Cizen is an Elixir library to build applications with collections of sagas. Sagas communicate with each other by subscribing and dispatching events. In this post, we’re going to dive into the deep inside of the mechanism of event subscription and dispatching. First, we should know about filters. Each subscription has one filter which represents an event pattern to subscribe. We can create a filter
Asynchronous Request and Connection Pooling in Elixir with Cizen Introduction Yesterday, I was really excited to write example Elixir codes with Cizen for this post. Cizen is a library to build applications with automata, events, (and fun!). With cizen, it becomes easier to create highly concurrent, monitorable, and extensible applications. I believe that Cizen has the potential to make our softwa
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? はじめに 現在、Cizenというものを開発中です。Erlang VMを効果的に使うためのElixirで書かれたフレームワーク/ミドルウェアです。この記事ではCizenの作成に至った動機などを説明します。 ※プロジェクト名は Citadel X から Cizen に変更されました。(2018/10/22 追記) 背景 以前、Elixirで作る最高のゲームエンジンという記事(以下「当該記事」)を書きました。当該記事を先に読んでおく必要をなくすため、内容を要約すると、 Elixirがもつ、高い並列性・パターンマッチング・マクロなどの特色がゲー