コンサルティング × メール配信 案件情報などのやり取りや1人1人のニーズに合わせたメール配信ができ、お客様とのコミュニケーションが円滑に行える!
Using this method you can create an email that has responsiveness baked in to the layout, without any need for CSS or media queries in the <head>, so that even in the worst case scenario of email rendering, your layout will remain intact. Is Developing HTML Email Still Hard? HTML email has come a long way in the past ten years (yes, it used to even worse!) but there are still a surprising number o
Android Android Gmail Android Gmail AOL Apple Mail 12 Apple Mail 13 Apple Mail 13 Freenet.de Gmail GMX Google Workspace iOS iOS iOS 11 iOS 11 iOS 11 iOS 11 iOS 11 iOS 11 iOS 11 Pro iOS 12 iOS 12 iOS 7 iOS SE iOS SE iOS XR iOS XR Libero Mail.ru Office 365 Outlook 2007 Outlook 2010 Outlook 2010 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2016 (120 dpi) Outlook 2019 Outlook 2019 (120 dpi) Outlook
Foundation for Emails 2 Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work. Even on Outlook. Get Started (Formerly Ink) 5.3k GitHub stars @ZURBfoundation Making Emails Suck Less We know building HTML emails is hard, especially responsive emails. That's why we created Foundation for Emails. Get away from complex table markup and inconsistent results. Use Foundation for Emails to spend less time coding
Resources Hub » Guides » Creating Responsive Email Design: Email Coding and Optimization Techniques 31 minute read time Creating Responsive Email Design: Email Coding and Optimization Techniques Introduction Increased screen sizes and resolutions mean more opportunities for improving your responsive email design. This guide has been updated to help you design and code for today’s (and tomorrow’s)
Creating html emails is not as easy as most people think. This little thing may cause problems even to experienced coders who are working on a new layout on a daily basis. I know some of you are asking yourselves why on world would anybody invest time and resources in html emails. The answer to that is very simple: efficiency. According to a study, for every dollar invested in html email marketing
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email. Our goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. This is a community effort to improve the email experience for both designers
14 November 2017 Outlook.com and the Outlook iOS app added support for CSS background images and some related properties, as well as certain Flexbox and Grid properties. Also added iOS 11 Mail to the guide, with no noticeable differences from iOS 10. 22 September 2017 Microsoft updated the Outlook apps for iOS and Android with more consistent CSS support, including media queries. 13 September 2017