Tiling compositor with the looks Hyprland provides the latest Wayland features, dynamic tiling, all the eyecandy, powerful plugins and much more
これはなに? Arch Linuxを使い始めました。デスクトップ環境/ウィンドウマネージャとしてTiling Wayland Compositorのsway(swaywm)を導入したので、経緯と手こずった点のメモを残しておきます。[1] テーマはDracula。 設定はお世辞にも綺麗とはいえないdotfilesにあります。 経緯・コンセプト デスクトップを自作して、Arch Linuxをインストールしました。初めてLinuxに触れたのが今年3月(WSL)だったことを思えば、いくらか拙速の感はありますが、できるところまでは突き進んでみるつもりです。 GUI環境の選択にあたって、以下の希望がありました。 できるだけキーボードで操作したい 制約なくキーバインドをカスタムしたい 美麗なデスクトップが作りたい せっかくなのでArch Linuxっぽいことがしたい なんかModernにキメたい GNO
#!/usr/bin/env sh # global settings yabai -m config mouse_follows_focus on yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse autoraise yabai -m config window_placement second_child yabai -m config window_topmost on yabai -m config window_shadow off yabai -m config window_opacity on yabai -m config window_opacity_duration 0.0 yabai -m config active_window_opacity 1.0 yabai -m config normal_window_opacity 0.95 ya
Many apps on your Mac support Split View, which lets you work in two apps side by side at the same time. On your Mac, hold the pointer over the green button in the top-left corner of the window, then choose Full Screen > Left of Screen or Right of Screen. On the other side of the screen, click the second app you want to work with. The Split View is created in a new desktop space. In Split View, do
Tiling window manager for macOS along the lines of xmonad. If you want to learn more about tiling window managers and the features of Amethyst there are some great community resources on YouTube. Boost your MacOS PRODUCTIVITY with Amethyst | Tiling Window Manager Getting Amethyst Amethyst is available for direct download on the releases page or using homebrew cask. brew install --cask amethyst Not
xmonad runs well under X11 on Apple OSX machines, and needs little work to be useful. This page collects advice and information on using xmonad successfully with OSX. If you're using xmonad on a mac, add details about your configuration here! Modern installation instructions Any machine running Leopard or later should use these instructions. I am keeping the older ones below for historical reasons
インストール i3 は、i3-wm パッケージでインストールできます。 i3 パッケージグループも利用可能です。これには、ウィンドウマネージャ、スクリーンロッカー、標準出力を介して i3bar にステータスラインを書き込む2つのプログラムが含まれています。 起動 tty xinit で i3 を実行します ディスプレイマネージャー i3-wm にはウィンドウマネージャーを起動する Xsession として i3.desktop が含まれています。i3-with-shmlog.desktop はログを有効にします(デバッグに便利です)。i3-gnomeAUR は i3 を GNOME に統合します。 使用方法 詳しい情報は 公式のドキュメント、すなわち i3 User’s Guide を見て下さい。 キーバインド i3 では修飾キー ($mod と表記されます) を使ってコマンドを呼び出しま
Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3's features, plus a few extras. Sway allows you to arrange your application windows logically, rather than spatially. Windows are arranged into a grid by default which maximizes the efficiency of your screen and can be quickly manipula
Stack is a productivity tool, that helps moving windows around. Screen layout sample. Features Divide screens into arbitrary zones Quickly move windows between zones Customizable hotkeys and mouse drag Group windows into tabbed areas Stack vertically or horizontally within a zone High DPI support Highly customizable layout, based on XAML Widgets See what's new in the latest release Get from Window
X-tile is an application that allows you to select a number of windows and tile them in different ways. X-tile works on any X desktop (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde…). The main features are: many tiling geometries, undo tiling, invert tiling order, optional system tray docking and menu, filter to avoid listing some windows, filter to check some windows by default, command line interface. Written by Giuse
..is a gnome-shell extension that adds smart and user-friendly tiling window features to your gnome desktop, inspired by bluetile. It's still young, but here's what it can do for you: shellshape demo Follow shellshape on google+ to find out about new features & releases. Try it Out You can add this to your shell from the extensions.gnome.org page. See the github project for information on running
Do What I Mean. Good Docs. Clean Code. Sounds good? Then you will love i3. Watch the screencast, read the User’s Guide and install i3! ➡ Download the latest version 4.24 i3 is a tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. The target platforms are GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems, our code is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) under the BSD license. i3 is primarily targeted at adva