Anker's 3-in-1 MagSafe foldable charging station drops back down to its Prime Day price
What sets Sonicforms apart from other interactive tables is that its software is open-source — a “research platform for developing tangible interfaces for audio visual environments.” Short video demonstration after the jump. Download here. By decentralising the technology and providing an easier entry point, artists and musicians can focus on creating engaging works, rather than starting from the
Coeno is basically a “computer enhanced presentation environment designed for presenting a storyboard using tabletop technology in combination with augmented content.” Video demonstration after the jump. The system allows multiple participants to interact easily around a shared workspace, while having access to their own private information spaces and a public presentation space [via w-m-m-n-a] Vi
Digitale identificatie, beter bekend als DigiD, is een onmisbaar onderdeel geworden van ons dagelijks leven. De noodzaak om je identiteit digitaal te kunnen bewijzen, is enorm toegenomen met de digitalisering van overheidsdiensten en andere sectoren. Het heruitvinden van deze processen is niet alleen een kwestie van technologische vooruitgang, maar ook van veiligheid en efficiëntie. Het … Read mor
Dermal Display animation by ©Gina Miller - In his book Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities [available on the web at ], Robert A. Freitas Jr. describes [in section (page 204)] a "programmable dermal display" in which a population of about 3 billion display pixel robots would be permanently implanted a fraction of a mm under the surface of the skin,
The Polaris Dawn crew is back on Earth after a historic mission