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Is Apple unveiling the iPhone 4.0 OS on Thursday? That's what it looks like! Boy Genius Report has posted an invitation to an event that includes the tagline, "Get a sneak peek into the future of iPhone OS" with the shadow of the number four in the background. Now that the iPad launch has passed with success, the time seems right to start discussing features in the next version of the iPhone OS. T
Click “Next Reel” to see a random motion design reel. If you see a reel you like, just hit “Like This Reel”. This will help bring the best reels to the top. Connect with your favorite artists and give them a job, will ya? Are you a freelancer or someone looking for a job? Add your own reel to the mix by clicking on “Submit Your Reel”. Show off your best work to people that are hiring.
In the fourth episode of the "Cooking with Naswalt" tutorial series, naswalt teams up with none other than Audiotool EDM luminary Vulkron . Together, they guide you through the fundamentals of their bass music production techniques. Remix this lesson to get your hands on the exact tools they use here: cooking with naswalt: bass music interactive lesson''' Enjoy this ep
By comparison, it took Apple more than 70 days to sell 1 million iPhones after the initial launch. Brainstorm Tech writes: In a report to clients issued Saturday night, Munster's estimated that by midnight Sunday, Apple will have sold 600,000 to 700,000 iPads, including pre-orders -- more than double his relatively conservative pre-launch estimate of 200,000 to 300,000. (Other analysts had publish
新聞、雑誌、テレビ放送といった伝統的なメディアが、iPadになびいている。現在の窮地から脱し活路を見いだせるのではと、iPadに期待したいのだろう。 以下の一覧表は、iTunes storeに早くも姿を現したメディア関連のiPadアプリである。PoynterOnlineが作成した表である。 伝統的な大手メディアが早々とiPadアプリを提供し始めている。たとえば新聞では、WSJ、NYT、USATodayのビッグ3が名を連ねている。またLe Mondeのような米国外の新聞も目につく。この表には出ていないが、 China Daily, Hindustan Times 、the Congleton Chronicleなどの海外新聞も手を上げている。 電子雑誌はまだ準備中のものも多く、これから続々と出てきそうである。また既存のiPhone版を拡大してiPad版兼用のアプリを出している雑誌も少なくない
GitHub is a development platform that is used by developers to store projects. It is founded on Git, and is used mainly for code development but helps to manage the software development cycle while providing access to a variety of features, such as bug tracking, task management, and wikis. A repository is where all of your projects’ files are stored, including any revisions you have made. Within t