The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information.
After multiple attempts to find a good free diagraming application I think I have found a decent solution. I’m not creating enough diagrams to justify buying something expensive and I don’t feel like finding a graphics designer to make Dia diagrams prettier. If you have a Mac you are probably not in as bad a situation since you can buy OmniGraffle for $79. But for those of us without a Mac or who
「○○君、今度の10月10日、13:00~来年度の製品企画の件、会議室でプレゼンすることが決まったから。 参加者は、□□部長と△△課長。よろしく!!」などと言われたことはないでしょうか? そんな時、皆さんはどうしますか?プレゼンテーションを見ることはあっても、自分がやるとなるとどこから手をつけていいのかわからないのではないでしょうか? 今や、パワーポイント(PowerPoint)を活用して、カッコよく発表するのがあたりまえになっており、プレゼンテーションは、 ”ビジネスマンにとっての必須のスキル”です。 そこで、多くの人がパワーポイント(PowerPoint)のマニュアルを買って、勉強していることと思います。 しかし!! プレゼンテーションには、3つのスキルが必要なのをご存知でしょうか? パワーポイント(PowerPoint)のマニュアルを買って、勉強しても3つのスキルのうちの1つのスキル
What you will learn in the Business English courses Our Business English courses are designed to help you communicate effectively in professional settings. You’ll learn how to write clear emails, participate in meetings, and give presentations. You will be guided by experienced tutors who will create a personalized learning plan just for you. Need a Business English course for your employees? Visi
This document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations. It notes that many presentations are "unbearable" due to a lack of significance, structure, simplicity, and rehearsal. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose for your presentation, using a simple structure like problem-solution, keeping slides concise with minimal text and images over clipart, writing spea