snake project 2.0 tutorial snake 2.0 tutorial cinema 4d this time we bring you an exclusive tutorial on cinema 4d how to create a complex snake with real skin 3d modeling , this tutorial includes the file in cinema 4d and also the very comprehensive tutorial to teach you how to make a realistic snake in cinema a4d as always include all project... Continue » iron spider tutorial iron spider tutoria
This post features work of other artists. Interested in my free resources? You can download them from the Freebies section. Photoshop Floral Shapes Collected for You Do you think that photoshop floral shapes are useful in design work? Then view and download the amazing flowers, floral swirls and symbolic flower shapes featured below. 5 Floral Vector Shapes for Photoshop Do you think you will use t
When used well, patterns can be a great way to add an extra element to your designs that take them to the next level in terms of aesthetics. Creating your own repeating patterns is one way to go about this, but it's not always something you want to spend a lot of time on, especially if you're working with a tight budget. And why reinvent the wheel when there are thousands of patterns out there tha
Chris and Trish Meyer posted Greenscreen Resources on PVC with info on some tips, tricks, and supplies. There's a few more in this grab bag from previous AEP posts, some of which were also listed by Trish and Chris: Jonas Hummelstrand's Greenscreen and Bluescreen Checklist Alex Lindsay's Greenscreen Primers at PVC Chris Meyer's quick overview of Keylight on Adobe Video Workshop that gets right to
When I interviewed NickZ back in June he mentioned that he was working on a full-figure follow up to the human head model that he offers through Gnomonology. I've been privately keeping an eye out ever since, waiting to snatch up a copy of the model just as soon as it became available. There was no doubt that Nick was going to do an amazing job with it. Well, that day has now arrived, but with a h
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מידע והמלצות על רכיבי מערכת לביצועים מיטביים לעריכת וידאו ואפקטים ויזואלים.
In his famous 1908 essay, ‘Ornament and Crime,’ modern architect Adolf Loos wrote: “The evolution of culture marches with the elimination of ornament from useful objects.” This pronouncement banished many of the frilly, decorative fonts of centuries past from the realm of High Design. Fast forward to the present day: Web 3.0 is awash in enough sleek sans serif and classic roman typefaces to make d
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los