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At first I photographed stop motion animation. And I displayed the photographs in my room and photographed it again. Enjoy a connection with the world of the room and the world in the photograph. Thanks for watching.Some musicians add music on my video and reupload it. Thank you very much. オオカミとブタのコマ撮り写真を撮って、それを部屋に置いていく様子を再びコマ撮りにしました。2重コマ撮り。写真と部屋、2次元と3次元が織りなす、次元ハイブリッドコマドリエクスタシーー!!!!!!
Good bye Flash! Thanks for 10 years of tinkering, fiddling, bothering and lots of fun. For sentimental purpose you can watch some of my old Flash experiments here.
HITSPAPER is a creative resources web magazine that explores the creative relationship between society and people. Based on the simple question of what kind of human beings are and what kind of things it means to be beautiful, we, through this medium, various genres (art / design / music / literature / philosophy) We explore creativity and liberate people = explore liberal arts. The role of the HI