Marionette.js is an extension library for Backbone.js that offers many improvements and conveniences to cover common use cases for Backbone. On a recent project, I helped build a large single page application using Marionette. One thing that Marionette lacks out of the box is a convenient way to manage form lifecycles, including validating and submitting forms with minimal overhead. To address thi
Friend, can we agree that tests are a good idea? I won't scorn you for sometimes omitting them - time and budget constraints are what they are, and even the best intentioned of us sometimes have to just give our projects a lick and a promise. "Proper test coverage soon", you sweetly croon as you rock it to sleep, the knowledge that you're telling a dark, terrible lie twisting you up inside. Maybe
Managing Layouts And Nested Views With Backbone.Marionette 22 March, 2012. It was a Thursday. I’ve received numerous questions about managing layouts and nested views in Backbone over the last few months. Until recently, though, I never had a great answer. Many of the applications that I’ve built had a lot of custom code to handle the specific needs of that application’s layout and generally avoid
Marionette provides two components named Regions and Layouts. At first glance, they seem to provide similar functionality: A location on the page for my application to place subviews, plus some additional event binding fairy dust. Looking under the hood, it's fairly clear that each component is implemented in a very different way, but I'm not sure why and when I would want to use one over the othe
以前書いた記事の反省を元にMarionetteに移行した。 思った以上に快適! 大規模になったらMarionette.js使えとか書いているのは嘘で、普通にBackbone使うときは、初めから使うべき。 Backboneで一番恐ろしいのは、各現場/各開発者毎に異なるオレオレ実装。オレオレ実装作るコストに加え、使う人の思わぬバグや学習コストやスイッチングコスト等諸々考えると、特別な理由がない限りMarionetteみたいな既存のframework使うべき。 あんど。データバインディングを提供してくれる、stickitと一緒に使うと、より一層効果的。 めっちゃ、ソースコードの量が減って、ソースの意図が明快になった。悩みも少ない。工数も勿論減る。 ここから、幾つか思った事を、サッカー見ながらお酒飲みながら、ダラダラ書く。※ちなみに、日本vsオランダ戦見てる。 railsアプリでのjs周辺の作りの