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Although humor is a phenomenon experienced by most humans, its exact cause is a topic of heavy debate. There are many theories of humor which attempt to explain what it is, what social functions it serves, and what would be considered humorous. Although various classical theories of humor and laughter may be found, in contemporary academic literature, three theories of humor appear repeatedly: rel
世界の偉人たちの言葉は、悩んだときに道を示してくれる力強さを持っているものです。しかし、今回集められたのは「名言」ではなく、見事な言葉の「切り返し」。ウィットに富んだものから、人柄をよく表しているもの、時には苦しい言い訳や口汚い罵り合いまで、32個の切り返しが集まっています。 The 32 Wittiest Comebacks Of All Time 1.エイブラハム・リンカーン vs 他国の外交官 エイブラハム・リンカーンは、第16代アメリカ合衆国大統領。南北戦争に勝利し、奴隷解放宣言を発布しました。下のやりとりは、外交官の質問を受けてのもの。 外交官: 大統領! あなたは自分の靴を自分で磨くんですか? リンカーン: そうだよ。君は誰の靴を磨くんだね? 2.アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ vs ウィリアム・フォークナー アーネスト・ヘミングウェイは、20世紀前半に活躍したアメリカの小説家。1
The philosophical study of humor has been focused on the development of a satisfactory definition of humor, which until recently has been treated as roughly co-extensive with laughter. The main task is to develop an adequate theory of just what humor is. According to the standard analysis, humor theories can be classified into three neatly identifiable groups:incongruity, superiority, and relief t
First published Tue Nov 20, 2012; substantive revision Thu Sep 19, 2024 Although most people value humor, philosophers have said little about it, and what they have said is largely critical. Three traditional theories of laughter and humor are examined, along with the theory that humor evolved from mock-aggressive play in apes. Understanding humor as play helps counter the traditional objections t