後輩が cat README | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head てなテクニックを見て、びっくりしたみたいな話をしていたのだが、こういうパイプラインを利用するテクニックを学んでいないのは色々損な気がする。 ていうか、サーバで丸一日以上かかるような処理を実行するのもしょっちゅうなのに、GNU screen も nohup も知らないってのはいろいろ支障があるような気もするのだが、だれも教えないものかなぁ。 ということで、bash or zsh のちょっとしたテクニックとか*1。リダイレクトとかパイプラインは略。 連続実行 単純に連続実行。 % foo; barfoo が正常終了したときだけ bar を実行 % foo && barfoo が正常終了しなかったときだけ bar を実行 % foo || bar&&、||は本来は論理演
I've written a few shell scripts in my time and have read many more, and I see the same issues cropping up again and again (unfortunately even in my own scripts sometimes). While there are lots of shell programming pitfalls, at least the interpreter will tell you immediately about them. The mistakes I describe below, generally mean that your script will run fine now, but if the data changes or you
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial v1.05r3 A Beginner's handbook Copyright © 1999-2002 by Vivek G. Gite <vivek@nixcraft.com> (Formally know as vivek-tech.com) Table of Contents Chapter 1: Quick Introduction to Linux What Linux is? Who developed the Linux? How to get Linux? How to Install Linux Where I can use Linux? What Kernel Is? What is Linux Shell? How to use Shell What is Shell Script ? Why to Wr
This is an archived page. It's not actively maintained. Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users. It is embedded in J2SE 6 as the default Java scripting engine. Rhino downloads How to get source and binaries. Rhino documentation Information on Rhino for script writers and embedde