A new theory for how oceans formed on ancient Mars also hints at the best spots for future fossil hunts on the red planet. Based on the geology of Mars's northern plains, the new study suggests that bodies of water formed as groundwater slowly seeped through cracks in the crust. This process would have made oceans and lakes quickly—within just a few years—but also could have sustained the bodies o
The World needs you — just 130 more donors until we reach our goal! We need just 130 more donors to give $100 or $10/month to reach our goal. Can we count on you to power our nonprofit newsroom for another year? GAZA CITY, Gaza — Life under Israel’s blockade is hard for the vast majority who live in this hot, dusty patch of earth where 1.5 million Palestinians are crammed into refugee camps and ra
I agree my information will be processed in accordance with the Scientific American and Springer Nature Limited Privacy Policy. By Janelle Weaver Prejudice may seem inescapable, but scientists now report the first group of people who seem not to form racial stereotypes. Children with a neurodevelopmental disorder called Williams syndrome (WS) are overly friendly because they do not fear strangers.
『口から食べられなくなったらどうしますか 「平穏死」のすすめ』という本が今年の2月に出版された。著者は、40年以上外科医として活躍してきた石飛幸三医師。2003年刊行の『患者が決めた! いい病院ランキング』(オリコン・メディカル刊)では外科部門の1位になるなど、患者からも高い評価を得てきた医師だ。 同氏は現在、東京都世田谷区にある特別養護老人ホーム「芦花ホーム」の常勤医を務める。入居者の平均年齢は90歳で、9割が老人性認知症を患っている。長寿社会のまさに縮図である。 外科医時代は多くの患者を手術によって死から生へと引き戻すことが医師としての勝負であったが、今は人生の終末をいかに安らかに迎えるかという点に重点を置く活動に従事している。いわば、真逆の立場である。 そんな石飛医師が上梓した『「平穏死」のすすめ』には、高齢化社会を迎えた我々が考えるべき医療のあり方への示唆が満ちている。
Think Twice: How the Gut's "Second Brain" Influences Mood and Well-Being The emerging and surprising view of how the enteric nervous system in our bellies goes far beyond just processing the food we eat Light microscopy of nerve cells or neurons clustered to form a ganglion. These nerves are part of a vast interconnected network found in the muscle walls of the gut. On supporting science journalis
What do you really need? It's become a national question. With jobs and money scarce, consumers are taking inventory and tossing lots of stuff once deemed important into a humongous discard pile. To safeguard the essentials—a safe home and supportive community, the kids' education, Internet connectivity, sustenance for a pet—Americans are giving up lots of other things. Some sacrifices are painful
Despite all the Walkmen, boomboxes, 8-tracks, iPods and Bluetooth headsets that have delivered raucous noise to the ears of Baby Boomers, hearing loss appears to be declining among adults. This counterintuitive finding from the first study of long-term changes in hearing loss is that for every five years a man or woman was born later […] Despite all the Walkmen, boomboxes, 8-tracks, iPods and Blue