Debian Sources All Debian source are belong to us — Anonymous [^] Browse through the source code of the Debian operating system. Read more…
GPD Pocket は GPD WIN のカスタムカーネルが使えるようです(どの程度使えるかは不明ですが…) に記載のある,Hans de Goede のパッチがあたったカーネルの情報を元に,GPD Pocket(GPD WIN)用のカスタムカーネルをビルドします. このカスタムカーネルのビルドに母艦PC(Debian9)を使います.まぁ,GPD Pocket でもやってやれなくは無いとは思いますが,時間を要するとは思います. 以下は,母艦PCで作業します. # apt-get build-dep linux # apt-get install git fakeroot これで,カスタムカーネルをビルドするためのツール類がインストールされます. 次に,カスタムカーネルのソースコードを git で
When it comes to internet connectivity in Switzerland, you might stumble across ADSL or VDSL. Most of the time you’ll end up with a router provided by the provider, which is already pre-configured with the connection information. This setup might work for the majority of users, but if you’re a pro-user or enterprise with special needs, you want more. In our case, we were looking for a much more “d
Swiss army knife for Debian repository management Aptly allows you to mirror remote repositories, manage local package repositories, take snapshots, pull new versions of packages along with dependencies, publish as Debian repository. You can try it right now for free, aptly is available both as CLI tool and HTTP REST service.
自前でビルドしたパッケージを apt-get install できるように,自分専用の Debian リポジトリ(=自前apt-line)を作成しました.作業メモを公開します 概要 debパッケージのビルドは「ビルド用PC」で行います ビルドしたdebパッケージは「Webサーバ」に置きます Webサーバは debian で稼働しているものとします.後述のように mini-dinstall というプログラムを使用するためです 下準備-1: GPG鍵生成 GPG鍵を生成します $ gpg --gen-key 個人用Debianリポジトリ専用の鍵ということで,割りきって,パスフレーズは空にします また,この鍵を パッケージのバイナリの署名 リポジトリ自体の署名 で兼用します 作成した鍵のKeyIDを確認します $ gpg --list-keys 問題なければ,鍵を,ビルドPCとWebサーバ,両方
この文書は、加えた変更点を明確に記していれば自由に再配布、改変ができます。 この文書は有料、無料を問わず再配布できますし、改変 (別の種類のメディア、ファイルフォーマットへの変換や別の言語への翻訳も含む) ができますが、原文からの変更点が明確に記されていることが条件です。 次の方によるこの文書への大きな貢献がありました。 Javier Fernández-Sanguino <> Bdale Garbee <> Hartmut Koptein <> Nils Lohner <> Will Lowe <> Bill Mitchell <> Ian Murdock Martin Schulze
By Sylvestre Ledru (Debian, IRILL). Presentation This document presents the result of the rebuild of the Debian archive (the distribution) with clang, a C/C++ compiler. clang is now ready to build software for production (either for C, C++ or Objective-C). This compiler is providing many more warnings and interesting errors than the gcc suite while not carrying the same legacy as gcc. This rebuild
binaries apt (1015 bugs: 1, 483, 531, 0) apt-doc (5 bugs: 0, 1, 4, 0) apt-transport-https (4 bugs: 0, 3, 1, 0) apt-utils (43 bugs: 0, 25, 18, 0) libapt-pkg-dev (7 bugs: 0, 0, 7, 0) libapt-pkg-doc (1 bugs: 0, 1, 0, 0) libapt-pkg6.0t64 (0 bugs: 0, 0, 0, 0) todo Lintian reports 1 error and 9 warnings about this package. You should make the package lintian clean getting rid of them. Build log checks r
1.1 Document Version This is document edit 218. See footer for further details. 1.3 Acknowledgements The Authors are grateful to the following individuals who have provided valuable input to this document: Colin Watson (Canonical) Scott James Remnant (Canonical, Google), author of Upstart. James Page (Canonical) Joel Ebel (Google) Mark Russell (Canonical) Bradley Ayers Kenneth Porter Roberto A
This list is also available organized by age or by activity. 7kaa-music: Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - music soundtrack, 228 days in preparation. 86box: An emulator for classic IBM PC clones, 1025 days in preparation, last activity 503 days ago. aareguru: access temperature of the river Aare in Bern, 2164 days in preparation, last activity 2150 days ago. acme-dns: Limited DNS server to han
The Debian Mozilla team provides various versions of some Mozilla related packages for use on different Debian systems. The following wizard helps you to find the packages suitable for your system. WARNING: Iceweasel is gone. Please update your apt sources. WARNING: Jessie and Stretch backports of Firefox release and beta are gone because of the requirement of rust to build them, which is not avai
This document may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher. This document was made using these two documents as examples: Making a Debian Package (AKA the Debmake Manual), copyright © 1997 Jaldhar Vyas. The New-Maintainer's Debian Packaging Howto, copyright © 1997 Will Lowe. The rewrite of this tutorial document with updated contents and more practical examples