index some data err = index.Index(identifier, your_data) // search for some text query := bleve.NewMatchQuery("text") search := bleve.NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := index.Search(search) } Bleve modern indexing & search for
※ これは 2016/12/11 Windows 10 Anniversary Edition(10.0; Build 14393)、Unity ver.5.5.0f3(Windows版) 時点の情報です 最新版では動作が異なる可能性がありますのでご注意ください HoloToolkit の入力系の機能はある程度試せたので、今度は 3D テキストを表示してみようと思います HoloToolkit には HoloLens 用に 3DTextPrefab と UITextPrefab というテキスト表示用のプレハブが用意されています UITextPrefab の方は通常の Unity 用テキストを HoloLens 用にスケーリングされているだけのようだったので、今回は 3D空間における GameObject として表示される 3DTextPrefab を使ってみます この 3DTextPref