Apache TinkerPop grows when 3rd party data systems and query languages utilize it. While Apache's distribution of TinkerPop does provide production ready implementations and tools, it is ultimately the larger ecosystem of providers that ensure TinkerPop's widespread adoption. There are two types of providers. The first are those that develop a (graph) database, (graph) processor, or (graph) analyt
NebulaGraph v3.8.0 released !Introduced the SINGLE SHORTEST PATH statement Learn more Flexible deploymentTake NebulaGraph Database wherever you want, on-premises, public cloud, hybrid deployment, or even on macOS/Windows. Plus, with easy-to-use browser-based visualization toolkits, you can take graph technology to the next level. High-speed data processingNebulaGraph's powerful native graph engine
RDF API Interact with the core API to create and read Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs. Serialise your triples using popular formats such as RDF/XML or Turtle. ARQ (SPARQL) Query your RDF data using ARQ, a SPARQL 1.1 compliant engine. ARQ supports remote federated queries and free text search.
This page lists famous companies and institutions that have put job postings on indeed.com with a request that applicants know SPARQL. Being limited to well-known brand names, it shows only a fraction of of the companies who have done this. Many of these companies have had multiple listings over the last few years—sometimes in the same day. Jobs with academic institutions listed here are only for
頂点とエッジの数に制限なくスケール可能で、毎秒 100,000 以上のクエリ実行により、最も要求の厳しいアプリケーションにも対応します。クラスターあたり最大 128Tib のストレージスケーリングと、クラスターあたり最大 15 レプリカの読み込みスケーリングが可能です。 アプリケーションの可用性を高め、リージョン内の 3 つのアベイラビリティーゾーンにまたがるデータの耐久性を確保します。グローバルデータベースは、単一のデータベースが複数の AWS リージョンにまたがることを可能にします。 ACID トランザクション、自動バックアップ、スナップショット、ポイントインタイムリカバリーなどの機能で、アプリケーションを保護します。包括的なセキュリティ機能として、トランジット時およびレスト時の暗号化、IAM サポート、監査ログを備えています。
Welcome to Blazegraph Blazegraph™ DB is a ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others. It is supporting key Precision Medicine applications and has wide-spread usage for life science applications. It is used extensivel
Gremlin Query Language Gremlin is the graph traversal language of Apache TinkerPop. Gremlin is a functional, data-flow language that enables users to succinctly express complex traversals on (or queries of) their application's property graph. Every Gremlin traversal is composed of a sequence of (potentially nested) steps.
As a combined multi-model DBMS and Data Virtualization platform, Virtuoso enables fast and flexible integration of data across APIs, Various Data Formats, and DBMS platforms without compromising security, performance, or deployment platform options. OpenLink Virtuoso is an innovative platform that intertwines open standards for Data Access, Integration, and Management with the transformative poten