Overview LiquidFun is a 2D rigid-body and fluid simulation C++ library for games based upon Box2D. It provides support for procedural animation of physical bodies to make objects move and interact in realistic ways. Stable releases of LiquidFun are available for download from github.com/google/liquidfun/releases. LiquidFun source code is available for download from github.com/google/liquidfun. Dis
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For Kobold Kit (the Sprite Kit game engine) we’re working on Super Stick Spy, a 2D platformer game. Like so many others, we started out using the (Box2D) physics engine that’s so neatly integrated in Sprite Kit to get everything up and running quickly. But we knew full well that for the final product, we’ll have to scrap the physics engine altogether and follow best practices when it comes to plat
Some time ago I had the idea of porting the concept of a great old game called Mindrover to the web, as an excuse to do something with my LiteGraph.js library (a javascript to create modular graphs similar to PD). Mindrover is a game where you design your vehicle to fulfill some challenges. You cannot directly control the vehicle during the challenge, instead you must add sensors and thrusters aro
Engineer, drummer, cofounder @fullstory.com, occasional game developer. These are a few of the projects I’ve worked on
この記事のURL http://www.dango-itimi.com/blog/archives/2013/001178.html 制作している Haxe ライブラリの現在までの まとめとしまして、以下のサンプルを作成しました。 http://www.dango-itimi.com/blog/swf/185/ 画面上部が html5 canvas、画面下部が Flash コンテンツとなります。html5 canvas 部分はスマートフォンでも動作確認が可能です。(スマートフォンでは音は鳴る設定にはしていませんが、Android では鳴る端末もあるかもしれません。) ■ 操作方法 画面クリック位置にキャラクターが移動します。キャラクターの頭より上のほうをクリックするとジャンプします。キャラクター足元より下のほうをクリックすると特殊床(後述)から降りることができます。 Box2D 特殊床 宙
var listener = new Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactListener; listener.BeginContact = function(contact) { // console.log(contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData()); } listener.EndContact = function(contact) { // console.log(contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData()); } listener.PostSolve = function(contact, impulse) { } listener.PreSolve = function(contact, oldManifold) { } this.world.SetContactLis
Box2D C++ tutorials - Introduction Last edited: April 07 2014 Box2D is the world's most ubiquitous 2D physics engine. It's light, robust, efficient and highly portable. It has been battle-proven in many applications on many platforms, and it's open-source and free. Check out the Box2D website at http://www.box2d.org A physics engine simulates the physics of objects to give them believable real-lif