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Hello, this is typester. I'm now creating website with MTOS, but I'm using nginx as web server that doesn't support CGI. But no worry about that. Now we have Plack! This article shows you how to setup MovableType with Plack. Let's get started. Requirements Plack 0.9952+ Starlet or Starman MovableType or MTOS (MTOS-5.04, I confirmed) At first, make sure your Plack version is higher than
Plack::App::WrapCGI にちゃんとした CGI 実行機能をつける話 P::App::WrapCGI は、perl でかいた CGI しか実行できないので、ちゃんと exec してうごく一般的な CGI がうごくようにしてみる施策。 環境変数をセットアップして、双方向パイプで IPC しているだけです。 diff --git a/lib/Plack/App/ b/lib/Plack/App/ index 7f0a7a7..0ce15d6 100644 --- a/lib/Plack/App/ +++ b/lib/Plack/App/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package Plack::App::WrapCGI; use strict; use warnings; use parent q Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog to discuss mostly tech and nerdy stuff. It's been a week break since I finished the very well received Plack Advent Calendar. And today i'm back on track on Plack development to get ready for the next week Perl Oasis in Orlando. Streaming != Non-blocking A few months ago we agreed on PSGI streaming interface for non-blocking applications and it's now
Tatsumakiを触ってみたいなあと思ったらなんかPSGI/Plackの迷路に入ってしまい、つぶやいてたらid:miyagawaさんが色々教えて下さったので、せっかくなのでまとめておきます。 教えてもらってない自分で調べたことも書いてるので、間違ってたらごめんなさい! PSGIとは WEBアプリとWEBサーバ間の仕様です。仕様はここ。WSGIやRackのPerl版です。レガシーな分け方で言えば、CGI(or mod_perl or FastCGI)の仕様の層になります。 Plackとは PSGIの仕様に関するリファレンス実装群です。 Plack(特にPlack::Server) PSGIサーバのリファレンス実装。レガシーな分け方で言えば、これはApache等の層。 Plack::Request(と、Plack::Response) PSGIアプリケーション用のユーティリティ。レガシーな分
Superglue interface between perl web application frameworks and web servers, just like Perl is the duct tape of the internet. PSGI is an interface between Perl web applications and web servers, and Plack is a Perl module and toolkit that contains PSGI middleware, helpers and adapters to web servers. PSGI and Plack are inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack. Documentation PSGI specification Freq Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog to discuss mostly tech and nerdy stuff. Tons of progress just on my flight, or while I'm here. Last night I went to the office where Yappo and tokuhirom work, to hack and brainstorm on Plack :) Specs Now we've got the first spec draft out. It's mostly a clone of Rack specification, and lots of FAQ document inspired by Python's WSGI. It still misses th