Gartner Survey Reveals 69% of CEOs View Sustainability as a Growth Opportunity Information Technology

なぜなぜ分析を用いた事例を徹底的に分析する! なぜなぜ分析の書き方、作り方について下記の点をポイントに図解入れで解説しています。 ・なぜなぜ分析 やり方 ・なぜなぜ分析 シート エクセル ・なぜなぜ分析 テンプレート エクセル、パワーポイント ・なぜなぜ分析 製造、品質、設備、営業、介護、建築業 ・ なぜなぜ分析 例題 事例集等です。 モノづくりの参考になれば幸いです。(*^_^*) 動画解説 問題を解決するなぜなぜ分析のやり方 3分で分かる! なぜなぜ分析の概要解説 なぜなぜ分析とは、問題が発生した際に、「なぜ?」という問いを繰り返し、根本的な原因を探る分析手法です。トヨタ自動車で生まれ、問題解決や改善活動に広く活用されています。 なぜなぜ分析の目的 問題の根本原因の特定: 表面的な原因だけでなく、真の原因を深く掘り下げることで、根本的な解決策を見つける。 再発防止: 根本原因を特定
This year's report reveals new insights about digital news consumption based on a YouGov survey of over 92,000 online news consumers in 46 markets including India, Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, Colombia and Peru for the first time. Digital News Report 2021 This report looks at the progress on pay models and the popularity of curated editorial products like podcasts and newsletters. Digital News Re
7 Things We Learned About Primary Gaming Motivations From Over 250,000 Gamers In the Gamer Motivation Profile (for video games), we measure 12 distinct motivations for each gamer. One way to get a concise picture of all the data we’ve collected is to focus on primary motivations—the motivation that each gamer scores highest on and is most important to them. In this post, we’ll step through what we
The Clang Static Analyzer is a source code analysis tool that finds bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs. The analyzer is 100% open source and is part of the Clang project. Like the rest of Clang, the analyzer is implemented as a C++ library that can be used by other tools and applications. To get started with the Clang Static Analyzer, visit the LLVM releases page for download and installatio
✕ Synopsys Software Integrity Group is now operating as Black Duck Software, Inc., a subsidiary of Synopsys. Click to learn more. It’s a bold new beginning The All-in-One Application Security Platform Optimized for DevSecOps Whether testing one application or thousands, automate any scan, any time, anywhere, all at once Explore the Polaris platform 2024 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis Repor
Packages Cppcheck can also be installed from various package managers; however, you might get an outdated version then. Debian: sudo apt-get install cppcheck Fedora: sudo yum install cppcheck Mac: brew install cppcheck Features Unique code analysis that detect various kinds of bugs in your code. Both command line interface and graphical user interface are available. Cppcheck has a strong focus on
The Utilization Saturation and Errors (USE) Method is a methodology for analyzing the performance of any system. It directs the construction of a checklist, which for server analysis can be used for quickly identifying resource bottlenecks or errors. It begins by posing questions, and then seeks answers, instead of beginning with given metrics (partial answers) and trying to work backwards. The re
You log in to a Linux server with a performance issue: what do you check in the first minute? At Netflix we have a massive EC2 Linux cloud, and numerous performance analysis tools to monitor and investigate its performance. These include Atlas for cloud-wide monitoring, and Vector for on-demand instance analysis. While those tools help us solve most issues, we sometimes need to login to an instanc
Amazon Aurora Disrupts DBMS Market With Cloud-Native Offering Published: 03 August 2015 Summary Amazon Web Services’ RDS for Aurora is transformational for the dbPaaS market. Aurora’s availability, scalability, performance and low cost should make it a primary DBMS consideration for CIOs, DBAs and information managers.
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.Together, we power an unparalleled network of 220+ online properties covering 10,000+ granular topics, serving an audience of 50+ million professionals with original, objective content from trusted sources. We help you gain critical insights and make more informed de
最重要 実行に重きを置く やらないで後悔するよりも、やって反省する。 反省は成長を産み生産的だが、後悔は精神の無駄な消費。 時間は有限で貴重な資源だが、たぶん今の段階では行動する前に得るものや結果を予測するのは難しい。 正しい反省の方法とは何か、考え続けること。 「正しく反省するために、何を記録しておくべきか」実行前に明らかにしておくこと。 反省の結果は組織的な何かに落としこむ。組織構造、戦略、静的解析、自動テスト、教育など。意識しないでも巨人の肩に乗れる状況を作ることが、組織の成長につながる。 Done is Better Than Perfect ただし、思考停止の言い訳にしないこと。詰めの甘さを擁護する言葉ではない。詰めの甘さは立場や考え方が違うひと3人くらいに意見を求めればだいたい炙り出せる。 長期的視野を持ちつつ、それに引っ張られない。進展を作ること、現状を少しずつ変えることを意
Open-source developers all over the world are working on millions of projects: writing code & documentation, fixing & submitting bugs, and so forth. GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. GitHub provides 15+ event types, which range from new commits and fork events, to opening new tickets, commenting, and adding
『MarkeZine』が主催するマーケティング・イベント『MarkeZine Day』『MarkeZine Academy』『MarkeZine プレミアムセミナー』の 最新情報をはじめ、様々なイベント情報をまとめてご紹介します。 MarkeZine Day