TOP > WebDesign , WordPress > グリッドをベースにしたWordPressテーマ集「30 Grid-Based WordPress Themes」 国内でも、便利なフレームワークとして一時期から、一気に広まり、様々なWEBサイトで活用されているグリッドレイアウト。今回紹介するのはグリッドをベースにしたWordpressテーマを集めたエントリー。「30 Grid-Based WordPress Themes」です。 Grid-A-Licious スタンダードなものから、組み換えが可能なマルチカラムのものまで、様々なテーマが公開されています。今回はその中から幾つか気になったテーマを紹介したいと思います。 詳しくは以下 ■GRID WordPress Theme 組み換え可能なマルチカラムなテーマ。軽量ながらも細かなところに配慮されたテーマ。国内産です。 960
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Best Premium WordPress Themes | Web Design & WordPress ResourcesHi everyone, today I’ll show you the 6th collection of icons for web designers. I’ve collected 20 interesting icon sets which will be useful for you. As usual you can download those icons by simple clicking on the image and you will be redirected on the link where you can download them. Have a nice [...]
Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Promote Your Social Media Profiles There's no escaping social media -- whether it's for the promotion of your product, service or blog, or even just for fun, it is impossible to deny the staying power of this fairly new medium. Because WordPress is such a popular blogging platform and content management system, and has such a healthy developer ecosystem, it should come
If you’ve given up the low-paying and slightly obtrusive ad networks used by many new bloggers, in favor of selling ads directly, you may have been frustrated with the excessive time involved managing your ads. Not only do you have to find advertisers to sponsor your blog, you have to manually edit your template to put the ad in, and then head over to your favorite calendar app to set an alert to
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