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I’ve been watching the Popular Page quite closely lately. I’m fascinated by the list for many reasons – for one it’s a great source of content ideas and links, secondly it helps keep a finger on the pulse of what people are into at any given time and thirdly it’s a highly trafficked page that has the potential to send out large quantities of traffic very quickly and is increasingly bei
Two great tastes that taste great together: now that offers feeds by filetype and iTunes has full video support (including "vodcasts," or video podcasts), you can load up iTunes with free video files bookmarked and tagged in Here's how: Go to the page of Quicktime .mov files, which is…. Add tags at the end of that URL which ind
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current: @adafruit - previous: MAKE, popular science, hackaday, engadget, fallon, braincraft ... howtoons, 2600... View more articles by Phillip Torrone Here’s how to get TV from a Windows Media Center on to your video iPod, commercial-free Link. Here’s how to get DVD video on your iPod with a Mac – Link. And finally, here’s how to get DVD video from a Windows PC on to your video iPod – Link.
Web 2.0 resources to help collaborate, communicate, discover, email, laugh, generate images, podcast, use multimedia, store photographs, use RSS, internet search, shop, create start pages, store information, time management, train, teach and do things with webpages and websites. "I want to..." or "I need to" or "How do I?" These are all questions we all ask all the time. This is a small collectio
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Google Base blog import instructions Search/GoogleSoftware/Weblog platforms/Six Apart Google Base launched last Tuesday as a new repository of information for distribution across Google's network of sites including Google search, Froogle, and Google Local. You can add your existing content to the Google Base for broad distribution with only a few easy steps. I'll show you how. You need a Google ac
それは何? prototype.js は Sam Stephenson によって書かれた JavaScript ライブラリです。 この熟考の上記述された標準に準拠したコードは、Web 2.0 において特徴となるリッチでインタラクティブなウェブページを制作する際の重荷を、あなたの肩から取り去ってくれるでしょう。 もしこのライブラリを使ったことがあるなら、充実したドキュメントがこのライブラリの売りではないことに気がついたはずです。 私は他の開発者と同様に、ソースコードを読み、試行錯誤しながら prototype.js を理解しました。 自分が学んでいる間にメモを取り、それを他の人たちと共有することは価値があるのでは、と考えたのです。 加えて、このライブラリによって提供されているオブジェクト、クラス、関数、拡張機能についての 非公式リファレンス も提供しています。 ここで提供する例とリファレンス
by Gina Trapani Your digital music collection is crying out for new songs. Sure you could hit up the iTunes Music Store, or rip another CD, or fire up your P2P software and pray the RIAA doesn't eat your firstborn - but the plain ol' web is an untapped goldmine of audio. If you're willing to branch out beyond the Top 40, have a gander at six of my favorite places to find tunes on the web. GoogleUs
Attach and Send Any File Type with GMail Like EXE, ZIP, Videos; Trick GMail Antivirus Scanner Do you want to send MP3 songs and videos by gmail ? Or want to attach software executables (.exe) to your gmail email ? Read this guide. When you send and receive attachments with GMail, they're auto scanned for viruses. If Gmail thinks your mail has viruses, it will attempt to clean the file or remove it
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