Dare Obasanjo's weblog "You can buy cars but you can't buy respect in the hood" - Curtis Jackson Navigation for OpenSocial Explained in Five Sentences - Dare Obasanjo's weblog Content Sidebar Footer A couple of people mentioned that my previous post on Google OpenSocial was too long and needed a five sentence elevator pitch style summary. Below is the five sentence summary of my analysis of Google
Dare Obasanjo's weblog "You can buy cars but you can't buy respect in the hood" - Curtis Jackson Navigation for Google OpenSocial: Technical Overview and Critique - Dare Obasanjo's weblog Content Sidebar Footer Disclaimer: This post does not reflect the opinions, thoughts, strategies or future intentions of my employer. These are solely my personal opinions. If you are seeking official position st
Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi
The web is better when it's social The web is more interesting when you can build apps that easily interact with your friends and colleagues. But with the trend towards more social applications also comes a growing list of site-specific APIs that developers must learn. OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers c